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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Bindi

  1. I was first diagnosed with celiac disease nearly 14 months ago, going gluten free has made no difference for me and have now also lost 20kg. Had biopsies 3 months ago, showed ongoing damage, increased lymphocytes, villous atrophy and chronic inflammation. Repeat bloodwork I've been told doesn't look good although I've not been told what that means and the biopsies are being rechecked for refractory sprue and I've also been called in for a contrast ct scan. Hubby left back in Feb so I'm on my own with my daughter an struggling working through this journey on my own. I guess I was hoping to hear from any of you who have a similar story to mine, id love to hear how you are doing and what has helped you?

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