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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Of course we could not actually diagnose you from this image and your post, however, your symptoms and the image are certainly consistent with DH, and to verify it you would need to keep eating gluten daily and go to a dermatologist who knows how to properly test you for it...that is, if you need an official diagnosis to help you stay gluten-free. For...
  2. Celiac.com 07/03/2020 - In the USA Maltodextrin is generally made from potato, rice or corn, and the "malt" used in the process is not barley malt. So, in the US, maltodextrin is gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease, and...
  3. Why symptoms do nightshades cause both of you? Is it digestive issues like other food intolerance? I’m just curious because I eat them regularly and don’t have digestive issues when I do eat them, but have RLS and wonder it that could be related.
  4. Wow, that is quite a story. I'm glad you found our forum and it has helped you, and welcome! So hopefully you mean "gluten" and not just wheat, because gluten in also in rye and barley, and can be a hidden ingredient in many things that you should avoid on this list:
  5. Celiac.com 07/02/2020 - Lack of long-term follow-up after pediatric-adult transition in celiac disease is not associated with complications, ongoing symptoms or dietary adherence, but researchers are calling for more personally tailored...
  6. We moved Lillie's Q Hot Smoky BBQ Sauce to the no gluten ingredients area.
  7. Celiac.com 07/01/2020 - If you're looking for a great-looking gluten-free salad that is also nutritious, delicious, and easy to make, then this is the recipe you've been looking for. This festive layered salad combines fresh summer vegetables...
  8. I've not heard of a fever being a side-effect of a celiac eating gluten, but I don't doubt that you experienced it. It's possible it was coincidental and you had some other thing going on, but it's also possible that your immune system was sent into attack mode and was doing this as part of its response to protect you. It would be interesting to see...
  9. Yes, it does say "gluten-free" on it's label: https://www.kraftheinz-foodservice.com/product/10043000009267/CRYSTAL-LIGHT-Sugar-Free-Energy-Wild-Strawberry-OntheGo-Powdered-Mix-30013-oz-Packets-per-Box-Pack-of-4-Boxes?categoryid=featuredmio Note that it contains aspartame which is an artificial sweetener that can cause stomach and gastro issues...
  10. Celiac.com 06/30/2020 - Summer is upon us again, and somehow summer always means tacos to me. Sure, I like soft shell tacos, but I also love hard shell tacos. When I make hard shell tacos, I like to go with a seasoning mix. Sometimes I...
  11. Celiac.com 06/29/2020 - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has killed nearly a half a million people globally, and over 120,000 here in the United States. People with celiac disease have to eat gluten-free in order to avoid negative health...
  12. It is not labeled "gluten-free," however the only ingredients are "coffee, artificial flavors." https://www.myfoodandfamily.com/brands/maxwell-house/product/00043000029350/maxwell-house-hazelnut-ground-coffee-11-oz-canister Artificial flavoring is on our safe list, so the product is naturally gluten-free:
  13. We can't be sure about this one, as we see no formal ingredients listed on their site: https://www.carolans.ie/ The ingredients they do list are "Carolans Original Irish Cream Liqueur is made with the finest Irish Whiskey, farm fresh cream, and the sweetness of natural honey." If this is the full ingredient list, then it is most likely gluten...
  14. Yes because 1) bourbon is distilled, and 2) bourbon is made from corn, but distillation would render it gluten-free even if it wasn’t.
  15. If you have celiac disease eating gluten would not be helpful towards your goal, which I hope is your health and well-being, right? I would keep a food diary, and consider something more akin to a Paleo diet where you eliminate starches and sugars.
  16. Given that you have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease, AND chronic low iron, it is borderline malpractice that your doctor refuses to test you for celiac disease. Having either would be enough evidence to be screened for it, but having both AND IBS and not test? Also, a normal colonoscopy would not detect CD. To get a blood test keep eating gluten d...
  17. My sinuses were basically 90% clogged for over 20 years before I went gluten-free. I had gone to allergists, and at one point was giving myself daily allergy shots for food and pollen allergies, but nothing helped until I finally went gluten-free. So in my case the two were related, although allergy issues are not seen in most lists of celiac disease...
  18. One of our sponsors here is EpiLynx, and they make a big line of GF cosmetics, lotions, etc. There are others...
  19. I agree @cyclinglady that with cosmetics having "gluten-free" on the label probably isn't required, and going by ingredients is likely safe, but given the choice between buying one with it on the label vs. not I generally go with GF because they likely are more careful when sourcing ingredients than a company who may not be focused on the celiac crowd.
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