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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Celiac.com 05/04/2020 - The demise of the Nexvax2 vaccine for celiac disease, coupled with more research that shows regular gluten ingestion for most people with celiac disease, points to a more prominent roll for enzymes, but absent a...
  2. The benefits of getting tested include follow up care like blood antibody screening for dietary compliance (although my doctor doesn't really do this routinely unless I ask for it!), and possible screening for other issues that can arise from years of untreated celiac disease. Some people need an official diagnosis to help them stay on the diet for life...
  3. You certainly have symptoms that are consistent with celiac disease, and if your symptoms go away when gluten-free it is even more likely. You do need to eat gluten daily for at least 4 weeks to get tested for CD. Before you go GF perhaps you could get a blood test for it?
  4. It sound to me like the OP wants shelf stable, long life products, but perhaps the can clarify.
  5. Have a look at: https://www.alpineaire.com/us/us I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for.
  6. Celiac.com 05/02/2020 - Many people with celiac disease have questions and concerns about Covid-19 and the global pandemic. Celiac.com has put together a list of resources for information and resources specific to people with celiac disease...
  7. Ok, so this would be sort of a cleansing diet for 4-6 weeks, and then you would eat a standard vegan and gluten-free diet? If this works for you that's great, and maybe it will work for others here who are having issues recovering.
  8. Is there any chance you can share your test results? In general the blood tests they give now are ~98% accurate.
  9. This is an interesting case study, and indicates that a vegan and raw diet can help manage Lupus, thank you for sharing it. It would be great to see a larger study done with a control group, but this is a start. I'm still curious about your specific diet. I understand that it is vegan, but now you're including raw foods, which is not necessarily vegan...
  10. The intent was here wasn't to "insult your intelligence," but to provide you, and others that will read this thread in the future, with the correct scientific information. Your post implies that Dr. Brooke can cure Lupus when you said: "She is amazing and cured her Lupus." We don't want people with Lupus to believe that they can be cured, when they can't...
  11. Normally you need to eat ~1 slice of wheat bread a day for at least 6 weeks before you do any tests for celiac disease, including blood tests or a biopsy.
  12. If this product is made and sold in the USA it could be violating USA labeling laws, but I'd need to check and see whether supplements are included in the food labeling laws...maybe not. For foods you cannot use wheat as an ingredient AND include "gluten-free" on the label, even if the form of wheat used is rendered gluten-free.
  13. Since there is no cure for Lupus, I would be highly skeptical of this "doctor's" claim: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lupus/symptoms-causes/syc-20365789 What kind of doctor are they, and MD? A chiropractor? Are they really a doctor? These are questions you should ask given that they are making an obviously false claim here. Perhaps...
  14. I remember going to Jamba Juice a few years after I went gluten-free and having them tell me that adding a wheat grass shot to mine was fine because wheat grass is gluten-free. Then, when I watched them make it they grabbed some of the wheat grass growing in their little planters and cut if off but I noticed a couple of wheat kernel seeds mixed into the grass...
  15. Where is your evidence that this product contains gluten? Your claim here is that because this company is big they are simply lying about this to make money? Sorry, but this isn't evidence. We've presented the info here directly from this company, which is the best information we have. Spreading conspiracy theories about large companies is just nonsense. ...
  16. Celiac.com 04/30/2020 - Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) seem to suffer milder effects in the disease phase of COVID-19 than other patients, according to two new reports. That may be due to their treatment with immunosuppressant...
  17. Codex Alimentarius wheat starch is used in European gluten-free products because their labeling laws go strictly by 20 ppm, no matter what ingredients there are. They make superior products, and yes, celiacs in Europe do recover while eating them. Here are some articles we've done on this in case you are curious: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/miscellaneous...
  18. Yes, people with celiac disease need exercise and after they have recovered should be able to play all sports.
  19. Celiac.com 04/29/2020 - People with celiac disease cannot eat gluten from products made with wheat, barley or rye. The two main culprits proteins in gluten are glutenin and gliadin, with the latter thought to cause most of the inflammation...
  20. As mentioned, Snickers bars do not contain any wheat, as it would have to be disclosed in the ingredients, and per Mars: “To do so, you count on the ingredient statements on food labels to be truthful and accurate.” if you had a reaction it was likely from something else and you should avoid the product.
  21. This is a good question because I’ve been treated for years for a high red blood cell count, but so far haven’t been diagnosed with anything.
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