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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by tom

  1. How macabre! Is this Psillyville or a Horrorburg plot from SawXIV? Roasting our heretofore-loyal Yeti buddy? Good luck asking for a favoUr now!

    At least when I was found to be yeti-intolerant, I hadn't met him yet.

    Btw, "mammal-free" is definitely a new one to me as well. From all sides I've always seen recommendations for lamb, buffalo, yak whatever when beef is thought to be a problem.

    Maybe it's a Liberty U thing. (OT a bit but do they have a biology dept?)

  2. Skiing feels like a lifetime ago. Love that spot at Heavenly where while crossing from CA to NV side you see the lake & peaks of the Sierra on the left & the wild contrast of flat high-desert to the right.

    Into it enough to work at a ski shop in HS, but other priorities dropped skiing weekends to 2 or 3 or even none. (Wish there weren't any nones, since I'm talkin pre-celiac)

    You guys've been to a lot of ski areas! I think I got 7 states under me belt.

    Nothin like that feeling at the top of 1st run, making final goggle adjustments, checking that everything's secure, giving a thumbs-up before launching while wearing the wide smile of anticipatory exhilaration! Ahhhhh I think I gave myself chills! :D

    Bay area's current floodfearing rainstorms means Tahoe will be buried in several feet of sneaux in the next few days.

    Hope no one there having a post-count phlipover cuz too much past&future-liquid can collapse a roof.

    Hey Em! Michelle mushing a race this year? I'm getting pretty accustomed to the annual tracking & cheering.

  3. It's decided.

    In honoUr of the admirable efforts & all-around eptness of The Ripper & cohorts in the production of Woody Allen's Don't Drink The Water [ohbummeritwontshowimg]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151309767266043&set=a.10150151170591043.343333.558001042&type=1&relevant_count=1

    ******PROCLAMATION smileys-king-741814.gif FIVE******

    As a useful contrast to the word Inept, Ept is officially Royally Recognized as its opposite & has been added to the Psillyville Royal Dictionary.

    Or will be added. Did it get left in the other thread? So little time to pack . .. whaddaya grab first?

  4. Or maybe you got a wasp with celiac :):o

    nah, it acted like it was somewhat drunk.

    It's like a mini cross-species celiac quiz! :wacko:

    And the answer is .. ... ..[hey what's a King gotta do to get a drumroll around here??????] [Not to be confused w/ a durum roll]

    . . . ....Ataxia!

    I might be inclined to appoint a Royal Commission . .. . .hmmm .. .the Wasp Ataxia Special Project . .. .yeah, I did it.

    Is it the poison or the zapper or a uniquely ratioed combo?

    Is the ataxia wasp in throes of death or a superwasp survivor, stumblecrawling away to find a supermate, rendering future EMF attacks innocuous? Yours may be the wasp world's Cornelius in Planet of the Wasps . .. ..

    Gotta launch these things early in an administration. Not sure when lame duck/drunk wasp status begins.

    ******PROCLAMATION THREE******






    And just how lame IS a duck if it's just his foot? Am I missing a wing-only connotation?

  5. There's a separate diet coke that's also caffeine-free, w/ a vertical goldish ribbon on the label if I remember correctly.

    Re: the twitching, I sure wasn't preggo & never thought it serious, and it did go away. Not sure if it's related but was low on vit D when it was tested, but it wasn't at the same time as the fluttering & I was actually way high on B12, but maybe it was low prior.

  6. By the title I thought I'd be talking about a 'celiac trigger', but your celiac symptoms predated the parasites which led to the dx, if I read that right.

    Sounds like a good call (finally, right?) by somebody to test for celiac disease. I'm a little curious on the details of that, if you happen to know.

    PN(periph neuro) is pretty common around here. You've probably already had vitamin levels checked, but there might be good ideas in some PN threads here.

  7. rolleyes.gif

    Just be aware that Redbridge is brewed in the same plants as regular beer, so cc could be a factor.


    I've never heard of any cc issues or even questions about Redbridge before.

    In fact, when it launched, the story was limited supply due to limited dedicated factory space, which was being increased. Heard it from an AB employee I've known for 45 yrs.

    Is there anyone here who believes they were glutened by a Redbridge?

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