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About Me
Born in upstate NY, lived there until 2006. Struggled with illnesses and allergies always. In 2007 became ill and got progressively worse to the point of having to leave my job. Finally got a diagnosis....pretty much unlooked for in Nov. 2007. Was a last minute decision to include endoscopy along with colonoscopy. Fortunately the GI doc. had a clue.
As of Nov 2008 still struggling with health issues and hoping for more answers. Love West Virginia! Hope springs eternal. Now if only I could get my family to all get tested too!
hi thanks!! well im sorry to hear that at least they finally figured out what was wrong with you. i gues i got fortunate when the doctor decided to test me for celiac. but yes i do feel left-out alot but its really not all that bad. thanks for being there for me. ill message you if i ever need anything.
Best Wishes,