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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by NatalieCO

  1. Thanks so much for the response!

    Yes the endoscopy had multiple samples taken of the duodenum which showed 'mild duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytosis with preservation of the villous structure.' The NP told me this shows damage consistent with Celiac but the histology report says there could be other causes inc H. pylori, Nsaid use, infection (all ruled out) and autoimmune disease (I have Hashimoto's). That's why I'm not yet convinced it is Celiac

    And yes by lots of carbs, I do mean lots of gluten containing products

  2. Hello everyone. Looking for some opinions! I'm 43f, overweight by 70lb, have had loose stools for many years now and many other symptoms that fit with Celiac, as well as other conditions, inc bloating, fatigue, lethargy at times, etc. Hashimoto's confirmed as teenager. 

    I went to new GI in June to establish care to get routine colonoscopy due to family hx of colon cancer. The NP tested me for Celiac (surprised as none of my family have but somewhat limited info as my mom's parents died in their 40s and 60s and mostly estranged from dad's)

    tTGa was weak positive at 8.03 (normal 0-5)

    tTGg neg <0.82 (0-4.99)

    IgA normal 189 (70-400)

    Endoscopy showed mild lymphocytosis. No blunting or atrophy. Neg H pylori. Rare NSAID use. Report said unknown significance but possible treated or latent Celiac sprue or other cause. I have been eating a lot more carbs so tests would be accurate.

    Stool culture negative.

    GI said I likely have Celiac but I wanted more proof. Saw NP the other day who said since my tTGa was pos and lymphocytes present, then those 2 criteria say I have Celiac. She ordered more bloodwork per my request as I'm still not convinced:

    TTGA normal 4.62 (0-4.99)

    DGP IgA normal <0.72 (0-4.99)

    DGP IgG normal 1.06 (0-4.99)

    EMA and genetic tests are pending.

    I'll do what I need to be healthy, but I'd like to know for sure before changing so much of my life and possibly seeing insurance rate increases with Celiac on my medical record... We have 4 young kids (2-12) so life is already quite busy!

    I welcome any thoughts!

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