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  1. Does anyone have experience with H&B supplements? I purchased a few different supplements and most of them don’t say they are ‘gluten free’ but they don’t have wheat or gluten in their ingredients list and they don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning. Does that mean they would be safe to take?
  2. @Wends it sounds like you have tried everything! You must find it difficult to have a varied diet with all the food restrictions? Did you get your allergy test through your doctor? I haven’t considered an allergy funnily enough. I did an intolerance test through York Test last June which is why I gave up wheat when I did. Obviously there is no scientific e...
  3. @Eldene As mentioned above, I was told that an intolerance (sensitivity) is a temporary thing and that if you stay away from that food long enough your body could reset and there would be a high chance of being able to tolerate the food again. The only way to know if you can tolerate something again is to try it. However if you are coeliac you can’t ever h...
  4. Hi @Wends. Sounds like you’ve been through a really tough time! I hope you are coping and not in constant discomfort now. I too can’t tolerate a number of foods but nothing gives me hideous pain and sickness like gluten. It’s so strange because I was absolutely fine until I had my son (via c section) a couple of years ago. All my issues started after that....
  5. Thank you for clarifying @trents, makes complete sense! I’m sure you’re fed up with people using the wrong terminology 🤣. The problem is that last year I took the ‘Premium food intolerance test’ from York Test and they very much sell you the dream of almost curing yourself after cutting out your trigger foods for 3 months. That did not work for me but...
  6. In June last year I cut out wheat from my diet as I was having a lot of pain, bloating and toilet issues. This made a huge difference so I kept avoiding it. On the rare occasion I would accidentally have wheat it would make me really ill so my doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist. He suggested I do the gluten challenge before an endoscopy. I had a slice...
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