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  1. I did talk to a few of my Aunts who have the "family curse - nervous stomach", but neither of them were even remotely interested in finding out if gluten was a problem for them. I guess for some, food is way to important.

    I did bring some of my gluten-free Jennie's macaroons for dessert. My little 16 mo old nephew went ga ga for them. :)

  2. Didnt someone recently say that Glutino had new Ritz type crackers in flavors and one of them was close to "Cheez its"????

    This must be them:

    <a href="Open Original Shared Link free.com/Glutino-Cheddar-Crackers/Item108012" target="external ugc nofollow">Open Original Shared Link free.com/Glutino-Cheddar-...kers/Item108012</a>

    Oh and if you want to do oatmeal buy gluten-free oatmeal. Several companies make it. It is not fast cooking. But one trick is to use a crock pot. You put it on right before bed and it is ready to eat in the morning and will have the consistency of quick cooking oats.

    Open Original Shared Link

    Open Original Shared Link

  3. I just got back from a family reunion and was pleasantly surprised. :) There were over 100 people and everyone brought food. Lots of gluteny desserts of course. We are talking Southern Georgia here.....Fried okra, black eyed peas, ham, cobbler, biscuits and everything else Southern you can imagine.

    Well before I went I told my Mom I would be bringing my own food. She said she understood. I brought a big cooler full of things I could eat. Well, my Mom made a roasted turkey. She used only salt, pepper and garlic powder for seasoning. She showed me each spice bottle so I could approve of them. And I ate the turkey with no problems. She used a stainless steel pot to make me some turnip greens with only salt and olive oil (cuz the ham had "spices" and I didnt trust it). She baked sweet potatoes wrapped in tin-foil.

    I was able to eat a "normal" Southern meal and no one gave me any crap. A few people said...."My you eat so healthy." and "You arent eating dessert, no wonder you are skinny." But none in a bad way and no one pressured me to eat anything.

    I had a good time! And I didnt get sick!

  4. Prayers to you Jenny. My Mom had it done a few years ago. She said it was the easiest surgery she has ever had (and she has had quite a few). She also had cancer, but it had not spread. No chemo and no radiation. She is doing well on Synthroid now. And one of our good friends had hers removed last year. The scar is tiny. Even though I think it is not obvious, she wears a necklace over it. Hope yours is equally as smooth.

  5. Hey I am sorry if I came across judgmental. It was not intentional. I guess I wasnt clear on what you were asking. For me it isnt exactly fear that motivates me to stay on track. I get really sick: vertigo and migraines. The vertigo is my worst symptom and I cannot think of any food I would eat to risk that. When it happens I cannot walk and I want to puke. It is horrible.

    Human beings are motivated by two things (positive) and (negative) reinforcement. So if none of the negative motivation works for you, maybe you can try focusing on the positive. What are the benefits eating gluten free has given you? And keep your eye on those. You could also think of every time you resist as a little victory. A way you have made yourself stronger. And you can be proud of that. :)

  6. If getting sick or developing cancer are not enough....I just dont know what to say. It has to come from deep within yourself. You have to wan it. You have to love yourself enough to stay away from gluten. For some people it takes a major medical crisis for them to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. My Sis is a good example. She smoked since she was 13 and just Feb. at the age of 43 she got dx cancer. Now she knew that smoking could cause cancer of course, but she didnt think bout the future...until the cancer. She quit cold turkey on March 1st and hasnt lit up since. Maybe you are one of these types of folks. Me....I think of the future and take care of myself now. Not saying either way is superior....since I dont understand people that dont...it may just be a personality thing. I hope you can find that reserve now!

  7. I understand your frustration that you family was careless. We all need to vent now and again. Did you inhale a bread crumb? It s possible you got CC from somewhere else. But at any rate, it is your right to see to it that your family understands and helps you as much as possible.

  8. I wonder if she has enough stomach acid to digest those proteins.......A good digestive enzyme plus a small amount of HCL could help her digest her food better. Please research this to see what you think.

