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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. until
    The Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest is more then just a gluten-free expo. It a celebration of living gluten-free. Operated by Gluten-Free & More magazine and presented by Enjoy Life Foods, the GFFAfests are the premier GF events in the...
  2. until
    The Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest is more then just a gluten-free expo. It a celebration of living gluten-free. Operated by Gluten-Free & More magazine and presented by Enjoy Life Foods, the GFFAfests are the premier GF events in the...
  3. The arsenic levels were also elevated in the urine sample of those who opted for a gluten-free diet. However, the values hardly differed between persons suffering or not from celiac disease, as long as they did follow a diet lacking in gluten. This indicates this type of diet as the cause of the increased ... View the full article
  4. “Gluten-free sucks way worse than vegetarian,” he said. “It's horrible. But it's taught me a lot in a couple of months already about the struggle that someone with celiac (disease) must have.” Berry has long wanted to experiment with his diet so that he could get firsthand experience of what it's like to live ... View the full article
  5. until
    The International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease (ISSCD) will host its 18th Symposium in Paris, France. More details: https://www.isscd-global.org/meetings/
  6. The Rockford Celiac Support Group will be having a breakfast at Stockholm Inn in Rockford on March 24th at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in attending, contact Judy at 815-540-0677 or email her at heyjudee2@aol.com.
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  8. For almost a decade, my focus has been on people who have been diagnosed with a food related disorder, usually Celiac Disease, NCGS, lactose intolerance, Crohn's, IBS, colitis, all the sexy disorders …So my answer to that simple detox question has changed to: “Regardless of when you were ... View the full article
  9. From the point of view of those who rely on peer-reviewed science, there is no conclusive scientific evidence of a connection between gluten consumption and cognitive decline or dementia. Caveat that indeed about 1 percent of the population suffers from Celiac disease (a gluten allergy), and they ... View the full article
  10. ... though you should be sure the label reads "certified gluten-free" on the packaging, in the event you have celiac's disease or a gluten sensitivity. But is this alternative OK for babies to consume? According to BabyCenter, you should wait at least 12 months before you introduce cow's milk to your child, ... View the full article
  11. According to Technavio, gluten free is also well on its way from being a niche market buzz-phrase to mainstream concept, even though only about 1% of Americans have celiac disease—an immune reaction to eating gluten, necessitating avoidance of that protein. However, a much higher number of ... View the full article
  12. In general we don't discourage replying to an older post, and do encourage, before you post, searching the board to see if your topic has been covered. You will likely find that it has, and in that case you have a choice to reply to that thread if your question wasn't covered there, or start a new one. I will see if there are settings that allow the...
  13. While people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) have neither celiac disease or wheat allergy (WA), they often do have intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms that are related to gluten consumption. Using a double-blind placebo-controlled (DBPC) gluten challenge with crossover, a team of researchers recently set out to conduct the first assessment...
  14. Fonio is gluten-free, rich in protein, fibre and iron and as Zachary Golper, the chef and owner of New York's Bien Cuit bakery stated: “ Nobody has even thought about genetically modifying this yet. It's untouched by the industry. And it's so good”. People with diabetes and celiac disease are advised to eat ... View the full article
  15. Want to score major points with your beloved? This loving, gluten-free twist on Toad in a Hole will have you thanking your handsome prince all over again. All you need is a heart-shaped cut-out to make your gluten-free dieter feel the love of this classic breakfast favorite. View the full article
  16. If you struggle with gluten intolerance or celiac, you can promote a brand that caters to you and add to your reel. A gluten-free brand is shooting scripted segments in New York City. They are casting local talent of any ethnicity or gender identification with either celiac disease or gluten intolerance. View the full article
  17. More research is needed to confirm these results and to determine whether the gluten-free diet led to the reduction in pain,” Zis says. People suffering from non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) can also face symptoms like fibromyalgia, allergies, chronic fatigue, headaches. Irregular bowel and abdominal ... View the full article
  18. A small study by British researchers suggests that a strict gluten-free diet may help protect against the nerve pain caused by gluten sensitivity. "These findings are ... When people with celiac disease eat gluten, it triggers an immune response that attacks the small intestine, causing pain and inflammation. View the full article
  19. A small study by British researchers suggests that a strict gluten-free diet may help protect against the nerve pain caused by gluten sensitivity. "These findings are ... When people with celiac disease eat gluten, it triggers an immune response that attacks the small intestine, causing pain and inflammation. View the full article
  20. When I was diagnosed as having celiac disease with severe dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) I was told that the diet was difficult to follow and I would have to be vigilant or Dapsone would not relieve the itching. I suffered abdominal pain, outbreaks of sores, anaemia, and, (big swallow) the horrible bowel disorders. I came out of the dermatologist's office...
  21. Growing number of health-conscious customers demanding for gluten-free, specialty, and fortified trends are propelling the development of function flour market. People suffering from gluten intolerance, celiac disease, and wheat allergies, and other syndromes, are going for specialty flour consumption, ... View the full article
  22. Mortality rates for children under five have been falling steadily for decades. Additionally, there's plenty of data to indicate that rates of celiac disease have been rising in general population. Before doctors understood the role that gluten played in celiac disease, the prognosis for young children with the condition was grim. Since doctors didn't understand...
  23. CHICAGO - At least three million Americans are living with celiac disease, but there are many myths about the condition. ... Celiac is a genetic, autoimmune disease that causes damage to parts of the small intestine when you eat gluten. ... Another fallacy is that a gluten-free diet cures celiac disease. View the full article
  24. The research showed that a gluten-free diet may help reduce nerve pain in some people with gluten sensitivity. "These findings are exciting because it might ... Gluten sensitivity is different from celiac disease, which is confirmed through a number of tests, he noted. "More and more, it's thought of as a ... View the full article
  25. For people like Ruthie Udero Ortiz, who suffer from a gluten intolerance called Celiac disease, the gluten-free selection at Sprouts will drastically improve the way she shops and eats. “I've gone to other organic stores in Cruces but their gluten free foods are very expensive,” Ortiz said. “People have told ... View the full article
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