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  1. Mr. Moore Lactose is only one problem with dairy. People who are lactose intolerant lack an enzyme to break down the sugar lactose. And there WILL be GI issues with lactose intolerance. This poster did not have GI issues with dairy, so was more likely responding to Casein which is a milk protein that MANY people cannot tolerate. Much like gluten Casein is opiate-like and can fit into our opioid receptors in our brains (thus causing addiction), not to mention other damage in the body (autoimmunity). I go back and forth on this between finding it irritating or intriguing. If you are so inclined, do some research on Casein. The only cure is to avoid dairy.

  2. True you will not find TOTAL agreement on ANYTHING. So that is why I say "be careful". I get approx. 150 mcg of iodine in my multiple which is the daily allowance. I have had no problems with that.

    I would get the urine iodine test done over the skin patch because in my own little mind (nothing scientific to back this up) it just makes more sense. Skin can be more or less absorbent for many reasons. Have you noticed that when you shower the cream doesnt absorb as much as when you put it on dry skin? So depending on the moisture content of your skin, there could be a variety of results on the iodine skin test.

    Iodine deficiency is common in the middle U.S. where they just dont eat fish or seafood too often. This is another natural way to get iodine. And kelp!

  3. Please "fire" that idiot!!

    Pos Blood and Pos endoscopy. You have CELIAC disease and should go on a gluten-free diet immediately. And it is for life!! Save yourself other autoimmune diseases, lymphoma, cancers, etc. gluten-free so you can live a normal healthy life.

    And your daughter too. If she had Pos tests and with you being 100% Celiac, she should be gluten-free immediately and for life as well.

    If you can find a BETTER doctor then switch, but you do not need one now for Dx. You have a diagnosis whether that GI says so or not.

  4. Please be careful with iodine. The skin test is not accurate according to many experts. Here is just one site:

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    And Iodine can make ANY autoimmune disease worse especially Hashimotos:

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    Be careful!

  5. EFT shouldnt conflict with your Christian beliefs. The technique and tapping arent evil or satanic. There are Christian acupuncturist and massage therapists who use reflexology!! No different. With that said, I bought a book on EFT and I tried it for a good week a few times a day and it did NOTHING for me. But that is just me. There are things that have worked for me, but not others. All you can do is try things.

  6. Yes....many of us have experienced the same thing. The theory is that the gluten intolerance "mask" others. And once that main irritant is removed, the others come to light. It can be a bit frustrating.....but listen to your body. Stop drinking the milk. Milk is hard to digest in general (even for healthy folks). Fermented dairy is a better choice (cheese, kefir and yogurt). You said the cheese doenst bother you. So here is your clue that what I am saying is correct.

    For "milk" I use coconut milk or almond milk. I also enjoy Hemp milk. The hemp has the good fats we need.

    The reality is that you dont need SOY or DAIRY to be very healthy. Dairy is a myth. The countries that consume the most dairy have the most osteoperosis. Go figure. The countries that consume the most vegetables and sea vegetables have very little osteoperosis. Those same veggie countries eat soy but ONLY fermented (natto, tempeh, miso, etc.). The U.S. invented soy milk. It isnt natural and it is not a health food IMO.

  7. Kristina...Google SCD + quack. You will find sites that say the SCD diet is bunk and hokem. Also if you go to www.quackwatch.com you will learn that any and everything you have tried/will try that is "alternative" is quackery to the people that run that site. I do not worry about sites that dismiss ANY healing modality when you can find TONS of anecdotal reports that something works. Instead, I just try it (as long as it isnt expensive or dangerous in anyway). Like the SCD, not expensive and in fact less costly than all of those organic gluten-free grains and could not possibly hurt me. So I tried it. The oil pulling is the same, cheap, not dangerous and all it really costs me is a little time in the morning. So I am giving it a go!!

    Day 2 of the oil pulling....nothing yet. But will keep you guys updated. :)

  8. I had this problem pre gluten-free and I was skinny too.....looking gaunt and skeletal....I hated it as I used to have curves. Since gluten-free I have gained a healthy 8 pounds. My eyelashes have grown back, my hair is thicker and my skin is a rosy pink instead of gray/yellow. I am absorbing now, but I also cut out ALL grains. That is what my body REALLY needed. NO GRAINS. They were preventing digestion in me. I am on basically SCD (www.pecanbread.com) diet. I dont follow it strictly, but I am GRAIN FREE. And I take digestive enzymes and supplemental HCL to aid digestion.

  9. First....you arent crazy. Many go through "detox" from gluten. I had issues for 6 weeks and then I started feeling great!! So hang in there. Be gentle with yourself while you are healing. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Make sure you are 100% gluten-free (check meds, lipstick, cutting boards, toasters, etc.). Because often symptoms are WORSE when you eat gluten after you have been gluten-free.

