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Many benefit by removing Casein and Soy as well.
I had doctors look me straight in the eye for 10 years and say "there is nothing wrong with your thyroid. You are fine. Your labs are perfect..........you need a psychiatrist."
OR 'You cant be hypothyroid....you are too thin." My TSH hovered around 3. The old ranges went to 5, so all of the doctors said I was fine. Imagine my horror when I learned last year that the new ranges have 3 being the highest and have been for years (Some labs are still using old ranges). I fired my doctor immediately and found a thyroid literate holistic MD. She didnt even look at my labs. Didnt need to. I was severely hypothyroid. I wasnt overweight, but that didnt concern her. She tested my reflexes and had me chart my temperature for 5 days. I had dry skin and my hair was very sparse. Eyebrows nearly absent. Muscle spasms and twitches. Depression. Fatigue. She put me on Armour. I am up to 3 grains and my hair has grown back. I have eyebrows. My skin looks 10 years younger. I have energy. My muscles dont twitch anymore. I wake up feeling refreshed.
gluten-free has stopped the weight loss, D, migraines and greatly improved my neuropathy and vertigo.
My Mom was told she was "normal" for 2 years of pure hell. Her TSH was "normal" at 4.8. No antibodies. But one day she passed out while driving and woke up with paramedics surrounding her. At the hospital a keen doctor asked her about her thyroid. He did an ultrasound and said it didnt look right. Her thyroid was nearly gone!!! Surgery revealed thyroid cancer and severe Hashimotos. She was not diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease by labs (they were normal), but by the fact that the disease had literally eaten away most of the organ.
Ranges dont mean anything to me anymore. What the heck is a "weak positive" anyway? Is that like being "kind of pregnant"? Ridiculous!!
If I were you, which I am not. I would ask for a biopsy for Celiac. If they refuse, then do a 3 month trial of a gluten-free diet and see if your symptoms dont improve. There is no harm in it and you have EVERYTHING to gain. If you get the biopsy, it can be another piece to the puzzle. You can try a gluten-free diet at anytime. You DO NOT need a doctor's permission.
Maybe they have a "dont ask" and "dont tell" policy.
Those summer rolls would be tricky with only one hand......
Many of us discover that GLUTEN is not our only problem.
Would try eliminating dairy for awhile and soy. Those can be very bothersome in the healing process.
If it were me, I would make up a bunch of soups BEFORE the second operation and freeze them. Can buy pre chopped onions/peppers/veggies etc. either fresh or frozen. Pre chopped beef or chicken. Dump in crock pot with broth and seasoning and cook 8 hours or so.
I wouldnt use ANY gluten containing "flours" in your house EVER. That stuff gets everywhere. Personally, I didnt want to have to always worry and feel sick, so I took my whole family gluten-free (including the dogs). There needs to be one place in the world where I can feel safe. It is my home.
Check your fingernails. Dont use teflon that has had ANY gluten foods in it. Same for cutting boards.
Like you, mine was bloating without a lot of end product. I was much gassier before gluten-free. This was different. Yes.
Not in our neck of the woods yet. Im not eating grains, but would buy for DH and DD.
Im not sure I would use it continuously. Generally herbs should be cycled. 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off. I know in India that Neem is their most popular contraceptive. Sooooo if you are TTC....DO NOT TAKE NEEM!! That goes for male or female. Neither partner should take it if you want to get pregnant. It is also used in India to control Diabetes. It loweres BS, so keep this in mind if you tend toward hypoglycemia. Keep an eye on it.
So glad it is helping others with bloat. I didnt know if I was a fluke or not.
It took me a SOLID 6 weeks to get through all that crap.....then I started feeling MUCH better!!
Hang in their sweetie....there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Just be mindful to avoid CC. Dont eat out and muck it up. Stay focused. Tell your husband that once you get through the poop, he will have a new and improved wife. Might even make you more frisky. This might help him be more patient.
I like "Cooking Free".
I was severely hypothryoid with a TSH at 2.8. I dont feel good unless my TSH is below 0. It is currently .008 and I feel really good. Everyone is different with regard to what TSH makes them feel well. But the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist ALL agree that 3.00 is the cut off. And there is talk of them lowering it even more as more data comes in. I predict at some point in the future it will be dropped to 2. My hope is that someday it is eliminated all together.
You have Hashimotos Disease. You MUST get those antibodies down or eventually you could end up like my Mom (no thyroid left). And she developed thyroid cancer as a result of not getting it treated in time. I fear that if you are not being treated by a knowledgeable doctor, you can do yourself great harm.
