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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Celiac.com 07/08/2020 - There are a number of medical, and genetic, conditions related to celiac disease. Those include a number of autoimmune other conditions. Associated Diseases Disorders Common Among Celiacs Having associated...
  2. I've NEVER had follow up care of any kind unless I more or less demanded it. I have what is considered a very good Kaiser health care plan.
  3. Since you are new to this be sure that her diet is 100% gluten-free, and avoid all cross-contamination if you or others in your family are not gluten-free. Gluten is a hidden ingredient in many foods, so it's important that you fully understand how to ensure her diet is not still causing her pain. This article may be helpful:
  4. I doubt that a spray cleaning product would include any gluten in it, because gluten is a sticky substance that is hard to clean. It's more likely that the chemicals like the propellant and other cleaning chemicals led to you feeling that way. It's best to use all natural cleaning products, and if you don't be sure to open up windows and turn on fans.
  5. Celiac.com 07/07/2020 - Like most people on the planet, people with celiac disease use social media for many reasons, including looking for celiac disease information and support. Can social media be used to improve the management of celiac...
  6. No, it lists wheat flour as an ingredient: https://www.heinz.co.uk/soup/classic/product/100185200098/cream-of-chicken
  7. I don't have an opinion on and MD vs ND, but I also just got an email from imaware, who does at home celiac blood testing kits, and they are offering $20 off through the end of today for celiac disease screening kits: https://imaware.health. So $79 for a screening, which would almost beat my co-pay for such tests.
  8. Your symptoms certainly sound consistent with celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), which is the skin condition associated with celiac disease. @cyclinglady is right, you should request that your doctor give you a blood panel for celiac disease. You also may want to go to a dermatologist to be test for DH if that's possible. Either condition would...
  9. If you are looking for a gluten-free medication try this site: http://glutenfreedrugs.com/ Sorry, but I can't recommend the type of medication you might be seeking.
  10. I've only used a bread machine a few times as a test for a product review, but the machine I did use had a detailed manual with it that included how to use it. Any chance yours has a manual that covers this in more detail?
  11. IBS was one of the first things I got diagnosed with before they found out I had celiac disease. Once I discovered that IBS was really a description of symptoms and not a disease I continued searching for the real cause of my issues.
  12. Celiac.com 07/06/2020 - Although researchers are just beginning to learn about the role of vitamin D on the immune system and on infection, recent studies point to vitamin D as an immune system regulator and signaling component. Over ...
  13. Did your doctor test you for diabetes? Frequent urination is a common symptom for it. Do you have you celiac disease blood test results? I wonder if they were really negative, or were really not strong positive, give that your doctor did an endoscopy. Also, did they do the endoscopy to find celiac disease?
  14. Just like how celiac disease symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, so can the reaction to gluten or cross-contamination after or during recovery. Many celiacs have little or no symptoms, but this does not mean that the damage and risk to their health is not going on just because the symptoms are not obvious. In the past people in the no...
  15. So I assume that her diet is 100% gluten-free now, but am not sure what you mean when you say that she sometimes gets upset and hurts herself. Does she sneak gluten? Please explain.
  16. It’s positive, and does it give you the positive range for this result as >250 ? Since you were referred to a gastro I suspect your doctor wants to follow up on this result with a biopsy. Be sure to keep eating gluten daily until all tests are finished.
  17. Also, one of our site sponsors has made if for years:
  18. Was this German beer gluten-free or gluten removed? If not I would not use a gut test to determine it’s safety, as this can be misleading.
  19. Sure, you may also consider getting a celiac disease blood panel around the same time. If you have DH, you will most likely also have celiac disease.
  20. Yes, I also had gastro issues but at that time I didn't make any connection between the perceived heart issues and those symptoms. Neither did the emergency room doctors. The vertigo heart thing went away after a few weeks on a gluten-free diet, but it took me almost two years to feel back to normal again.
  21. This was accompanied by vertigo and sometimes panic attacks, thus the "stress" diagnosis. I believe this is why celiacs are often misdiagnoses with mental issues because the symptoms can look similar to certain mental issues.
  22. Before I finally got diagnosed with celiac disease and was still eating gluten, I went to the emergency room ~3 times with what I thought was a heart attack (in my mid 20's). Of course it wasn't, and when they did EKG's on me all looked fine and they said it was just "stress." Of course that turned out to be wrong, and after I went gluten-free that feeling...
  23. Can you tell us more what you mean by "Had a scan all okay"? Were you screened for celiac disease? If you do want to know for sure and get a blood test for celiac disease this article might be helpful. You need to keep eating gluten daily for 4-6 weeks before testing, and keep eating it until all tests are completed:
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