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  1. I didnt take it as a joke at all. Not everyone understands food. Some dont even know what gluten is. Why would you if you were not a baker or a celiac?? You just eat food if you have no problems. Until I went gluten-free, I didnt know what manioc was. And I have a Phd in Holistic Nutrition. Lack of knowledge does not make a person any less intelligent, nor does it mean they are joking when they ask a question. I read it as her just seeking knowledge.

    I sure hope you figure out what it is soon. :(

  2. Very familiar. <_<

    Eating out is like playing Russian Roulette. Marinades are notorious for having gluten in them. Foods that seem safe arent. You have to get used to asking LOTS of questions. Even calling ahead when you eat out. Even then you can get burned. It has happened to me despite my efforts. And with Celiac you really have to strive for 100% gluten-free or it doesnt work.

    I'm now awaiting an endoscopy on 8 November to confirm the diagnosis.

    I started a gluten free diet as soon as the blood test result was in.

    You MUST be eating gluten and lots of it for a good 3 or so months for any chance of the biopsy being accurate. That biopsy you have planned will likely be NEG and they will say you do not have Celiac. And if you believe them and continue to eat gluten, not only will you live in misery, you will be setting yourself up for other autoimmune diseases and cancers.

    So you can either go through with the biopsy knowing there is a HIGH chance of a FALSE NEGATIVE, reschedule it for 3 months later and eat tons of gluten for those 3 months so it will be accurate OR cancel the biopsy and keep healing yourself now by striving for 100% gluten-free.

    Your blood says you have Celiac. It is up to you if you want the biopsy.

    Make sure all of your lotions, toothpaste, haircare, etc. is gluten-free. You may have to email or call companies to find out. Get rid of old scratched teflon pans, old cutting boards, old wooden spoons, toaster, etc. They ALL can harbor hidden gluten.

  3. First Dawn....Welcome. :)

    Secondly, how did he Dx Celiac without the results of the blood tests. And here is the thing, if the blood comes back POS he will want you to get a biopsy. You MUST keep eating gluten until ALL testing is done. He may not require a biopsy for a Dx, but you should at least wait until the blood work comes in. If it is POS and he doesnt want a biopsy, start your gluten-free diet then. If it comes back POS and he does want a biopsy, wait till the day after the biopsy to start gluten-free.

    If ALL comes back NEG, you can still try the diet to see if you get results. Many in here came back NEG on tests but had a dramatic POS response to the diet (me included).

    So right now, hang tight and read through these forums and LEARN LEARN LEARN. There are MANY threads that have menu ideas for children and adults. And you can ask specific questions ANYTIME.

  4. Consider this: you CAN have both an IgG or IgE mediated allergy to wheat PLUS Celiac. Here is the problem. Let's say you come back "allergic" to wheat, so you cut wheat out of your diet. Now they will tell you after 6 months or so, you can add it back in. You may add it back in and not have a negative reaction. You think: problem solved. The clincher is this, if you cut wheat out of your diet without finding out if you are Celiac first, and can eat wheat later without any obvious issues, if you are Celiac, the damage can be happening without you knowing it. Setting you up for autoimmune diseases and cancers related to untreated Celiac.

    If it were me, I would get a full Celiac panel done before I cut wheat, rye, barley or oats out of my diet. Better safe than sorry.

  5. It is so hard to say Kerri. Some say 3 - 4 months of heavy gluten eating will get the best results. It may have been enough time, but if you come back NEG, you may always wonder......If you come back POS then it was enough time.

    Some people heal very quickly (even in 2 weeks) and then if you werent eating a lot of gluten in that 1 - 1.5 months it might not have been enough to cause significant damage. Or not enough time. You may get a false NEG.

    I know this doesnt help much, but it is the truth.

  6. So many factors involved. I can say that I certainly wanted it more when I was 20 compared to now (40). Stress can cause lower desire for either partner. And it isnt always a man that wants it more often. Sex should be something you enjoy and look forward to. It should not be a chore or an "obligation".

    However, I do know that sometimes one partner will have a very overactive sex drive and expect their mate to have sex with them everyday and sometimes multiple times a day. This can be damaging to the person who does not want it that often and feels they are obligated to satisfy their partner's every need. One can begin to feel like a piece of meat rather than a "love partner". Counseling would be advised in this situation to work out a healthy attitude and frequency that can benefit both people equally. I know of cases where threats (infidelity) were used by the demanding partner to get more sex. This is VERY unhealthy. :(

    For many women, the desire is no where near their male partners. This is "normal" and "natural" from what I have studied (not to mention my own experience). Most women, work full time, take care of the house, the kids, the groceries, the cooking, the pets, etc. Couple this with PMS and fatigue and the man wonders why she doesnt want to get busy 3 times a day........

    Sometimes a woman has to put her foot down and say this is what I need to feel in the mood more. My DH is actually very good about it and understand when I feel sick it isnt going to happen. And he has been willing to help out. In my case, I told Hubby that if he would take over taking care of the dogs, drive my daughter to school in the mornings and clean up after dinner, we might be on to something. I also told him that after a long day, a foot massage could go a long way.....Now I am not saying he did a complete turn around and became perfect hubby. But he does do A LOT more around the house and will even cook if I ask him to. He offers a foot massage usually once a week and on weekends will take my DD to the bookstore for a few hours so I can relax.

    It has helped both of us find that happy medium. :)

  7. I didnt buy babyfood for my daughter unless traveling or something. I fed her whatever we were eating. I used this exact grinder:

    Open Original Shared Link

    It works great and is easy to clean up.

    When my daughter was a baby, I was vegan and then vegetarian. She was vegan till she was around 10 months old. She breastfed until then. I started solid foods at around 6 months. Ground up brown rice with steamed veggies at first. Then I added oats and fruits. She was still getting breast milk so I didnt worry much about protein.

    Vegan wasnt the best diet for me, so I added eggs, yogurt and fish back in. She LOVED yogurt. So called it "oh dirt" which still makes me smile. :) I know you cannot do dairy yogurt. You could try goats milk yogurt and see. They now make rice yogurt and coconut yogurt too. Scrambed eggs were a favorite of hers. I would grind up veggies to put in the eggs. Back then I juiced a lot. She loved fresh juice, but I diluted it with water so not too much sugar. Humus was another favorite of hers. She didnt have an issue with soy, so tofu and tempe were used often. Split pea soup was a hit with rice. I also made "nut butter" smoothies for her using soy milk (but almond milk would be good).

    It didnt take long before I added chicken and turkey back in. And other seafoods. We eat a varied diet now and it works best for us.

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