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If you have gluten antibodies then a gluten-free diet will get rid of them. If you have Hashi's suppressing the thyroid with Armour or T3 will get rid of those. You want to get rid of as many as you can.
butter is out too.
If you have low Ferritin or Cortisol....T3 can make a mess of you.
IT took me 12 years to get dx with hypothyroid......but I cant let myself dwell on those years. Looking forward to the future.
Your thinking is on the right track.....over the years farmers have purposely modified wheat working toward a grain with the MOST GLUTEN. It was discovered that gluten is desirable in cooking and baking so farmers found ways to make their grain have more gluten and therefore be more in demand.
The grains Jesus was eating are nothing like what we eat today. And wheat would have only been a small part of his bread or not at all.
Make sure you check out:
There can be up and downs with thyroid meds...so if you crash...you need more regardless of what the labs say. I NEVER take my meds before testing. I take my last dose of Armour at 8:30 pm. I skip my normal 7 am dose and head straight for the lab. I take my dose as soon as the blood is drawn. This is the most accurate.
If you are feeling good, with those labs, I would have been perfectly content with keeping them the same. Ranges are just averages. Being a few points over or under does not mean that those arent the right numbers for you.
My last TSH was .008 and T3 was 1 point from the top of the range and it is working for me.
So pay close attention to how you feel and adjust accordingly.
WE are here whenever you need us. I am glad you have an answer now.
I have a Phd in Nutrition and had my own practice for a little over 5 years. Getting ready to start up again. I took a 5 year break and focused on my painting. I am also an artist.
At any rate, my research and personal experience is that humans were not designed to be eating all of the "starch" that we currently do. And grains are not necessary for your health! Our early ancestors survived for millions of years without them. They have become a mainstay of the modern diet primarily because they are inexpensive to manufacture, ship and store, whereas fresh vegetables spoil in a short time. We eat grains because we have become used to them and because we like them, not because we need them.
If we eat grains every day, it exposes us to potential long-term health problems. When we eat grains, they turn quickly into sugar and send our leptin and insulin levels soaring. This can eventually create a hormonal roller coaster that is the root cause of many addictions and cravings and a wide range of other health problems. Remember that within a short time of eating them, a bowl of cereal has become a bowl of sugar, a slice of toast has become a slice of sugar, and a potato has become a big lump of sugar.
Many people do much better on a low carb diet (i.e. low starch). Eating lots of fresh veggies (including squashes), moderate fruits, moderate nuts & seeds gives you MORE than enough carbohydrates. And is VERY HEALTHY.
I have discovered for my own bio-individuality that low carb is best for me. Grains make my blood sugar spike. This is not healthy. Even a small amount like 1/2 cup of oatmeal will spike me more than a piece of fruit drizzled with honey. They just dont work for my body.
So if you are eating low carb and feeling healthy, you are on the right track!!
People are funny (and not in a good way). I would NEVER consider excluding a good friend for anything because they couldnt afford to give me a gift. I would just call them and say, I'm inviting you to my wedding. I know you wont feel right about not bringing a gift and I know you cannot afford one right now. So please let your presence by my gift and if I should need anything on that hectic day, be available to help out. That would be the BEST gift you could ever give me.
Jason I really hope you do get some help. I know it is much harder for men to seek help than women. Women are talkers by nature.
But once you make that step and start benefiting from it, you will wonder why you didnt do it sooner.
I was Dx with PTSD due to childhood abuse. Trust me, I know what living in fear is like. I would not be surprised if my fear wasnt what triggered all of my health problems at an early age. There is no doubt in my mind that if I had not gotten help, that I would be FAR WORSE than I could even imagine. Perhaps no longer here.
So wishing you the best and hoping you can get some calm soon.
When I got mine the other day, I was by the water hose. So I grabbed it on either side and squeezed well below the sting and ran the water pressure over it for a good minute. Then when I got inside I rubbed an antibacterial into it and then iced it for 30 minutes. The swelling went straight away and no itching at all.
You did a great job!!
What has helped for me is to view anything with gluten to be contaminated with RAT POISON. Some use a DOG POOP analogy. Whatever might be effective for you is good. Im not goin near rat poison......
