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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by tom

  1. I wondered if this was the 'silliee' tom? HI there

    It was nice seeing you posting on the sillies email thread and your nice note to Patti. I'm not on c.c anymore as i don't have celiac it seems. have microscopic colitis instead. HOpe you are doing well Tom.

    1. tom


      Wondering who wrote this . ... ..and why doesn't it say?

  2. By the title I thought I'd be talking about a 'celiac trigger', but your celiac symptoms predated the parasites which led to the dx, if I read that right. Sounds like a good call (finally, right?) by somebody to test for celiac disease. I'm a little curious on the details of that, if you happen to know. PN(periph neuro) is pretty common around here...
  3. Everybody see this? Now American breweries are making "deglutened" gluten-free beer w/ barley malt too.
  4. I've never heard of any cc issues or even questions about Redbridge before. In fact, when it launched, the story was limited supply due to limited dedicated factory space, which was being increased. Heard it from an AB employee I've known for 45 yrs. Is there anyone here who believes they were glutened by a Redbridge?
  5. wtf

    1. Lisa
    2. mushroom


      Yes, WTF??? Heard you friended me - an invisible friend???

  6. I *still* haven't seen the gluten-free cinn here, even tho the plain rice chex were here from the beginning, I think. Read a box yesterday. Soooooooo .. ..I gotta ask - for all I know someone else picked it up for you - any chance it was pre-gluten-free box?
  7. Certainly the msg and annatto comments may have been overstated, tho girlygirl's " . . . .MSG which is off limits to many celiacs" REALLY only says "many celiacs", not all. While i don't know how many is many, i DO know that i'm one celiac w/ a problem w/ annatto coloring and/or annatto. I've read plain annatto may be fine while 'annatto coloring' isn...
  8. Looks like there is a different UK version of Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. I know i've looked at the ingred list here in the US and there was no malt vinegar. And i see it on the safe lists regularly. Europe has an entirely different set of meanings for gluten-free vs "naturally gluten-free" and they allow labels to say gluten-free when there...
  9. Incredible to me that the GP could possibly claim nausea wasn't a celiac symptom. It was constant and unrelenting for me for a very long time. It got 30x better when I 1st went 100% gluten-free, and then nearly disappeared when I also went dairy-free. (not just lactose, even alleged 'non-dairy' creamers have a milk derivative) It wasn't until I started...
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