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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. It looks like the generic version "atorvastatin" is when you search for it at the link below. To be 100% sure go for "Mylan" as the maker: http://glutenfreedrugs.com/newlist.htm
  2. Untreated celiac disease can definitely lead to many nervous system issues. In some people it manifests as a brain/nerve disease, and we have many articles on this topic here: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/ataxia-nerve-disease-neuropathy-brain-damage-and-celiac-disease/ and this article, although...
  3. So if you have gluten sensitivity your body will produce antibodies that can be detected, but only after you've been eating gluten daily for 4-6 weeks. More about the blood tests are here: Feel free to share your test results, but if you were diagnosed with celiac disease you need to be gluten-free, even if you don't have any symptoms.
  4. So simplify this, anything with "gluten-free" on the label should technically be gluten-free. For things that are not labelled that way look for "Contains Wheat" in the allergen statement at the end of the ingredients, because in the USA they must disclose this. Unfortunately this last thing won't cover barley, but this is not a common ingredient. Avoid for...
  5. Celiac.com 05/07/2020 - Seronegative villous atrophy (SNVA), raised intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and crypt hyperplasia on duodenal histology can be caused by celiac disease or by drugs or infections. A team of researchers recently...
  6. Your story sounds remarkably similar to mine. The first time I recall getting gastro symptoms was after a backpacking trip to Europe with several friends. I got very sick from what I believe was food poisoning, but it's possible it was some sort of virus. I was violently ill for a few days, then never really fully recovered. This started me on a quest to...
  7. Celiac.com 05/06/2020 - Naturally occurring enzymes, such as papain enzymes from papaya, or aspergillus niger, have shown promise in breaking down dietary gluten in the stomach before it gets to the gut. The latest addition to that list...
  8. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  9. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  10. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  11. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  12. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  13. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  14. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  15. until
    The Nourished Festivals are the greatest events on earth for those living a gluten-free, allergen-friendly or specialty diet lifestyle! The Festivals have five zones to visit: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo, Keto & Plant-Based....
  16. Have you ever asked your doctor to do a celiac disease blood panel? Your symptoms could certainly be caused by issues with gluten, so it would be worth getting tested. Note that you need to be eating gluten daily for 4-6 weeks before any tests, so you may not want to go gluten-free until all tests are completed. Here is more info on the blood tests:
  17. Celiac.com 06/05/2020 (Updated. originally published 02/20/2015) - There's a lot of confusion about which alcoholic beverages are gluten-free, and safe for people with celiac disease. Here's Celiac.com's latest list of gluten-free, gluten...
  18. Celiac.com 05/05/2020 - Experts are urging Covid-19 shoppers to leave gluten-free and dairy-free foods for medically needy celiacs, and others with real food intolerances. In many areas, panicked shoppers looking to stock up as they...
  19. Most people have few to no symptoms, but unfortunately all the negative effects of the disease still applies to even those who are asymptomatic. So to be tested be sure to keep eating gluten daily until all tests are completed. Feel free to share your blood results if you like.
  20. Yes, considering that ~1% of the population has celiac disease, and maybe ~10-12% gluten sensitivity, and maybe only around 10-20% in the USA are diagnosed, it's a big problem.
  21. In general the only time I've heard of mass screening for celiac disease was in European countries with single payer health care systems. Screening early and treating celiac disease can save a great deal of health care costs.
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