I was guessing parasite or bacteria too. DH just got over a nasty after eating some lettuce at Chipotle. He has an iron stomach and never gets this sort of thing, but the pain had him nearly in tears.
A doctor visit is a good idea.
Hopefully no one will throw tomatoes at me...but I found both Endocrinologists in Tampa to be completely USELESS and many others have had similar experiences with them.
For your thyroid see if you can find a Holistic M.D. or an D.O. Osteopath, they will do a much better job. Here in Tampa we have one of the best Holistic M.D.s in the country. I go to her when I need to. She is really willing to work with me, respect me, listen to me and work out a plan together. This is what you want.
The only way to get rid of those thyroid antibodies is to take enough thyroid hormone to fully suppress your thyroid. Once your thyroid becomes inactive, then the attack stops. My Mom didnt get treated in time for her Hashi's and not only was most of her thyroid eaten away, it lead to cancer.
So dont ignore it any longer. Find a good thyroid literate doctor and save the co-pay IMO and not waste on an Endo. Hey everyone, that is must my opinion on Endos.
Yeah...I panicked the first time I saw that too...I called the company. It is safe.
Even better start your own thread. I know a lot about a little and a little about a lot. There are others here like this. So if you make it public, you can pool from the vast knowledge of everyone on the board.
I tend to go a bit wild sometimes
....I love to research things. If I dont know much about something and someone points that out...I'll go looking.
I have a Phd from Clayton College of Natural Health in Holistic Nutrition. I was in practice for about 5 years and then changed course so I could live my all time dream of being a full-time artist. I am a painter. I have now made a living selling my art for a little over 5 years now and find I am ready to swing back. And I think I will be able to do both now.
I hate wasps.
You'll need testing to determine. Go to an allergist first and see what they find. If nothing, you can proceed to Celiac testing too.
Ok I can help some. I studied thyroid.
Your T3 is in the toilet. No way around it. You are producing T4 but you are not converting it to T3 effectively. T3 is what "makes the engine go". T4 is inactive. Your TSH is on the high end of normal. The new TSH range is from .3 - 3. Google it. Most labs still use old ranges even though they were changed in the medical community years ago.
I was severely hypothyroid with a TSH of 2.8. I was still hypo at 2.4. My TSH is now suppressed because I use Armour and boy do I feel better!
You have antibodies attacking your thyroid. You have Hashimoto's disease. Your thyroid numbers can bounce all around with this disease. The effective treatment for it is thyroid hormone to TSH suppression.
If you are currently being treated for thyroid with those labs, you are undermedicated. You need some T3 either in the form of Armour or compounded T3 added to your T4 medication.
You also appear to be deficient in B12. Even though it is in range, it is low. Many dont have relief from symptoms until they are around 800. If you take a mutlivitamin with B12 it can falsely elevate your labs and you can be even more deficient than it shows. You MMA/Homo shows the deficiency. And your folate is fine.
You should ask for injections of B12.
Your ferritin is great!!! I'm jealous.
Untreated/unhealed Celiac can make the liver enzymes elevated. Mine came down with the diet.
Optimal Vitamin D is 40. You are close. Maybe take a little extra each day especially during the Winter months.
Should have proper Lyme testing done.
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That is what I can offer. I hope it helps.
A quick sniff around Google and it doesnt take long to see what a hysterectomy can do. Reading these comments made me tear up......None of these women are having/wanting more sex:
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I love when someone peaks my interest and I go digging. I love to learn.
Found this:
Dr. Sandor Gardos, a doctor in sexual education. According to Dr. Gardos, the notion that women hit their sexual peak at 30 is very misleading. You will find many websites and articles on the very subject talking about how women get their groove on and peak at 30, or 35 while others say 40. But if you are talking about a hormone flux, this is simply not true. Men and women develop the same hormones at the same time: puberty. The only reason why women seem so much more interested at a later age is because we were taught NOT to be interested in sex when we were kids. If you experimented with sex like the boys did, you would be labeled the town Jezebel. Only when women mature are they able to feel more comfortable talking about and practicing sex. They finally open up and begin to feel normal about desiring sex.