  10. I know it can be frustrating. I think your instincts are right on and the solid poop is a first sign. But just cutting the gluten isnt the answer for everyone. For many, dairy must go at least for a little while until the villi in his intestines are all healed (try removing the dairy for a few months and then challenging it to see if he reacts). If he reacts, you can try goat or sheep dairy (some tolerate them much better than cow.)

    Your Doc. probably doesnt want you to remove dairy because most believe it is the only source of calcium. Not so!!! Here is a list:

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    And you can give him a calcium supplement during the elimination trial. It s only for a few months.

    Unfortunately SOY is one of the top 10 allergens. It is very hard to digest even for a healthy person. Asians have been eating soy for eons, but they "ferment" it to make it digestible. Americans invented "soy milk" and "soy formula".

    Be careful when looking at cheese "alternatives" as most contain casein (the milk protein that is the problem).

    It can seem daunting, but there are perfectly healthy people who grew just fine without ANY dairy, gluten or soy.

  11. The "small bowel" had nothing to do with Dx Celiac. It is the "upper" endoscopy that is important. Make sure you get COPIES of ALL of your labs/results. Post in here, so we can help you. Dx 2 - 3 patients a year does not make him an expert even though he might be a wonderful doctor. Doctors are human too and make mistakes. It is your health and you need to make sure. We can help!!

    Did they do a complete Celiac blood panel on you? Results?

  12. If I had stopped eating gluten at 23, I would not have developed Ataxia and vertigo at 26 or neuropathy and migraines at 35. I am 40 now and not yet a year gluten-free and my Ataxia is gone, migraines gone, neuropathy nearly gone and very mild vertigo. Imagine if I "cheated" now....what would happen to me over the long haul? Wheelchair? Dead......

  13. I have been studying Ayurveda lately. It is one of the oldest healing modalities, so I figure it cannot hurt to learn about it and try some remedies. I am on the Triphala right now. It is a mild laxative, but it has not caused me ANY troubles. And my BM's are looking good......LOL An old Indian saying says that if you take Triphala for a year, you will live to be over 100. :)

    Right now I have started "oil pulling". I ran across it and researched it online extensively. There are oodles of forums from low carbers, diabetics, dental issues, psoriasis, etc. with TONS of people saying they have benefited from it. It kills the bacteria in your mouth and draws out toxins which you spit out with the oil after 10 - 20 minutes of swishing. Google it if it interests you. Very fascinating.

    I just started today. I OP with coconut oil this morning and safflower before dinner. earthclinic.com is a good place to start.

    It might interest you Ali!

    I will let ya'll know how it goes. I am only on day 1. I will give it a go for 30 days. They say you can expect some detox symptoms, but none today so far. I am mainly interested in it restoring my gums and teeth which supposedly it excels at doing.

    I am a renegade. My body is my ongoing experiment. :)

  14. Just wondering if eating a whole bunch and heaps and gobs was a medical recommendation or just based on anecdotal evidence.

    Since NONE of us in this forum are M.D. everything here is anecdotal including your experience sbj. ;)

    There are a lot of us in here who got NEG results on Gluten Lite. It makes sense to make sure you are eating enough to cause damage (that is what the biopsy is looking for). Not everyone will get damage from a crumb of bread. Some might need to be eating A LOT to get a positive.

    It is up to you Cuba to decide what sounds right for you PLUS what your doctor recommends. And if what your doctor recommends doesnt sound right, use your own instincts as well. They are there for a reason. :)

  15. You will need a good thyroid doc to agree to treat you. But I will place my bet on hypothyroid. T3 should be at the very upper end of the range to feel normal from EVERYONE I know who has worked on their thyroid (including me). On your scale, I would need to be around 415 FREE T-3 to get out of bed in the morning. Anything less makes me extremely fatigued. You can also look at:


    Your FREE T-4 is decent, but your FREE T3 is not very good at all IMO. T3 is what makes the engine GO!! T-4 must be converted to T-3 for everything to be running smoothly. Since your FREE T-4 isnt too bad and your Free T3 is not reflective, it appears a conversion problem.

    Me personally....I was SEVERELY HYPO with your TSH. That was me. You may be different. I am giving my interpretation.

    BTW your lab uses the OLD OLD ranges for TSH.

    You have no antibodies. This is good. My Mom NEVER had them either in 20 years, but was Dx Hashi's post surgery when they removed her thyroid which had little tissue left due to autoimmune disease.

    Ever had your Total IgA measured? The thyroid antibody test is IgA mediated and if you are low, they wont pick up the IgG you could be producing.

    Since your labs arent horrible, and IMO there is a conversion issue, you might get by with supplementing iodine, tyrosine, selenium and zinc to give the thyroid everything it needs to produce and convert. There are supplements for thyroid that have all of them. So one pill. And a thyroid glandular can also help heal the thyroid.

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