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  1. Kerri...you need a complete Celiac panel run and you need to have been eating gluten in fair amounts daily for a good 3 months before the test. Otherwise there is a strong risk of a false NEG. Then you will need another biopsy to take samples specifically for Celiac. This is the only way to get an official dx for Celiac.

    If you dont want to do that, then you can pay out of pocket for Enterolab to test for gluten sensitivity and get the genetic testing to see if you have Celiac genes. This will not dx Celiac, but will tell you if you are intolerant to gluten and if you even have the genes.

    Do this first and depending on your results you can move on to your kids.

    The other alternative is just to eat a gluten-free diet and be healthy. Same for your kids.

    What you decide is entirely up to you.

  2. I take Solgar's "Gentle Iron" and gluten-free Floradix. I drink either hibisicus tea or Emergen-C when I take them so they absorb better (vitamin C helps iron absorb). I am still working to get mine optimal.

    I was at 10 and got to 22 (which helped me process my Armour). But not near enough. I have not tested in a few months. But my goal is 70. I have read research that if I can maintain a Ferritin of 70 for 6 months my hair will grow back. :) It has thinned so.....

  3. Really work hard to be 100% gluten-free. Check toiletries like lip stick, creams and such. No old scratched pans or cutting boards/wooden spoons.

    Stay the course....it does get better.

    Cutting ALL dairy for a few months can speed healing. You may be able to add it back in after that point.

  4. They take either blood or a cheek cell swab and then test for DQ2 and DQ8 genes. Those are the two genes associated with Celiac.

    You really should see a specialist next (GI Doctor).

    I am assuming you have symptoms and that led you to the doctor and a Celiac test to begin with.

    Even if EVERYTHING came back NEG (which yours didnt) a trial of a gluten-free diet can give startling results (as it did for me). I am not Celiac, but I AM gluten intolerant. No doubt about it. My bi-monthly migraines that plagued me for years went away within 2 weeks of the diet and have never come back. My trips to the bathroom are fewer and perfectly normal. And other symptoms are improving as well.

  5. I have tried the home test. Personally, I do not trust them. I suspect it is yet another company trying to profit from sick people.

    For something as serious as Celiac, you should use the right and accepted tests.

    With Direct Labs and Healthcheckusa YOU DO NOT NEED A DOCTOR.

    I always call because I feel better doing that and I can ask any questions I have. I order the tests, choose a lab close to me, pay with my CC and they email me the lab requisition. I then take that lab requisition to the lab I chose. When the test is complete they email me the results. NO DOCTOR REQUIRED. :)

  6. Hi Scott,

    We need to see "references ranges" to help you. There is always a possibility of a false POS and a false NEG with ANY test. Why? Individual biochemical makeup and proficiency of the lab technician running your labs.

    Depending on the range, that is a high number from the ranges I have seen.

    With those results, you should request to see a GI doctor and inquire about a biopsy.

    Your doctor seems receptive.....so ask if he will run a Celiac genetic test. It doesnt dx Celiac, but is a piece to the puzzle.

  7. And since doctors just scan the lab sheet looking for anything out of range, there are likely thousands of people who use that lab who are suffering needlessly. G-d it makes me just sick. :(

    The new range is up to 3, but I was severely hypo at 2.88. My doctor agreed it was close enough to warrant a trial of thyroid meds. I knew within 48 hours I was on the right track. And within a few months I knew I had hit pay dirt. I have had to titer up my meds over the last year and a half, but am at a good level now. I get muscle twitches if I need more meds. When that happens we add in a very small amount and they go away.

    I was a "skinny" hypothyroid. One Doc said...."You cant be hypothyroid because you are skinny and have diarrhea."

    Well he didnt account for a gluten intolerance on top of my thyroid problem.

    I hope you get the help you need.

  8. You and me could be exact twins except I only have 1 child. My pregnancy triggered mine and I was so miserable, I didnt want anymore children. gluten-free has helped me tremendously.

    Ask to be tested. And if it is NEG (like mine were) give the gluten-free diet a try. It only took me 2 weeks to see results (no migraines) and about 6 weeks to see changes in my BM's. And I keep getting better everyday.

  9. Welcome to the board!

    I hope someday they have a way to dx Celiac without blood/biopsy that is more certain. For now (especially with children under 6) the best we can do is test (and if Neg) try the diet. You have had a positive response to the diet and that is your answer to the problem. Thank goodness you caught it early before a lot of damage set in and other autoimmune diseases showed up.

    Whether it is Celiac or Gluten Intolerance the solution is the same....gluten-free diet. If it were me and mine, I would ask for genetic testing for Celiac. Genetic testing DOES NOT dx Celiac. But my thinking (and this is just my opinion) is that if my child obviously responds poorly to gluten and has Celiac genes then I can feel really SECURE in my decision to keep him gluten free for as long as he lives with me. Having a Celiac gene does not mean you will develop Celiac. But with an obvious sensitivity and the genes, it just makes sense to avoid gluten.

