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  1. 5 days is NOT VERY LONG. It can take a lot longer to see results. I would stay the course and give it a few months.

    Also, note a lot of people think they are gluten-free when in fact, there is cross contamination in their kitchen or they are eating things that "appear" gluten-free, but they have not actually called the company to make sure there is no gluten in the products. Skin care/toothpaste, etc. must be scrutinized to be 100% gluten-free. Old teflon pans must not be used. Old cutting boards can harbor gluten. Ditto wooden spoons. Some do not heal unless every trace of it gone.

  2. You have found your answer. But if you NEED an official Dx then you will have to start eating all of those gluteny things again and LOTS of them for 3 months before blood/biopsy tests. Otherwise you can get a false negative.

    If you dont want to put yourself through that hell, you can use Enterolab. They do not Dx Celiac, but they can tell you if you are intolerant and if you are malabsorbing. You can also opt for their genetic tests to see if you even have the Celiac genes.

    Let's say that Enterolab shows gluten intolerance and a Celiac gene. That could be enough to keep you on the diet.

    Or you can suck it up (because you know the truth that gluten hurts you) and go 100% gluten-free and heal and get on with a healthy life.

    Celiac or no....you appear gluten intolerant. The cure is the same either way....gluten-free diet.

  3. Unfortunately, if you have low Ferritin and/or adrenal hormones, you can feel "hyper" when you are not. Check out:


    A lot of good information there.

    Progesterone will open the receptor sites so more thyroid gets into the cells. This is a good thing, but can be tricky balancing with thyroid hormones.

    I had sensations of "hyper" at 2 grains. So doctor cut back and I went into full blown "hypo" again. I needed to get my Ferritin up and once I did, I could continue raising my Armour until I got to an optimal dose. Ferritin should be at least 50 with 70-90 being optimal. Mine is still a work in progress as I do not have enough iron stores to get me by should I need surgery or get into an accident.

    I dose 4 times a day on Armour sublingually. It works great for me. Our thyroids naturally secret hormones in periodic burst throughout the day. I am mimicking nature this way and it keeps me very stable.

    Synthetic hormones like Levoxyl and Synthroid are different. You can take them anytime and the bodies ability to utilize the hormone depends on the body's ability to convert all of that straight T4 into T3.

    I am a poor converter. So all that T4 would just pool in my blood and make me feel "hyper" with "hypo" symptoms unresolved. My life changed when I switched to Armour.

  4. I am currently trying Goat's milk Kefir. Cow dairy bothers me in any form. Mucus. Coughing. Congestion. So far the Kefir has been fine and it has made my bm's normal for the first time in my life. :)

    Some find they can tolerate fermented dairy, but not milk. Some can do goat but not cow. You should try cutting it all out for awhile and then challenge with fermented first to see what happens.

  5. I see Indian treats like that and it is no wonder most of India is diabetic. :( Oh my!!

    Interestingly, traditional Indian curries are not hot. Portugal brought red pepper into India in the 17th Century. Before that, they only used mildly hot spices like ginger and cumin in the curry powders. There is a wave of Indians returning to traditional roots and shunning the overly hot spices like red/chili pepper.

  6. I really dont have any issues with other people. Maybe it is because I live in a bigger city. But most just mind their own business. I have run into a few friends at the store and the most I ever got was "My you eat so healthy" when they look in my cart. I dont think peeps mean to be rude. I think a good number of people are very self conscious about themselves and their own weight/eating habits. The type of people that will say something are usually the ones that constantly beat themselves up....I should eat better....I should start exercising....I should quit smoking. It really comes from insecurity more than rudeness IMO.

    I'll be 40 in November. Maybe it is my age too. I really dont care AT ALL what other people think about me. It is a liberating feeling indeed. :)

  7. You might be able to find kefir starter grains if you sniff around online. Several people sell it on eBay. You could then make your own. It is pretty easy and I am considering trying to make it myself. But find just grabbing it at the store seems easy enough. :)

    It is a lot tangier than yogurt and thinner. It can also have a slight carbonation to it depending on how long it was fermented. I dont like the taste particularly, but it is helping me.

    I tried it in a smoothie and just didnt care for the sharpness of it. So what I do now is drink the kefir through a straw and then enjoy my fruit only smoothie. Works much better for me this way rather than combining them.

