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Thyroid hormones are tricky and you need a REALLY good doctor to help you figure it out.
Did they test your Ferritin? Low iron stores can make you react hyper to even small doses of Thyroid meds.
Ditto if your adrenal glands are shot. Did they test cortisol?
MANY people have to start Thyroid VERY SLOWLY.
I started on just 1/8 grain (7.5 mg) twice a day. After 2 weeks I upped it to 1/4 grain (15 mg) twice a day. And so on........I raised slowly every 2 weeks. Once I got to 2 grains (120 mgs) my raises got slower. Every 6 weeks. I am now up to 3 grains and it feels OPTIMAL for me. Hypo symptoms gone and I feel stable.
Probiotics would be a good call. Did they test your gallbladder?
If you have only been off gluten for 2 days.....you can eat it again now and go get the tests. 2 days should not affect the tests. Having an "official" dx is important to some. For others, getting healthy is all that matters. It is up to you which way you want to go.
I had the blood tests and they came back negative. I passed on a biopsy. I tried the diet instead and it has helped me a lot.
Were you tested for parasites? That bout of D sounds suspicious with the after affects.
Could be that....but could also be your wiring. Either way....you gotta resist. Try distraction methods. They are helpful for me. I will throw myself into a project with a specific goal.
It may not be your fault. Blame your brain chemistry. Some people are "risk takers" and their unique brain chemistry reflects this. I should know because I have that brain chemistry (but not extreme). We actually have certain enzymes and chemicals different from people that do not take risks. Google it!
I get the same exact feelings/sensations you do. Oh...I'll just eat it. And sometimes I do. Or I skirt around the problem food. Not eating the donut directly, but maybe eating at the cafe. Still taking a risk. A cautioned risk. But a risk nonetheless.
I am no daredevil, but I have spent my life "risk taking". Some produced good things. Like I took a risk in listing my artwork for sale. It paid off as I now earn a full-time living selling my art. Other risks were not so smart. I will save the details........
In the beginning YES. Stick to simple foods: plain meats, veggies, fruits, nut butters, rice, oils, eggs, potatoes, (kids love sweet potatoes.....you can make them like french fries...yum!) etc. Simple spices (no seasoning mixes unless they say gluten-free and not processed in a facility that also processes wheat).
I dont eat processed foods, but I know there is another rice cake that is certified gluten-free. Do you live near a Whole Foods? They have sections of certified gluten-free foods to make it easier.
I would say that cutting out the dairy for now would be a good idea. It may only be temporary until his intestines heal. In a few months reintroduce dairy and see what happens.
AT HOME: make sure you NEVER use wheat flour/barley flour/oat flour/rye flour in your kitchen. That stuff gets everywhere. If you will maintain a "mixed" kitchen, he should have his own toaster, pans, cutting boards, etc.. Get rid of wooden spoons and the like as they can harbor gluten in the scratches, cracks and porous areas.
Make sure all lotions, toothpaste, etc. is gluten-free.
Ask any questions in here. We are happy to help!
Ask for B12, MMA, Folic Acid, Ferritin, Vit D along with the standard CBC. This is a good start and he should feel comfortable with ordering these. Also ask for a full Thyroid panel while you are at it: FREE T4, FREE T3, TSH and both antibodies.
Well it looks safe as it is just salt and baking soda. You could make your own at home.
I would add the magnesium too. It is gentle. Try a liquid (citrate, malate or glycinate). You can also soak in Epsom Salt bath. The skin does absorb it. But to loosen the poo...you need to take it orally. Up to 2000 mg Vit C a day could help as well. Tons of water of course.
George's Aloe Vera juice could also do the trick. Healing. Soothing. And doesnt taste bad. Tastes like water.
Welcome Kevin!
Thank YOU for sharing. So glad you are feeling better. Stay the course and let us know if you have ANY questions. We are happy to help.
You have a legal right to copies of your daughter's medical records. Talk to the right person and dont take no for an answer.
Her GI said the results would be accurate because if Celiac was what was causing her to be so thin that there would definitely be conclusive results on her tests.This is just wrong. I suffered for nearly 12 years from so many doctors that were flat out WRONG.