    At some point when you can no longer control his eating, he may decide to eat gluten foods (teen years are suspect) and if he reacts badly he will have to decide for himself if he wants to continue eating it (and if he wants to test for Celiac).

    All you can do as a Mom is focus on the now and keeping him healthy until he is an adult. gluten-free sure looks like the right thing for you.

    Ask the Ped if he can ease your mind even more by ordering the Genetic Test.

  10. Welcome. :)

    Also look into the SCD diet as it has helped MANY in here including me.

    Make sure you are 100% gluten-free. No wheat, barley, rye or oats.

    Make sure you do not use old scratched teflon pans, cutting boards, wooden spoons, etc. as they can harbor gluten and contaminate you.

    Make sure all of your toiletries are gluten-free (toothpaste, lotions, anything that goes on your lips, etc.)

    Soy may be a problem, but it may be that you are till getting small amounts of gluten without knowing it and cannot heal fully.

    Wishing you well.

  11. Dear M. Cummings,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding our Original Taro Chips. We apologize for the delay in our reply and appreciate your patience. We strive to maintain the highest quality products and we appreciate your patronage.

    The ingredients in our Terra Taro Chips are gluten free. We do not have a gluten free facility, however we do have very strict allergen controls and follow excellent manufacturing practices to minimize any cross contact possibilities. Both major and minor ingredients of all products, as well as all processing procedures and equipment, are closely scrutinized and all potential allergen issues as determined by the Hain Celestial Group are declared on our labeling.

    We assure you that strict manufacturing processes and procedures are in place and that all of our manufacturing facilities follow rigid allergen control programs that include staff training, segregation of allergen ingredients, production scheduling, and thorough cleaning and sanitation.

    Thank you for your continued support. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-434-4246, Monday through Friday from 7AM - 5PM Mountain Time.



    Consumer Relations Representative

    Ref # 1729578

  12. Your thyroid sounds like Hashimoto's disease which is an autoimmune disease (so is Celiac). And the two are often related. Did they test you for both thyroid antibodies? Call. Find out. If not, those should be tested ASAP!!

    You NEED to ask your doctor if he plans on TESTING you for Celiac (full blood panel including IgA and IgG and total IgA) plus a biopsy. If he does, then you DO NOT want to go gluten free until after ALL tests are performed.

    Unfortunately a common pattern is that a doctor will tell a patient to "try" a gluten-free diet. The diet works. So then the doctor says....now we should test you, so start eating gluten AGAIN. The patient eats gluten for a few weeks then tests NEG. So the doctor says you do not have Celiac. THIS IS ALL WRONG!!!!!!!!

    A patient could do enough healing on a trial of gluten-free diet so that the tests will be NEG when in fact that patient DOES HAVE CELIAC. You MUST be eating gluten and have been eating a lot of it for a good 3 months before Celiac testing or you can get FALSE NEG.

    And the consequences of eating gluten when you have active Celiac are dire. Why doctors do this is beyond me.

    SOOOOO.....DO NOT let the doctor put you on gluten-free diet BEFORE testing. DO NOT DO IT.

    Insist on the tests first.

  13. What I hate about things like <300 for the fecal fat score is what if it was 299?

    The thing is there is no research to show correlations between these things. At the very least you could try a blood test. Chances are it will be NEG. But I think you can go with Enterolab and your son will have to be told that he is not to eat gluten that he has an intolerance for the rest of his life. I know it is hard. But it is healthy. At some point (likely the teen years) he may rebel and eat gluten. At that time he will make his own choices and further testing can be made then. Focus on the now and get him healthy!!

    I cant wait to hear a good report from you in response to the gluten-free diet.

  14. This is def a hard time of year to start gluten-free with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Chanakuh every month. You might wait for the genetic tests from Enterolab, so you could at least have something to show your husband that can lend support to what you want to try. But even if you have no supportive genetics, there is no reason not to try it. You may have to just ask your husband to humor you for a few weeks so you can at least have your own piece of mind.

  15. Do you have confirmed Celiac? If YES....then you can NEVER eat gluten again without damaging your body and setting yourself up for other health problems. You dont outgrow Celiac or cure it with a gluten-free diet. You simply control the disease. It NEVER goes away.

    If you are gluten intolerant, maybe. A very few can eat it again. But most cannot.

    I made banana bread today and it is absolutely delicious!! I am grain free. I made it with almond flour. It is awesome!!

    Before I went grain free banana bread was one of my first gluten-free baking endeavors and it came out so yummy and no one could tell the difference. :)

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