Then it becomes a whole new world for women. The reason why people argue about the age of the sexual peak in women is because it varies for each women. It might take some women, for example, longer to learn how to orgasm. But when each woman finally feels comfortable with her body and the virtues of sex, it just might be like hitting puberty for her, especially if she had always lived a reserved or conservative life. This can be a great time in a woman's life; a true sexual awakening. And if you measure a sexual peak by interest level, then you can say that she has hit her prime. On the other hand, there are some women who go wild and crazy in their twenties and never give a thought to those societal messages, i.e. "Good Girls Don't". All things considered, these girls may not experience this sudden surge of sexual prowess at the 35 year mark. They have already experienced it all.
Women, on the other hand, typically reach their sexual peak at around age 30-32. Additionally, many women, as they complete menopause or undergo hysterectomy have yet another rise in sexual interest due to decreasing concerns with regard to possible pregnancy. This phenomenon can also occur aftter a male spouse undergoes a vasectomy and has been given the "all clear" with regard to sperm count.
This sounds great in a textbook, but from my own experience and the testimonies of "real women" that I have counseled (plus friends and family), this just doesnt hold water.
No I am not as book learned as you on Sexuality. I have street smarts.
I come from a large family of women and I counseled hundreds of women during my years of nutritional consulting. Trust me, we didnt just talk about food.
In my own family:
Me - my highest sex drive was from my early 20's till I had my daughter at 26. And it was crazy ravenous.
Then it went bye bye for years while my daughter was young. It finally returned, but I never got that "peak" that everyone talks about in the early to mid 30's. It just didnt happen that way for me. Even my DH vasectomy didnt make me want it more. Made no difference. My 20's were my peak.
My Sister had a hysterectomy at 28. She will tell you she has always had an average sex drive up till about 5 years ago. She said something kicked in at around 39 and now at 44 she cannot get enough of it. She is in another world from me. I just dont relate.
My Mom had a hysterectomy at 26. She says she actually had a sex drive until then. Having her female parts removed changed her. She lost ALL interest in sex and never got it back. Never. My poor Father.......
Many of the women I counseled had had hysterectomies. Most came to me hoping to lose weight. That surgery often coincides with women gaining weight among other things. A lot of them talked about "never being the same" since the operation. I have yet to meet that "mythical" woman that got a boost in sex drive and had a grand ol time from that surgery. Great sex usually involves all of your organs involved in sexual reproduction. The uterus is actually a large part of orgasm. It contracts (when done correctly). It is the best part of the experience for me. I CANNOT imagine having my uterus removed. How horrible. Not to mention having the ovaries removed reduces sex hormones. A lot of women gain weight, lose hair where they want it and grow hair where they dont. How sexy does a women feel then?
Personally ask 1000 30-32 year old typical women (job, children and home to care for) if their sex drive is higher now or when they were younger. You might be surprised.
Women in their 50's often enjoy sex more not because of a hysterectomy but because the kids are grown, the dog eat dog career is a thing of the past and they have more free time. And if it is more enjoyable....you want it more.
No I wouldnt think a sting from an insect that pollinates wheat could cause an autoimmune reaction in Celiac. Why? The pollens stick to the "legs" and "bodies" of the insects. The stinger is kept retracted until it stings you. And even if one molecule of wheat pollen (not gluten which is the sticky stuff in the grains) was injected into you, it could not get into your digestive tract (plus pollen is not gluten). I know a bit about bees, but feel free to look it all up.
I actually got stung by a wasp myself yesterday. I have a Powder Puff bush that I was dead heading. I do it frequently because it keeps it covered in red puffs that the bees and humming birds love. It is always swarming with bees, but they never bother me cuz I never bother them. I am not afraid of bees. I have had many land on me, but have never gotten stung. I know how to treat them. But wasps and yellow jackets are aggressive little buggars. This one got me on the leg. Stung like fire.
Allergic To Scented Candles?
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I cannot tolerate any scented candles. If I go to someone's house and they are burning one, I cough and gag and have to go outside to breath. My friends now know better. I have trouble even walking past the Yankee Stink Store at the Mall. I run past it and get as far away as possible. I could not even tell you what stores are on either side.....I could never go in them.....