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cruelshoes's Achievements

  1. The November meeting of the South King County, Washington Gluten Free support group will take place Monday 11/17 at 7:00 PM. We hold our meeting at Marlene's market and Deli in Federal Way. This month we will be talking about converting...
  2. Hillshire farms is owned by Sara Lee. They have a very good labeling policy. If there is wheat, barley, rye or oats in a product, it is clearly marked on the label. They do not hide it in natural flavors or anything like that. The label off of the product will be the best guide on whether the product is gluten-free or not (formulations change all the...
  3. I already do think for myself and I already have researched it. I also don't believe much of anything that higher ups say, whether or not they work for the government. Good luck with whatever you do with your kids. I have confidence in the decisions I have made for mine.
  4. I find the idea that our government (that is seemingly incapable of coordinating much of anything) has embaked on a massive innoculation campaign to make its own people ill just a liiiiiiiitle hard to believe.
  5. Having an autoimmune disease does not necessarily predispose one to catching more things than anyone else. It is not the same thing as having a compromised immune system. Our bodies see gluten as a threat, and in a misplaced attempt to oust the invader, attacks the villi. Having had shingles (got it while I was on cancer treatment and my immune system...
  6. Gluten Free Support Group at Marlene's Market in Federal Way. Our next meeting is 3/17/08 at 7:00 pm. We will be having the dietician from Organic Bistro come to speak to us. This is a golden opportunity to talk to a dietician that...
  7. Gluten Free Support Group at Marlene's Market in Federal Way. Start time is 7:00 PM http://www.marlenesmarket-deli.com/stores.htm We will be having samples from Ener-G and Conte's pasta. Come hungry! Anybody in South...
  8. New Gluten Free Support Group at Marlene's Market in Federal Way. http://www.marlenesmarket-deli.com/stores.htm Anybody in South King or North Pierce county - mark your calendar and hope to see you there!
  9. First, I will say that Benadryl is not a treatment for celiac disease. Taking Benadryl does not make it safe for you to eat gluten. Benadryl is an antihistamine, and celiac is not a hystamine response. Having said that..... Benadryl is often prescribed to cancer patients as an anti-nausea drug, because it does help with that. (See WebMD). ...
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