According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
(AACE), 1 in 10 Americans - more than the number of Americans with
diabetes and cancer combined - suffer from thyroid disease, yet as
many as half remain undiagnosed. In order to counteract this lack of
awareness and educate the public about the prevalence of thyroid
disease, diagnosis, and treatment, in January, AACE continued its
annual thyroid awareness campaign. The 2003 campaign, Hiding in Plain
Sight: Thyroid Undercover, launched as part of the January 2003
Thyroid Awareness Month.
According to the AACE, until November 2002, doctors had relied on a
normal TSH level ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 to diagnose and treat
patients with a thyroid disorder who tested outside the boundaries of
that range. The new guidelines narrow the range for acceptable thyroid
function, and AACE is now encouraging doctors to consider treatment
for patients who test outside the boundaries of a narrower margin
based on a target TSH level of 0.3 to 3.04. AACE believes the new
range will result in proper diagnosis for millions of Americans who
suffer from a mild thyroid disorder, but have gone untreated until
now. AACE estimates that the new guidelines double the number of
people who have abnormal thyroid function, bringing the total to 27
AACE made the decision to narrow the range because of data suggesting
many people may have low-level thyroid problems that could be improved
with treatment and a narrower TSH range will give doctors reason to
more carefully consider those patients.
If you can find a holitic MD near you that administers "Meyer's Cocktails" that would really help you. They can add B12 to it. It is an I.V.
Otherwise, yes, sublingual B12. Jarrow is very good. I would get the 5000 and take 2 or more of those a day for awhile until your levels are back up.
For magnesium, I take Pure Encapsulation's Magnesium Gycinate:
Open Original Shared Link
I take 500 mg a day balanced with calcium citrate, Vit D, Boron, silica, phosphorus.
You MUST "balance" your supplements or it can throw something else off.
RiceGuy....you were spot on about the coconut oil....your recommendation rocks!! It is the BEST I have tasted.....worth the extra "splurge".
How wonderful!
It is funny. I simply do not want gluten anymore. Even if I was not gluten intolerant. From the research I have done, it is just not good for humans to be eating it. Google Zonulin. Read "Dangerous Grains" and "Going Against The Grain". See if that doesnt make sense to you.
You totally missed the point.....avoid "processed foods" like french fries and mayo. Eat the whole potato or whole egg.
You can make french fries at home. Cut up potatos into fry shapes, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and bake in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes or until slightly browned.
Scramble eggs and add veggies.
Some mayo is gluten free. I dont eat processed foods, so I dont know which brands. You will have to check before you eat them.
The best way to avoid this is to buy/eat simple foods: plain meats, basic spices, eggs, nuts, veggies, fruits, rice, potato (and the like). If you can find it in nature......eat it. There are no donut trees.
Cook all your own food at home in a clean kitchen free of any gluten.
This will be your saving grace.
Thanks!!....but I am not going to push my luck and eat tons of chili or red pepper. Just now and again.
If you go gluten-free, dont bother with the tests as they will not be accurate. You must be consuming a good amount of gluten for at least 3 months (based on what everyone reports) for the tests to be accurate.
And that lactose is a good bet. You might try cutting it out for a few months and then try again. You may heal enough to tolerate it by then.
First I will say that if I ate a meal like that.....I would explode. But I assume this is your normal kinda diet.
I suspect the Milk Duds too......Or like others said....ups and downs in the beginning.
Could also be that ALL that food was not fully digested by the time you took your run. When you exercise, your body shunts blood from the digestive tract to the muscles and lungs. Thus halting digesting. All those carbs and sugars that were sitting there will start to ferment. Then you get bloating and gas. I was a certified ACE personal trainer for 7 years. I saw this in my clients frequently. I tried to get them to eat light the few hours before a run.
Vicky...you had a POS biopsy....the gold standard for Celiac AND you have a Celiac gene. You are Celiac, whether you believe so or not. It isnt latent. And I assume some sort of symptoms got you to the GI doctor. You say you are improved. Do you want those symptoms to come back? Are a return of symptoms not enough to convince you? Will you be one of those people who starts eating gluten again and doesnt get convinced until you develop other auto-immune diseases like diabetes, MS, RA....or perhaps Celiac related lymphoma would convince you? It is a very hard to treat cancer in Celiacs.
Not sure what it would take to convince you......only you can decide that.
Question About Chocolate And The Specific Carb Diet
in Coping with Celiac Disease
This was just NOT my experience. I have had amazing results by following the diet loosely. I eat sweet potatoes and plantains (and a few others now and again) and I have really healed well.