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About Me
Hello, my name is Ginger but I like to go by Gin. Sounds short and to the point. I am a Celiac Disease sufferer, diagnosed by a Naturalpathic doctor who has her license also in Chiropractic. We did a blood, spit, and urin analysis for my nutrient balance and to see exactly what my body was dealing with post cancer therapy. I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer in 2004 at age 20. Undergoing Retuxin (animal proteins, very unstable), chemotherapy and radiation, but I refused to finish the chemo and radiation treatments once the cancer had shrunk to their expectational size. I was done! LET ME OUTA HERE!
So then after learning I had Celiac Disease (reading of it first in my Pathology book in Moscow School of Massage) one sunny summer's day sitting on a basball bleacher across from U of I college, everything made sense! I was have an autoimmune reaction to...pretty much everything I was ingesting.
Four years later I am cancer free...PRAISE THE LORD! and still learning the ropes (tricky) of a Gluten-Free Lactose-Free diet. My financial situation is slim and an income is hard to find especially in this econimic dip America is facing. But I believe all things will be good that the Lord will bring into my life. So the name of the goal is Galations 6:9 which confirms that I shall not give up!
Also, I am enrolled for my bachelors degree in Media Arts and Animation going through the Art Intstute Online. Recently loans have been denied to those who could get loans independently, so without a co-signer I'm sitting here with loans coming due. Isn't that nice, thanks AI, that's a real help. But, one class at a time paying in cash will suffice to achieve my goal. I won't give up!
Rambling on and on, I hope this helps you to get to know me a bit so we can chat later.
Thanks for reading!