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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Celiac.com 04/28/2020 - People who suffer from small bowel adenocarcinomas (SBAs) usually have poor outcomes, and face limited treatment options. Programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1)/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) pathway blockade...
  2. Ataxia is a common symptom associated with celiac disease, which is nerve damage that can be caused by it. Diabetics also can have this issue, so it would be good for you to discuss your symptoms with your doctor to figure out the cause. I'm had issues like this, and am currently treating it using vitamins & minerals, especially B1 and Magnesium Citrate...
  3. Regarding Snickers original bars, here are the ingredients: 3 Musketeers do not contain malt sugar: Both of these bars are made by Mars, and contain this allergy statement:
  4. Celiac.com 04/27/2020 - Recent studies on celiac disease have reported changes in the gut microbiome. Researchers don't currently know if the change in the microbial makeup is the cause or a result of the disease, especially in cases of...
  5. I agree that the OP may have issues with some items in your very long list of foods to avoid, and if they can figure out what those are they their health will improve, but I doubt they would have issues with even 80-90% of the items you list. During the elimination phase it makes sense to limit your diet for time, but I think it's important to clarify to...
  6. You didn't see its ingredients...it's not beer, doesn't have barley or wheat in the ingredients, and is made with malted rice and labelled gluten-free. On a side note I used to brew gluten-free beer using homemade malted rice and sorghum.
  7. I think you can trust a large company like this when they put "gluten-free" on a label. If it were not gluten-free they would be sued and lose millions. That said, it's really up to you what you want to believe. It think there is a deep distrust I see in posts against big companies, some of which I understand, but not when it comes to things like this. They...
  8. Also, what does the Tony Robbins video have to do with your post? Isn’t he the rich guy who owns an island in the Caribbean that he got from selling the idea that he can make you rich too? Seems like a strange video to throw in there considering your big warning about sites that run ads to pay for their content (which is far from free, by the way).
  9. Although I believe that during the initial post diagnosis gut healing stage everyone should do an elimination diet and eliminate things that also cause negative gut reactions, after the gut heals most people can add these foods back into their diets and not have reactions. The diet you describe is unnecessarily strict, and there is no scientific evidence...
  10. Hi Wendy, welcome to the forum. This thread was originally started back in 2006, which is when most posts were made, so it’s doubtful the original posters will respond. it sounds more like an allergic response to something you ate, rather than a typical celiac response to gluten. Perhaps you have an allergy to wheat or other food as well? You may want t...
  11. Hi Eric, welcome to the forum. It depends greatly on the condition that your gut was in at the time of your diagnosis, but most people take one to two years for their guts to fully recover: Be sure to double check everything in your diet to be sure that it is 100% gluten-free, including all of the supplements you’re taking. It’s also possible tha...
  12. Although it doesn't contain wheat as an ingredient: https://www.wolfbrandchili.com/chili-without-beans/original-chili-no-beans It isn't labelled as "gluten-free" and it does contain oats, which may not be sourced gluten-free oats: The product may be gluten-free, but to be safe you may want to find a brand that is labelled "gluten-free." ...
  13. Celiac.com 04/24/2020 - We've all heard of smart phones and smart TVs, but what about smart toilets? You heard right. In the near future, a simple trip to the bathroom might provide a medical diagnosis for celiac or numerous other diseases...
  14. @Posterboy recommends Benfotimaine, and according to him "the fat soluble form (Benfotimaine) has like 6 or 7x the absorptive ability of the kind found in commonly available B-complex." I've been taking this myself.
  15. Did they give you any other medication to take orally? My thought is that the stomach issues might be associated with something you ate, rather than the tape used to cover the wound. I would advise you against taking it off unless you consult with your doctor first, as it's probably there to prevent infection.
  16. Currently the only treatment is a 100% gluten-free diet.
  17. The only benefit of getting tested is if you would need a formal diagnosis....a piece of paper...that would make you adhere to a lifelong gluten-free diet. On the flip side once you get diagnosed, at least in the USA, you will be faced with lifelong higher private life and health insurance rates, and policies may be harder to get.
  18. Actually two years seems to be the norm for recovery: but be sure to explore additional food intolerance, and be sure your diet is 100% gluten-free. If you eat out consider AN-PEP enzymes.
  19. I think your symptoms mean that you should talk to your doctor and see if you can get screened for celiac disease (blood tests). Keep eating gluten until all testing is completed. In the meantime you may way to start a food diary and see if you can link your symptoms to certain foods like casein (cow's milk), soy, corn, eggs, etc.
  20. This thread might be helpful to see images of DH:
  21. We just report the latest research, whether the findings are positive or negative. Unfortunately it would not be ethical for us to candy coat the results of this study, which indicates that CD is a serious disease, and it should be taken very seriously.
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