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Scott Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scott Adams

  1. Gastroenterology. 2003 Aug;125(2):337-344. Celiac.com 08/07/2003 - This studys aim was to determine the feasibility of altering gluten proteins to make them harmless to those with celiac disease. Unfortunately the altered protein still...
  2. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2003 Jul;38(7):727-31. Effectiveness of the sorbitol H2 breath test in detecting histological damage among relatives of coeliacs. Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Giorgetti GM, Inchingolo celiac disease. Dept. of Emergency...
  3. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2003 Jul;38(7):727-31. Effectiveness of the sorbitol H2 breath test in detecting histological damage among relatives of coeliacs. Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Giorgetti GM, Inchingolo celiac disease. Dept. of Emergency...
  4. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 Feb;98(2):377-81 Celiac.com 07/31/2003 - The findings of this new study are very significant for families of those with celiac disease. The results indicate that 17% of those related to two celiac disease-diagnosed...
  5. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:1566-1572. Ulrike Peters, PhD, MPH; Johan Askling, MD; Gloria Gridley, MS; Anders Ekbom, MD, PhD; Martha Linet, MD Celiac.com 07/30/2003 - The following abstract paints a fairly bleak picture for those of...
  6. Celiac.com 06/25/2003 - Below is an abstract of yet another study that supports the use of human anti-tTG type IgA serological tests to accurately diagnose celiac disease: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Volume 17 Issue...
  7. Celiac.com 06/25/2003 - The Neuropathy Association -- On May 27, 2003 a link between Peripheral Neuropathy and Celiac Disease was reported by physicians at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University and New York Presbyterian Hospital...
  8. Celiac.com 06/25/2003 - The following is an abstract of a recent study published in the June edition of the Journal of Association of Physicians of India by Dr. Y.A. Gokhale and colleagues from the Lokmanya Tilak Medical College and...
  9. Gene Ther 2003 May;10(10):835-43 Londei M, Quaratino S, Maiuri L. Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, UK. Celiac.com 05/29/2003 - This highly technical and hopeful article covers the possibility of using gene...
  10. QJM, May 1, 2003; 96(5): 345 - 353 Celiac.com 05/29/2003 – A survey was recently conducted by Professor P.D. Howdle, St. Jamess University Hospital (UK), et al, to estimate the frequency in the UK of small bowel malignancy, and its r...
  11. Celiac.com 05/12/2003 - Families that have had two or more relatives diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Dermatitis Herpetiformis are being sought for a study to identify factors associated with the development of celiac disease. The goal...
  12. Rasmusson CG, Eriksson MA. Department of Pedodontics, Uddevalla Hospital, Uddevalla, Sweden. Int J Paediatr Dent 2001 May;11(3):179-83 Celiac.com 05/08/2003 - In a study from Finland in 1986 it was shown that celiac disease was often...
  13. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002;97(11):2702-2704, 2785-2790 Celiac.com 04/30/2003 - The results of a population-based study published in the November 2002 edition of the American Journal of Gastroenterology indicate that it is time to change...
  14. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98:625-629 Celiac.com 04/29/2003 – The findings of a recent study published in the March edition of American Journal of Gastroenterology indicate that around 4% of those who suffer from migraine headaches m...
  15. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2003; 36(3):219-221 Celiac.com 03/28/2003 - A study by Antonio Tursi, M.D, et al, was recently conducted to evaluate the correlation between the degree of histologic intestinal damage in celiac...
  16. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Volume 17 Issue 4 Page 587 - February 2003 Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2003 Feb;17(4):587-94 Peraaho M, Kaukinen K, Paasikivi K, Sievanen H, Lohiniemi S, Maki M, Collin P. Departments of Medicine...
  17. Celiac.com 3/14/2003 - After conducting an extensive review of the medical literature concerning the safety of oats for people with celiac disease, the American Dietetic Association recently concluded that even though oats are not yet...
  18. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2003) 57, 163-169. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601525 S Størsrud1,a,b, M Olsson2,b, R Arvidsson Lenner1,b, L Å Nilsson3,b, O Nilsson4,b and A Kilander2,b 1) Department of Clinical Nutrition, Sah...
  19. Celiac.com 02/26/2003 - The subject of cardiology-related symptoms of celiac disease and celiac disease-associated cardiological disease has not been reviewed. So, here I attempt to summarize readings of research papers and abstracts...
  20. - Genetic Digestive Disorder Affects an Estimated One in 250 Americans - Celiac.com 02/26/2003 - WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., Feb. 19, 2003/PRNewswire -- Results from a new study may lead to the first medical treatment for celiac disease...
  21. Celiac.com 2/13/2003 - According to a recently published large-scale multi-year and multi-center study, 1 in 133, or a total of 2,131,019 Americans have celiac disease. Alessio Fasano, MD, et. al., and colleagues screened 13,145 subjects...
  22. Celiac.com 2/13/2003 - This new study emphasizes the importance of following a strict gluten-free diet, and getting regular follow-up biopsies after your diagnosis. It also speaks to the need to discover whether or not you may have...
  23. Digestion 2002;66(3):178-85 PMID: 12481164 Ciacci C, Cirillo M, Cavallaro R, Mazzacca G. Department of Internal Medicine, Gastrointestinal Unit, Federico II University of Naples, Naples, Italy. Celiac.com 01/12/2003 - Background and...
  24. Celiac.com 12/31/2002 - Long time celiac and intestinal disease researcher Kenneth Fine, M.D. brought the benefits of his research discoveries, and his medical experience and knowledge to the public through the Internet at www.finerhealth...
  25. V. Kumar,* M. Jarzabek-Chorzelska, J. Sulej, Krystyna Karnewska,** T. Farrell,* and S. Jablonska *IMMCO Diagnostics, Inc., Buffalo, New York 14228; Departments of Microbiology and Dermatology, State University of New York at Buffalo...
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