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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. There is a link in this article to different gluten free turkeys:
  2. Here are some summaries we’ve done on reflux and celiac disease. Their findings are a bit mixed but it’s worth looking at them: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/dyspepsia-acid-reflux-and-celiac-disease/
  3. Celiac.com 11/14/2019 - There are always times when the family is going in a million different directions at dinner time. Right now it is basketball season and with our regular schedule of school meetings and other evening events it means...
  4. https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/safe-gluten-free-halloween-candy-list-r4930/
  5. until
  6. This is clearly a government required disclaimer based on using barley as an ingredient and doesn’t indicate that the beer actually contains any gluten. The elephant in the room about the study on gluten removed beers is the fact that around 88% of celiacs in the study did not test positive for any antibodies when they drank regular barley beer.
  7. The study shows that 90% of celiacs don’t react to gluten removed beers, but since the control in the study—the rice flour—was totally blown because a nearly identical number of participants showed a reaction to it, which is gluten-free, it doesn’t even show that. If you were to be generous and not throw out the results of an obviously flawed study entirel...
  8. Distilled spirits, no matter their source, are gluten-free. This, of course, would exclude any additions of gluten made after the distillation process is completed. In the case of gluten-reduced beer, they add special enzymes which break down all particles and renders them harmless. I've not see any scientific evidence that such beers contain any harmful...
  9. until
  10. The study you refer to here definitely has issues. Clearly when "two active-CD patient samples gave responses to the rice flour extract" that was used as a control, you cannot then claim in the same study that the 3 out of 31 celiacs who reacted to gluten-removed beer is statistically more significant than the two who reacted to the rice flour, can you? Clearly...
  11. This bread machine has a built in mixer...
  12. A few years back Celiac.com did this product review, which might be helpful:
  13. Since most people who have celiac disease don't have symptoms, or at least obvious ones, it's difficult to say if you might have it or some level of gluten sensitivity. The only way to know for sure would be to eat gluten daily for a couple of months, then get tested.
  14. Please provide specific examples of this because I’ve never heard of it. If you make such claims it is important to back it up with real examples.
  15. Yes, some celiacs can not tolerate oats.
  16. Note: Celiac.com does not recommend actually doing any of the things mentioned in this study, we are simply summarizing it. If you have celiac disease avoid all gluten always!
  17. Some of the items in this article you probably would want to check with your doctor before doing, but here are some recommendations for accidental gluten ingestion. I'm not a doctor, but I do not believe a single incident of gluten ingestion would cause any major issues with a pregnancy. The issues documented in research would be for those who have celiac...
  18. Perhaps you have some family recipes to fall back on, but if you're in need of ... Those with celiac disease will praise this gluten-free bread, made with ... View the full article
  19. The Celiac Disease Foundation is excited to announce a new relationship with Celiac Cruise to offer a gluten-free sailing experience in the Caribbean ... View the full article
  20. Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity – An Evening Q & A Session Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 6:15 – 7:45pm. Hosted by the Clinicians ...View the full article
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