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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. If the company who makes it says that it is gluten-free, then it should be gluten-free. Budweiser would not claim this unless it was true.
  2. If you get diarrhea reliably when you consume gluten, at the very least you likely have gluten sensitivity, which ~10% of people have. If your symptoms do go away when you stop eating gluten perhaps the issue is that your diet is not 100% gluten-free. Also, oats can be cross contaminated with wheat, and there are some people who have an intolerance to oats...
  3. This study lumps every celiac into a single group and does not differentiate those who are 100% gluten-free from those who cheat regularly. Hopefully they will do more research comparing different groups who are gluten-free.
  4. Celiac.com 04/22/2020 - Collagenous sprue, aka enteritis, is a rare mucosal small intestinal disorder marked by a clear histopathological lesion containing collagen. People who suffer from collagenous sprue frequently experience severe...
  5. I too had panic attacks and what I thought were heart symptoms before my diagnosis. There are heart issues associated with celiac disease: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/heart-failure-and-celiac-disease/ but to me, since you've been examined and have a normally functioning heart, it seems like there...
  6. Celiac.com 04/21/2020 (Updated on 03/05/2021) - We've had more than a few requests for a handy list of top candy bars that are gluten-free. Note that although some of these bars do not use "gluten-free" on their labels, they do list all...
  7. On a PC you would right click on the recipe and select print, then specify the number of pages you'd like to print.
  8. I think you may know this but in order to get further testing for celiac disease done you need to be eating gluten daily for at least 6 weeks, otherwise your test results might be false negative.
  9. This article may be helpful, I don't see sclerosis there:
  10. Once in a while, and for me it is typically if I eat certain foods that give me issues, like chicken eggs. Before I was diagnosed the primary area I had pain was in my right side. The usual thing to do is to re-check your diet and be sure it's 100% gluten-free. This article indicates that 90% of those on GF diets are still getting contamination:
  11. Celiac.com 04/20/2020 - From 2005 to 2014, hospitals recorded a sharp rise in the numbers of celiac disease patients admitted for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), according to researcher presenting at the ACC.20 World Congress of Cardiology...
  12. Welcome to the forum. Did you get diagnosed with celiac disease? It sounds like you are on a gluten-free diet now, is that correct? Here is a starter guide if this is correct:
  13. Hi @Caye , welcome to the forum! It sounds like you've not been tested for celiac disease and are trying out a gluten-free diet to see if it will relieve your symptoms. This route is perfectly fine, but just so you know you will not be able to get accurate tests done for celiac disease while you are on a gluten-free diet--you must continue eating gluten...
  14. Currently they are recommending only blood tests to diagnose children: but a blood test followed by a biopsy to diagnose adults. I suspect this will eventually evolve to blood tests only as well, and I’m not sure why there is a different protocol.
  15. There are inexpensive home blood test kits available as well, just in case you can’t get into the doctor to be tested now. A company called imaware makes one.
  16. Celiac.com 04/18/2020 - A good frittata is a tasty, delightful thing. It you're looking for a delicious gluten-free way to make a splash at your next breakfast or brunch occasion, this spring vegetable frittata is just the thing. Fresh...
  17. Celiac.com Article:Gluten-Free Spring Vegetable Frittata View full article
  18. It could be related to milk prices, which have shot through the roof...we're paying over $6 per gallon here, and that's over twice our gas prices, which are the highest in the country.
  19. I think another unfortunate thing we'll see with this covid-19 shelter in place, and subsequent economic impact, is that some really great, mostly smaller companies, will go out of business. I just heard that a local favorite ice cream maker, Three Twins, will be going out of business: https://www.sfchronicle.com/food/article/Three-Twins-ice-cream-company...
  20. Ataxia can also be caused by diabetes, so consider a screening for that.
  21. Certainly if you've been diagnosed with celiac disease and are still eating gluten this could be caused by that. Of course it could be other things as well, and you should consult with your doctor about this. The first step after getting a celiac disease diagnosis would be to go on a 100% gluten-free diet. It does not have to be expensive. This post...
  22. I think you mean these: http://m.presidentschoice.ca/en_CA/products/productlisting/pc-free-from-turkey-frankfurters.html and they look to be naturally gluten-free:
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