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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Celiac.com 06/09/2020 - What can science tell us about celiac disease screening rates and glycemic outcomes of a gluten-free diet in patients with type 1 diabetes who are asymptomatic for celiac disease? A team of researchers recently...
  2. We've got lots of articles here on the connection between celiac disease and liver disease: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/liver-disease-and-celiac-disease/
  3. Recently we ran an older article on someone's battle with health issues and gluten. Unfortunately the author did not mention the specific tests that were done, but the person who wrote it finally found relief from a multitude of symptoms, despite negative tests for celiac disease. They likely fall into the non-celiac wheat sensitivity category, but in any...
  4. 06/08/2020 - Many doctors and celiac patients have found that a gluten-free diet seems to improve some autoimmune diseases associated with celiac disease. A team of researchers recently set out to determine the effect of a gluten-free...
  5. I would only add that there are some people who don't believe that gluten contact on the skin can cause issues for someone with gluten sensitivity, however, there are also many who have reported various issues until they eliminated a skin product that contained wheat. No matter where you stand on this the fact is that there are now many different companies...
  6. I take aspirin but never on an empty stomach.
  7. I’m pretty sure there could be many reasons, but constipation and not enough fiber come to mind. Do you have celiac disease?
  8. Hearing your story is very difficult for me because I spent the past 25 years running this site to help people avoid what you just went through to get diagnosed, so it’s hard for me to hear that this could still be happening today. Stories like yours were very common 25 years ago, but my hope was that doctors would be doing much better now, and apparently f...
  9. Wow, I’m amazed because we did an article on this a while back, I’d love to hear your comments on it:
  10. This site is very helpful. Not sure if it's fully up to date: http://glutenfreedrugs.com/
  11. @MisterSeth, Can I ask which chocolate bars you are referring to here?
  12. Certainly some of the symptoms you mention are linked to celiac disease. Be sure to keep eating gluten until all tests are completed to avoid false negative results: Let us know how things turn out!
  13. Hello @Beverley Harding and welcome to the Celiac.com forum! You did not mention if you have celiac disease and are on a gluten-free diet? As some people mentioned here, this discovery and the diet offered them relief.
  14. Hi @Alis and welcome to the forum! If you’re being tested for celiac disease next week be sure that you’ve been eating gluten daily for several weeks beforehand or the tests might be false negative. Here is some more info:
  15. EpiLynx makes gluten-free cosmetics and cream, and are one of our sponsors. I’m sure there are other companies as well: https://www.epilynxcosmetics.com
  16. True, and I can attest to the fact that my insurer, Kaiser, has done little to nothing to follow up my CD diagnosis, unless I ask them to do something like a follow up test. In general their doctors agree and run those, but if I didn’t have a diagnosis they’d likely deny those tests.
  17. Yes, and many people can't go this route after going gluten-free and seeing relief. On the downside you may not get all the follow up care you should have that comes with a diagnosis, but on the upside you also won't have to pay higher private health or life insurance rates, which I've been dealing with.
  18. In the USA I don't think tobacco companies are required to disclose their ingredients, but I found this on an Australian government site. It's kind of old, but it appears they are gluten-free: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/bata-tobacco-ingredients-2012~section-a~kool-menthol
  19. There is definitely a connection between RLS and gluten, and this search will guide you to the articles we've done on this: https://www.celiac.com/search/?&q=restless leg syndrome&type=cms_records2&search_and_or=and
  20. Celiac.com 06/04/2020 - Currently, in order to properly diagnose celiac disease based on serology and duodenal histology, doctors need patients to be on gluten-containing diets, even if they are causing symptoms, and this is called a ...
  21. If you order this in their store in a drink they prepare, you may want to avoid it. On their site I see this warning on this product, which is different than the one you are asking about. Starbucks: https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/375/packaged?parent=%2Fdrinks%2Ffrappuccino-blended-beverages%2Fbottled-frappuccino The almond milk...
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