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Brian C. Comstock

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  1. Yeah...all technology was impossible until it was possible. I clearly stated they started their experimenting in the 1950s. I did not state they had created or released GMOs into the wild yet. Though I would not be surprised if they did. These are grotesquely careless elitists. I am not confusing anything. I am asking for an explanation for the...
  2. Listen, I know Celiac existed before they polluted the world's wheat supply with tainted GMO pollen released into the wild with out any concern. They did, it is a fact. Big IQ test here. Suddenly the tendency of Celiac began exploding after the 1990s. You can look up the statistics. Something previously rare and thought to be exclusively genetic, suddenly...
  3. This is false. It is not INTENTIONALLY GMO modified. But obviously any honest rational person who understand how pollination works would understand that once you let that cat out of the bag, there is no putting it back in. They released their GMO experiments into uncontrolled open environments in Europe, Australia and the US among other places including...
  4. Why isn't anybody investigating the direct correlation of GMO wheat released into the environment and the rise of celiac disease? It seems like a completely spot-on 100% direct correlation to me when you look at the statistics. But no one's talking about this? Is it a conspiracy? Does anyone remember back in the early nineties, the scientists declaring that...
  5. How come no one's talking about the connection between tainted GMO wheat pollen spreading around the globe in contaminating the entire Global wheat Supply? Isn't that the real cause of celiac? Shouldn't there be the largest class action suit in history in the process? They told us they were trying to change the genetic code of wheat in order to grow in harsher...
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