    Also...peanuts...a lot of us have problems with peanuts. Just a thought.

    Has she been retested recently to see if she still has antibodies to gluten? Because if she does, then she may not be 100% gluten-free.

    Some of us are extremely sensitive to even Vitamin E made from wheat in our lip gloss. All toiletries should be checked especially anything that can make it into the mouth. Do you brush your teeth after eating gluten to make sure she doesnt get some when you kiss her. Dont laugh. It happens. CC is sneaky and can show up in all sorts of places. Is your kitchen gluten-free? If not, were changes made to protect her. Her own new pots and pans (not old scratched ones), her own cutting boards (not old scratched ones), her own condiments (so no one double dips into them and gets crumbs in them). No flour in the kitchen ever? That stuff gets everywhere and contaminates everything. Does she use any arts and crafts mediums (many have wheat/gluten bi-products)?

    When she goes to the Dr. get him to retest her antibodies to see if she still has them.

  9. Did they test your Ferritin too?

    If you cannot absorb, then request B12 shots. You can also get folic acid shots as well. B-complex is best.

    MANY feel absolutely crappy when their B12 is low. Those shots might be just what you need. Since Celiac is closely related to other auto-immune diseases, you might have pernicious anemia (PA) and that is why you do not absorb B12. There are antibody tests for PA among others. If you have PA then you will need shots for life.

    Some feel really bad when their Ferritin is low as well.

    Food for thought......

  10. Correct. If you are on a gluten free diet then the biopsy will be inaccurate. Some say you need to eat gluten heavy for a good 3 months for them to be accurate. I couldnt do that...no. But some do it just to get an official dx. But you already got that, so not sure why you would want to torment yourself now.

    Candida is a possibility. Have you researched the SCD diet? www.pecanbread.com

    A lot of people in here (including me) have had success with it. Google it and see what you think.

  11. I have found calling ahead to be invaluable. Try to talk to the head manager or the head chef. Tell them it will be 2 adults and one child eating and the child needs gluten-free food. Could they prepare something just for her so that your family can enjoy and frequent their restaurant. The economy isnt great right now and restaurants need our business. You might find that they are more than willing to accommodate you.

  12. Jilly,

    I really hope you will come back into our forum and not let the recent negative slant of one poster scare you away. The thing I like most about this forum is that most of the people in here are respectful. They can allow for many people to "add" to a thread knowing that there is something of value in the thread as a whole and not necessarily just the opinion of one poster. Most people do not get defensive if someone else has an opinion, experience or offers additional information. The attitude of one poster is not representative of all of us.

    Everyone here has experience that has merit and we all come in here to share. :) Even the negative people might have something that can be helpful to you. Sometimes you just have to wade through the things that are not relevant to you.

    For Veggie: First I consciously avoid any thread you post in because I find you very negative and adversarial. Typically I will PM the original poster on any thread you are on now. That's right....far from "following you around"....I actually "avoid" you. I only post if I feel there is a good reason (and something that could harm even one person is enough reason for me). I never once said your information was bad or wrong. I simply gave a warning that if someone had a thyroid condition to use it with caution and under a doctor's care. And several times I advised this poster to check with their doctor and get some more tests. How can you deny a person more information that might be helpful to them? How can you in good conscience ever think a caution is bad? If you could delete my posts would you? If someone with a thyroid condition took your advice and got very sick, could you live with that? Would your satisfaction come only from deleting my posts with no care for the person who could have been helped by them? A caution is just that, think before proceeding. It is extremely arrogant to think that because your family responded to a supplement that everyone will and that you know everything there is to know about L-carnitine. My guess is there are a handful of people in here that know more than both of us combined. And thank goodness for that!

  13. Hi there and welcome!! You didnt say....not sure if you are looking for support or advice or both. :)

    This forum is a great resource and we are here whenever you have a question. It is so great to pool from so many wonderful people who participate on these threads.

