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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Hopefully you've now recovered, and have been able to stay on a gluten-free diet. Let us know!
  2. This is an amazing story--congratulations on your road to recovery! Unfortunately the majority of those with celiac disease are still undiagnosed, even though the devastating effects on the nervous system in many gluten sensitive individuals are now well known. The saddest part of the story is that it took so long for you to figure it out, but better...
  3. It's certainly possible that it is DH. Did you ever get a biopsy done to confirm it? Are you still gluten-free? If it is DH a strict gluten-free diet for many months is the best treatment.
  4. I've had it many times and it's great. I also like the Trader Joe's gluten-free mac-n-cheese.
  5. I am surprised that nobody replied to this. Is the diet also gluten-free? Can you tell us more about it?
  6. This has been in the news a lot lately, and shows great promise. I hope it pans out!
  7. I used to get this within an hour of eating gluten, not always, but off and on depending on what I ate--bagels were a trigger. If you symptoms were caused by gluten sensitivity, they should go away after a few weeks on a GFD. Are you still gluten-free?
  8. Sorry it took so long for someone to reply, and unfortunately I'm not a woman and able to address some of your post here, but if sensitive to it, gluten can cause a huge variety of symptoms, and I would not doubt it if all you've mentioned here could be caused by gluten sensitivity. How did your gluten-free diet go? Did you continue it, and if so, did...
  9. It sounds interesting, but would it not be better to try to find the root cause of the pain?
  10. Interesting, and this sounds like a trick question. So if you've been on a gluten-free diet for 6 years, can I assume that the blood tests you did were while you were on the diet? That would explain why they were negative. One must be getting a fair amount of gluten in their diet, and be sensitive to it, to have positive blood tests. So the hard part...
  11. I'm sorry you didn't get a fast reply, normally we do better. A formal diagnosis of celiac disease can only be made while someone is eating gluten, typically on a daily basis at least 2 months before testing. Only you know how badly it will affect her, and must decide whether or not it is worth it. The biggest issue for someone so young is whether or...
  12. I hope you figured this out, and I'm sorry you got no reply for so long. Without more info about your blood test results it is difficult to know your next steps, but the latest research indicates that people can be accurately diagnosed with celiac disease using only blood tests. That said, it is up to your doctor whether or not to recommend a biopsy.
  13. I'm not sure about the sexual part of your question, as I've never head neuropathy described this way, but I do have some issues with it in my feet, which do tingle when it happens. I've been supplementing B vitamins and especially B12, which has been helpful. Since you have had high ttg scores I will assume that you are on a gluten-free diet, and if...
  14. I'm not sure I understand the question fully. If you mean your celiac blood test scores, those numbers should go down if your diet is 100% gluten-free, and it should not matter how much food you eat, just make sure it is gluten-free.
  15. Smoking marijuana should not be an issue, and might actually be helpful. If you are drinking alcohol be sure it is gluten-free, for example most beer isn't gluten-free, but there are many gluten-free beers available. Alcohol may also inflame your gut, so you may want to avoid drinking too much, or if possible stop drinking during the healing process.
  16. The only time this has happened to me was during a very bad chest cold. You should definitely get a checkup just to be on the safe side.
  17. Sorry it took so long for someone to reply. In this case, your doctor is correct and you should follow their advice and cut gluten out. At the very least you are probably gluten sensitive, and continuing to eat it will likely cause more issues down the road.
  18. The beer has been endorsed by Coeliac Australia as gluten free and appropriate for those with coeliac disease. The media release stated that all the ... View the full article
  19. The gluten-free diet has been growing in popularity for several years, and it seems as though many people are ... 20 million people) have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which means that although they test negative for celiac disease, ... View the full article
  20. It is a rare disorder linked with celiac disease. This disease ... However, high cost of gluten-free diet restrain the global dermatitis herpetiformis market. View the full article
  21. Wellness and health in culture today is a "new wealth," where being well means ... And like all new trends, it seems to have an origin in Brooklyn. ... to the Celiac Disease Center, 1% of Americans have celiac disease, yet in our ... survey, 26% of Americans pursued some form of gluten-free diet that year. View the full article
  22. I was diagnosed with celiac disease, meaning that whenever I consume ... The food industry doesn't seem to understand that gluten-free food is not ... View the full article
  23. Global Gluten Free Foods & Beverages market (Request Sample Here) intelligence report is prepared to focus on the current trends, a financial ... View the full article
  24. However, restrictions such as celiac disease can complicate everything from ... “I will say Austin probably has the best in (gluten-free) restaurants.”. View the full article
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