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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Welcome to the forum! With all the great gluten-free products available hopefully you will not need to cheat on your diet, and we definitely don't recommend doing that because the health consequences can be pretty bad, even if you did not have severe symptoms, which it sounds to me like this might be true in your case. It is up to you whether or not...
  2. Celiac.com 06/16/2020 - If you're looking for a nutritious, delicious dish to help you break out of your lunchtime food doldrums, look no further. This glorious gluten-free soup is a fresh, rich but light take on the flavors of spring...
  3. Celiac.com 06/15/2020 - Usually, when a food manufacturer makes an ingredient change, even a minor one, to a food product, they must produce a new label for all the changed products. However, Covid-19 has changed that. Responding to calls...
  4. I’m not sure why your doctor would not do a celiac blood test, as untreated CD can be dangerous in a toddler and can cause temporary lactose/casein intolerance. Has your son been on a gluten-free diet? If so, that could be the reason. He needs to eat gluten daily for several weeks before any tests for CD can be done.
  5. Celiac.com 06/13/2020 - The effects of celiac disease can vary, depending on whether the patient is following a gluten-free diet. Many of the effects of celiac disease disappear or improve significantly when the patient begins a gluten...
  6. So a gluten allergy would not be diagnosed with a biopsy, but celiac disease can be. I would ask your doctor to send you your test results.
  7. A biopsy is how celiac disease is diagnosed, rather than an allergy. It’s also possible they diagnosed you with gluten sensitivity, but you should find out for sure and let us know. You may want to discuss your results with your doctor before going gluten-free to be sure that all the tests they want done are completed, as you could get false negative r...
  8. Glucose syrup is Gluten-Free no matter its source. It has been on our safe list for over 15 years, and if you don’t believe me here are other references: https://heas.health.vic.gov.au/early-childhood-services/allergy-and-intolerance/coeliac-disease https://www.glutenfreeliving.com/gluten-free-foods/gluten-free-nutrition/gluten-questions-and-answers/w...
  9. I would begin by re-examining your diet, and focus on foods you are eating regularly. Perhaps there is an issue with something. Do you eat oats or other grains? We recently ran an article which indicates that in India, many grains are contaminated:
  10. It does not include "gluten-free" on the package, but by ingredient it looks to be naturally gluten-free: https://www.oetker.co.uk/uk-en/our-products/home-baking/icings-marzipan/soft-fondant-white-icing-ready-to-roll
  11. I am sharing this celiac disease fundraiser:
  12. I would avoid processed foods and try to stick with whole foods that you personally prepare. I’d avoid refined sugar as well. I had issues with corn, milk, tomatoes and chicken eggs for about two years after my diagnosis, and would swear back then that I’d gotten cross contamination with gluten until I realized that I had additional, temporary food intolerance. ...
  13. Can you list the full name of the test that is elevated? Normally antibodies go away after being so long of a gluten-free diet. Is your diet 100% gluten-free? If you eat out it probably isn’t.
  14. If you’ve already noticed a strong connection between the blisters appearing whenever you eat gluten, the chances are it’s probably DH. On one hand I understand why you’d not want to eat gluten daily for weeks to verify this, but on the other if you’ve already found the answer to their cause, do you really need a formal diagnosis? The downside to a diagn...
  15. Celiac.com 06/11/2020 - Who should get screened for celiac disease? Traditionally, doctors test for celiac disease, based on the following factors: Signs and symptoms of malabsorption, including chronic diarrhea with weight loss...
  16. Celiac.com 06/10/2020 - Asparagus is in season at the moment, so now is a perfect time to try out this delightful asparagus recipe. These patties are a blend of fresh asparagus, eggs, gluten-free bread crumbs, and some seasoning. They...
  17. I will say that if the Amy's product was labelled gluten-free, it likely is, but certainly there have been products labeled gluten-free that did contain gluten, and companies do occasionally have manufacturing problems. Amy's is a local company here in Santa Rosa, CA and they won't advertise on Celiac.com, at least according to someone I spoke with...
  18. If your doctor won't test you (it really sounds like you need find a different doctor) another option is a self home test from https://imaware.health Be sure to keep eating gluten daily until all tests are completed.
  19. We did an article on this topic, normally grits are gluten-free and safe for celiacs:
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