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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. The typical child suffering from gluten sensitivity (coeliac disease) is seriously ill. They can't sleep because of abdominal pain. They have smelly stools ... View the full article
  2. ... and now those who suffer from gluten allergies or have Celiac disease can ... Offering gluten-free options is now becoming a norm for most places. View the full article
  3. The price of pine nuts has risen sharply in local markets following the ... Furthermore, pine nuts are one of the gluten-free tree nuts and, therefore, are a ... be a healthy alternative for people with wheat allergies and celiac disease. View the full article
  4. Measures eight chemicals in the blood which indicate thyroid function, iron ... A blood test for gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease, an auto-immune ... View the full article
  5. Two Kuwaiti 'change makers' honored in Arab creativity conf. ... shedding light on Celiac disease in the Arab world, calling for establishing a factory solely ... gluten-free products in Kuwait, with all stuff subsidized by the government. View the full article
  6. Gluten Intolerance Support Group - For individuals with an intolerance to gluten/wheat or diagnosed with celiac disease. Jan Bartell: (320) 297-1103 ... View the full article
  7. For example, the Celiac Disease Foundation says even lunch meats might contain gluten. The good news: wines and hard liquor/distilled beverages ... View the full article
  8. Celiac Disease Diagnosed through Screening Programs in At-Risk Adults Is Not Associated with Worse Adherence to the Gluten-Free Diet and Might ... View the full article
  9. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  10. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  11. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  12. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  13. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  14. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  15. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  16. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  17. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  18. until
    Nourished Festival is a family-friendly event with 10 locations across the US. Attendees will be able to sample food, health and beauty products, meet with companies, learn about the most current food lifestyles, receive coupons and attend...
  19. At least 3.1 million people in the U.S. adhere to gluten free diet – a number that has tripled since 2007 although the prevalence of celiac disease (a ... View the full article
  20. When patients with celiac disease are maintained on lab-standard, gluten free diets, these symptoms frequently improve (Jackson et al, Psychiatr Q ... View the full article
  21. Indeed, just a few years ago there was very little gluten-free food sold, and ... Most nutritionists do not recommend that non-celiacs abandon gluten ... View the full article
  22. When Shane was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2013, he was forced to ... “Restaurants hadn't heard about gluten, and they didn't know how to ... View the full article
  23. A gluten-free diet for life is the only medical treatment for Coeliac disease, a serious medical condition where the body's immune system attacks its ... View the full article
  24. Many people think when we talk about gluten intolerance we are referring to the autoimmune condition celiac disease. Celiac disease is really the ... View the full article
  25. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. In people who have celiac disease, the body's immune system over-reacts to gluten ... View the full article
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