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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Kkbug

  1. I just got my celiac panel back and have a low Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum of 27, and high tTG-igG only indicating a weak positive of 6. My tTG-iga and everything else was negative/ normal. I was tested for food allergies including wheat at this time and they were all negative. 

    I have a history of eosinophilia since 2011, seen multiple hematologist who saw no issues and were never concerned with this. I have had constant GI troubles for my entire life, have acid reflux, extreme bloating after every meal (also lactose intolerant and cannot eat citric acid). The current symptoms that caused these tested are all of the above plus breaking out in hives daily for months straight, joint pain and swelling, and numerous mouth ulcers. My current CB and CMP indicated malnutrition. We have so far, ruled out anything that could cause a positive ANA, Lymes, rheumatoid factor, and thyroid problems. 

    overall, my question is should I push for further testing? Should I just try to go gluten free to see if there is any improvement? I genuinely am hitting rock bottom with how sick I have been and just want answers. I do not have the best relationship with food due to getting sick from it so frequently. Therefore, I had not ate anything prior in the day before my blood tests (4:00 pm). Not sure if this has effects of these tests, but I was not given specific instructions to eat prior. 

    also should add, I do have family history of a family member being gluten intolerant, but had declined testing due to not wanting to continue eating gluten. 

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