  8. I went to get my 3 month supply refilled in August and the pharmacy only had 90 pills left and I needed 270. These were the 60 mg/1 grain size. So I went to the Armour website and it said that the lower doses would be back ordered for a short period and the larger sizes 2 grains and up wouldnt be out till I think November. Well I get panicky because only Armour works for me well. Synthroid does not work for me at all. As soon as the back order was lifted on the smaller doses, I ordered 300 (60mg) pills from a supplier online. You can freeze them indefinitely. I never want to run out!!

  9. Ok I wasnt going to mention this because I am still in the experimental phase, but mftnchn this might help you. I have started drinking raw goat milk kefir. It is made by a small local goat dairy nearby. Kefir is reported by many to be a most healing food for digestive issues and food allergies/intolerances. It contains many beneficial bacteria and yeasts for our intestines. Where yogurt passes through rather quickly offering transient help. Kefir actually colonizes the intestines crowding out the bad guys and making vitamins for us and healing acids.

    This is from my extensive research on Kefir. Do your own of course.

    So I tried it. After only 2 days of drinking 1 cup per day, my bms look normal. Brown. Formed. No undigested food in them. Pointy ends. This may not sound like much of a triumph, but NEVER in my life have I EVER had a normal looking bm. Always loose, unformed, undigested food in them. So this is major for me.

    I am only 1 week into the Kefir. So not enough time for me to declare it a wonder food or a cure or even completely helpful. But I am hopeful. :)

    I follow the SCD mostly, but still incorporate things into my diet/life that I feel are beneficial based on my own research.

  10. Oh yeah...you can see some weird stuff in the first 4-6 weeks. I had always had loose stool, but always brown. But after going gluten-free...must have been a week or so in...I had a strange pale almost white thing in the bowl. It freaked me out. But after that....back to brown and have been ever since. I have had some foul smelling stuff too. I get green when I am not digesting well and I eat something green like spinach.

    A gross topic for most. But hey...everyone poops. :)

  11. If she is good with coconut, Turtle Mountain makes coconut ice cream that is delicious. gluten-free and DF. :) It comes in some yummy flavors like cookie dough, chocolate chip mint, vanilla and coconut. I have tried them all except the cookie dough. I am grain free.

    Something like this could ease the transition from dairy. Whole Foods caries it. So does a few of my local health food stores, so see if you can get it.

  12. I hear you Jason. And I sympathize completely. Life constantly presents us with challenges that we have to face and work through.

    I suffered horrible vertigo for many years and I became a recluse because of it. It was my excuse for not doing anything. For not living fully. But I got tired of being a prisoner to my disease and my own home. I wanted to live!! So I forced myself to get out. To do things. Even if they were uncomfortable. First I joined a gym. The first 2 weeks I just poked around observing things. Then the guy that ran the place noticed me. He invited me to a kickboxing class. A kickboxing class!! Geez...with my vertigo. I told him about my unsteadiness. But he said come anyway. So I did. I got there early and talked to a few other women. I told them about my vertigo. I fell on my ass at least 10 times during that hour. In front of 20 other people. I fell. No one laughed. No one. Afterwards, several people came up to me and said they admired me. And I realized that I was proud of myself too. So I kept going. I got better and better. I stopped falling. I got good at it. A few months in, I was so good at that the instructor asked if I would teach the class for her one day when she would need to be absent. Crazy. But I did it. Everyone loved me and the class I taught. So I got ACE certified to be an instructor and started teaching my own classes. I then worked toward a Phd in Holistic Nutrition. THESE WERE SOME OF THE MOST REWARDING THINGS I HAVE EVER DONE. I would not have gotten to enjoy my life if I had not taken a risk.

    You can never get satisfaction from life if you continue to play the "what if" game. Real joy comes from taking risks and finding that you are a lot more wonderful than you think you are. :)

    I met my DH online 7 years ago. I took a risk. It paid off. Now, I dated a lot of toads along the way. Not everyone that answered my ad was normal. Uncomfortable. Yes. But the end result was that I found someone that I love deeply and fully. Worth the risk and the pain in the ass? You bet!

    You could try online dating and just say upfront that you have food intolerances. You might just be surprised that there is a woman out there that is perfect for you as she shares food intolerances as well. And her family is already familiar with it because of her and you will fit right in. But you will NEVER know unless you get out there. Force yourself. Refuse to be a prisoner to your food issues. Allow yourself some discomfort to get to the prize.

  13. I agree. And even if sprouting could break down the protein, I know from personal experience (was a raw foodist mega sprouter for 6 months) that not all of the grains sprout. So in a BIG business like Ezekial bread making there would be a lot of grains that had the gluten fully in tact.


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