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  1. And yes, I am stuffing my face with toast. Next stop: cake.
  2. Hi Wheatwacked. A lot to think about for sure. But, for now, just re. Vitamin D. I guess there are complexities and contradictions to wade through with any condition / medication. When I was getting diagnosed with PsA, one poor fellow patient who could barely walk was told that she either had inflammatory arthritis or, possibly, was suffering the effects...
  3. Hi Wheatwacked. I take on board what you say about diet and supplements too. I think I was malnourished as a child, not so much as an adult though. But I did get Psoriatic Arthritis which is autoimmune in my 50s. These days my diet is pretty good I think - tons of vegetables, beans and pulses, fair amount of dairy including milk & plain yogurt, some...
  4. Thank for your reply, it helped concentrate my thoughts. Playing a tricky game here as despite my advanced age I'm due to start a post grad. course at beginning of October. Fortunately quite close to home & just 2 days a week attendance required but obviously I fear spending first few weeks in pain etc. But totally get what you're saying so will jump...
  5. Hi everyone. I'm in the UK. Currently experiencing gastro problems. I'm 68 and this is pretty much the first time in my life that my gut has caused me any trouble. I guess it all started about a year ago when my bowel movements changed & stayed changed. Smaller, somewhat paler & they float (I think I'm getting used to talking about these things...
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