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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. To me it seems that you have some pretty severe absorption issues that you should discuss with your doctor. It would probably make sense for them to check various vitamin and mineral levels in your blood, and even follow up and do celiac disease antibody tests to make sure you've been 100% gluten-free. If you eat out you should stop doing that for a while...
  2. Well the article you post here basically complains that it is too sensitive and it detects Gluten at lower than 20 ppm… I think most people here would think that’s a good thing not a bad thing, and it says the following (which indicates that it is still a very good tool to have with you when there is really nothing else available like it): “Nima is subst...
  3. Nima sensors are definitely not a bust...they are highly accurate and there is nothing comparable to them on the market. This article has more info:
  4. Distillation removes all traces of grains...I don't doubt that recovering celiacs my not tolerate many things until their gut heals, however, drinking distilled spirits made from grains should not cause flattened villi or trigger celiac disease.
  5. Celiac.com 08/24/2020 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a final rule to establish compliance requirements for fermented and hydrolyzed foods, or foods that contain fermented or hydrolyzed ingredients, and that bear the...
  6. The current recommendation for children is to diagnose celiac disease without a biopsy, and it's unclear to me why the same recommendation wouldn't also be true for adults. More and more doctors are diagnosing celiac disease without a biopsy, so perhaps discuss this with your doctor. To do the biopsy you would need to continue eating gluten daily until...
  7. It sounds like it could be DH @NeverLikedRollercoasters, and you should probably get tested for it and celiac disease if you haven't yet been tested. To get tested you'd need to continue eating gluten daily until after the tests are done.
  8. Celiac.com 08/21/2020 - So who, exactly, should be screened for celiac disease? The guidelines and parameters for who and when to test for celiac disease change as new data becomes available. Based on recent study data, and recommendations...
  9. Does she have celiac disease? Is she on a gluten-free diet?
  10. Taking that many pills would not be very appeasing to many people...they carry a choking risk, there may be cellulose or other ingredients in the capsules that would likely make taking so many a turn off. There are many nutritional shakes out there that claim to do exactly what you are proposing. Ensure makes a line of them and they are at Costco. I...
  11. According to this list, lomotil is gluten-free, although I'm not sure how old this info is: https://www.glutenfreedrugs.com/Glutenlist.htm
  12. Professional help is a good idea due to this food sensory issue. There are gluten-free chicken nuggets out there that are good, as well as everything else. Please let us know how things go.
  13. I recommend that you try duck eggs. They can be found in farmer's markets and/or Asian supermarkets (do not buy ones that have a red Sharpie marker mark on them, they contain baby ducks and are a delicacy in parts of Asia). I had a temporary chicken egg intolerance that went away a few years after I went gluten-free, and switched to duck eggs then which...
  14. Celiac.com 08/19/2020 - The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled that distilled foods and spirits made from gluten-containing grains can be labelled as ‘gluten-free.’ The FDA ruling covers fermented and distilled foods, or ...
  15. Why post in a thread on your favorite alcoholic beverages if you don't drink?
  16. My experience in running this site for 25 years is that there are tons of things that people with celiac disease might also react to that are gluten-free, and this is no good reason to not be able to label them as gluten-free.
  17. After going gluten-free for a while some celiacs get super sensitive to gluten, and even tiny amounts can cause them great distress. This will be a concern for you because if your doctor wants you to wait months to get an endoscopy you should technically probably still be eating gluten until that is finished, because your results would likely be false...
  18. The FDA's new ruling makes it so that distilled spirits, no matter their source, can be labelled "gluten-free." The same is true for distilled vinegar: https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2020/08/fda-ruling-allows-gluten-free-labelling-on-spirits/
  19. Celiac.com 08/18/2020 - In the last decade or so, cases of celiac disease have been on the rise globally. Is the disease itself becoming more common, or are more people being diagnosed? A recent podcast by The People's Perspective on Medicine...
  20. I'm not sure about the specific test you are seeking, but genetic testing for celiac disease markers is very common now, and many companies offer it. Even 23AndMe.com offers a genetic screening for it, but there are likely other specialty companies that offer more specific results than the generic ones.
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