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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. I find it strange that your doctor would instruct you to go gluten-free while at the same time referring you to a gastroenterologist. You do need to be eating gluten daily for at least a couple of weeks before doing a biopsy, and going gluten-free now will allow your villi to begin healing, and villi damage is what the GI doctor will be trying to see. If...
  2. So as you may know I was involved in the food business. I founded and ran The Gluten-Free Mall for nearly 15 years. Food that is imported must have an FDA compliant label or it is not legal to import it. This is often when the food is in US Customs, and entire shipments are often seized due to lack of FDA compliance. It's not just a suggestion, but it is...
  3. Bajra is pearl millet and is gluten-free. We'll add it to our Safe List:
  4. Celiac.com 08/05/2020 - Current protocols by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) call for children with Down syndrome to be screened for celiac disease. However, there isn't much good study data to demonstrate the value or efficacy...
  5. Actually in those with DH it is relatively common that iodine can cause flareups, but I don't have an exact number of just how common it is. Here is a search of this site on the subject that includes older posts and articles. It might be worth browsing some of the results here: https://www.celiac.com/search/?&q=iodine dermatitis&search_and_or...
  6. It sounds like your doctor is convinced by your results that you have celiac disease. The question is will they want you to also do a biopsy? More and more, especially with children, doctors are not recommending a follow up biopsy, and this is probably even more true during this covid pandemic. Before doing anything ask your doctor what the next step...
  7. We did a product review on this brand a while back and my wife and daughter loved their products:
  8. The itchy bumps look a bit like they are tiny blisters, which can be dermatitis herpetiformis, which is the skin condition associated with celiac disease. The fact that they happened after you began eating gluten again also supports this. It's probably best for you to get a blood panel for celiac disease done, either via your doctor if possible, or they...
  9. This company has some good rolls: https://www.momsplaceglutenfree.com/category.php?c=27
  10. Celiac.com 08/04/2020 - People with celiac disease need to avoid wheat. That includes ancient Einkorn wheat, even though some folks claim it's easier to digest and less toxic than Durum and other wheat strains. Recent studies suggested...
  11. I would only go this route if you miss gluten so much that you will need the formal diagnosis to stay gluten-free, or if you need the diagnosis to get further follow up an treatment by doctors, but definitely talk to your doctor about this possibility. The first thing to find out would be whether or not your diet has been 100% gluten-free. A recent study...
  12. According to the FDA: https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/guidance-industry-food-labeling-guide
  13. This article was updated on 08/03/2020 to remove "whey protein, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate," since they are not HVP. Also, Celiac.com is not a dairy-free site, and focuses on celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. A vast majority, including myself, have temporary casein intolerance until their villi are healed, and can tolerate...
  14. 08/03/2020 - New research shows that cytokines, particularly IL-8 and IL-15, could be used as markers to distinguish celiac disease from non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and healthy people. Researchers have noted that levels of some...
  15. Clearly @MisterSeth did not take the time to read the many studies published on the AN-PEP enzyme, which demonstrate that they do break down small amounts of gluten in the stomach. Sorry, but if you make a claim like that, you need to back it up. Here is my backup: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/apt.13266 https://www.researchgate...
  16. Trents may be correct, but my approach is if you can find the same item without gluten, why not go that route? Gluten is used in making many commercial glues, but I doubt sports tapes are required to list their ingredients. To find a gluten-free one may require you being willing to call various companies about this. If you find a gluten-free version, please...
  17. Yes, I would interpret the statement "Best to get your information from very reliable sources" as disrespecting Celiac.com. Celiac.com articles have covered dozens of different conditions that are directly related to celiac disease (see our Related Diseases and Disorders category), or are important for some people to make a full recovery, as in the case...
  18. There is www.celiac.org and https://www.beyondceliac.org/
  19. Actually Monique Attinger is an expert on oxalates: https://www.celiac.com/profile/81378-monique-attinger/ and I think you are misreading the article, because she says that avocado oil contains zero oxalate: The paragraph that covers this is talking about oils. I am not sure why @cyclinglady says "Best to get your information from...
  20. There is no worry about gluten if you’re smoking it, but there is if you go the edibles route. We’ve done some articles on this which might be helpful: https://www.celiac.com/search/?&q=cannabis&type=cms_records2&search_and_or=and
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