    First, I would ask why you want an official dx? Is there a reason you need to feed him gluten, make him sick and then put him through an invasive test (biopsy)??

    If it were me and mine, I simply could not do this to my child. I just couldnt.

    You had a POS response to the diet and that is your answer. It isnt a dx. It isnt a name scribbled into his medical charts. It is real life and real results!! And the sad truth is that even if he can survive eating gluten for 3 months (recommended for accuracy by many) tests on children under 6 are notoriously inaccurate because their immune systems are not fully developed and they do not produce enough antibodies to get a POS blood result. And since intestinal damage can be "patchy" a biopsy might not show any damage if they do not take samples from the right places or they are not interpreted correctly.

    You could put him through that misery for nothing. And they will say he is fine. He doesnt have Celiac. When in fact he could and if he continues to eat gluten could set himself up for autoimmune diseases and cancers (due to untreated Celiac).

    He is young right now and it is easy for you to monitor his food. A gluten free diet can be VERY healthy. The day will come that he eats gluten. Either by accident or deliberately (the teen years can be hard for a celiac/gluten intolerant). If he gets a negative response, then he will know he cant eat it. If he gets no bad reaction, he might have just been "intolerant" and able to eat it then. Or he could be Celiac and it could show up later in life.

    But all you can focus on at this moment is the NOW. And you have your answer.

  14. In my practice, I dealt with many people who took supplements at random based on something they read here or there. It isnt always safe. And taking a single amino acid is not safe for more than a short time (a week or 2). I learned this in my first year of study for my B.A. in Holistic Nutrition. And that information was reinforced many times as I completed my Phd.

    I would have responded the same to anyone who posts on this board with information. If I have something to add I ALWAYS will. Every time.

    I specialized in thyroid issues and the ways that nutrition can help/harm that organ and system. It was the subject of my dissertation.

    When I saw your post and the original poster's symptoms, a light bulb went off and I remembered something. I then looked it up on Google and found my memory was correct.

    If you have a thyroid condition, you should take L-carnitine under a doctor's care.

    My time spent here is now and has always been in the service of others. So I ignore any sophomoric games.

  15. Rob....welcome to the board. So touching to read of your love for your wife.

    Are you guys working with health professionals? Both medical and therapeutic can be of great benefit.

    What does she eat on a typical day? Does she have a strong appetite? Does she eat a lot but still losing weight? Does she "avoid" food due to fear? Is she still eating dairy? Could she possibly be bulimic? I was and no one in the whole world knew but me until I finally got help for it.

    Please tell us more about her so we can help. And please do get help from professionals. They can be life savers.

  16. Please go back to your doctor for any blood tests that were not performed. Specifically B12, MMA, Folic Acid, Ferritin and a Full Thyroid Panel. As you can read from this article below about L-carnitine it can worsen a thyroid condition. Which you could have because thyroid issues can cause neurological symptoms. You need to have as many possibilities excluded before you start supplementing at random.

    Open Original Shared Link

    ***Please note to those with neuro issues and thyroid issues that L-carnitine can cause your thryoid hormones to be EVEN less effective. Either your own or medication. ALWAYS research ANYTHING you see on these forums before trying it out.

    Also note that taking a single aminio acid can be harmful. They must be balanced. It is recommended that if taking a single amino acid, you should also take an amino acid complex at a different time of day.

  17. 9 days is a short time. Some dont notice changes for months. It took me a good 6 weeks to notice a difference. Some get "worse" before "better". Hang in there. Yes, other foods could be an issue too. It isnt easy to figure it all out.

    As a general game plan, I think cutting out gluten, dairy and soy at first is a good idea. Then add dairy back in after a few months of feeling good to see if it is a problem. Same for soy.

  18. Not for me. I am familiar with "Herx". It is ONLY the flour and a horrible pain in my stomach that lasts about an hour or so and then it goes away. Horrible pain. Like I cannot digest it kinda pain.

    No problems with coconut milk, shredded coconut, macaroons and the oil. I eat those all of the time.

    It is just the flour for me.

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