No matter what they tell you. No matter what the test say. You do not need permission to try a gluten-free diet on your daughter. If she responds to the diet by getting healthy and gaining weight. You will have your answer.
For me, if it were my daughter, I would care more about getting her well and less about an official diagnosis. Exhaust all of the tests you can and then try the diet.
They are right. Protein is very important. I am up nearly 7 pounds from pre gluten-free days (as of this morning). I was way too skinny for my bone structure. I should be curvy and I just looked like bones. I feel more feminine now. My boobs no longer look like empty gym socks.
I dont like meat for breakfast, so I have nuts and fruit. I eat meat for lunch and dinner. I also eat eggs for snack sometimes.
You will get there.....
I am gluten intolerant and had weight loss. I have gained 5 pounds back and actually look "curvy" again. I do not have mouth ulcers though.
Think Green!!! Green leafy.....green veggies. Magnesium is in the chlorophyll.
Beans, black 1 cup 120 mg
Broccoli, raw 1 cup 22
Halibut 1/2 fillet 170
Nuts, peanuts 1 oz 64
Okra, frozen 1 cup 94
Oysters 3 oz 49
Plantain, raw 1 medium 66
Rockfish 1 fillet 51
Scallop 6 large 55
Seeds, pumpkin and squash 1 oz (142 seeds) 151
Soy milk 1 cup 47
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 157
My first thought was "parasite" too. Get checked!
I got "funky" almond flour from Bob's about 2 months ago. It was rancid. I went to 3 different health food stores and he same lot numbers at the stores were rancid. I pointed it out to the stores and hey pulled them. I then contacted Bob's and they gave me refunds for the bags I had bought.
Sometimes food goes rancid for whatever reason. It just happens.
Smell the oats. Do they smell fresh or a little "funky". If so, get a refund and buy a different lot number.
A small percentage (3% I believe) of Celiacs DO NOT have the 2 U.S. recognized genes. Someone on this board had a NEG gene test, but retested and they found it the second time (DQ8) the more rare one. So the genetic tests may not be 100% accurate. Also, other countries in Europe recognize 7 genes for Celiac. As always the U.S. is way behind.
If it were me, I would consider myself Celiac and that is what I would tell everyone. And I would eat gluten-free for the REST OF MY LIFE.
Looks pretty SEVERE. Make sure you are keeping him 100% gluten-free and cut out the Dairy right now too. In 3 months try reintroducing dairy and see what happens. I would personally go ahead and cut out Soy too if he doesnt get better gluten-free and Dairy Free.
No Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats or Dairy. Then see where you are in 3 months.
Actually we are each individual in our abilities to absorb the different kinds of magnesium. But in general Citrate, Malate and Glycinate are good.
Since you are already gluten-free, I would stay the course at least for a few months and see if you feel better. At that point, you can "challenge" and eat gluten and see if you react badly. That will be your clue.
Did you use an old scratched Teflon pan? That could be it.
We made the original recipe in this thread tonight. I cannot say because I am grain free and just dont tolerate chocolate. But DH, DD and her friend thought they were fun and yummy.
Get a serum B12 and an MMA. You sound spot on for B12 deficiency which is very common in Celiac. Have they tested your Ferritin? Low iron stores can also cause neurological problems.
You need a lot more tests. Cheap blood tests. But can tell you a lot. Perhaps a new doctor. One that knows more about Celiac.
Trying To Figure Things Out
in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms
Your Mom got constipated because in general most doctors dont know squat about nutrition. Taking 1 isolated nutrient can always cause problems.
Calcium MUST be balanced with magnesium, boron, potassium and vitamin D. And if he prescribed the carbonate form of Calcium that would also explain a lot. Calcium Citrate is much better.
You can pick up a copy of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" at any bookstore or health food store. It explains ALL of the nutrients in the front and how they interact with each other and how to balance them. She gives a very good guideline on how much to take of each nutrient. Often you can find a Multi-vit-min that covers everything except Calcium and Mag. So you add one of those to your multi.