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  1. Generally there are no false POS on blood, but many false NEG. I am one of them.

    I would say, yes, go ahead and get the biopsy because if it comes out POS you will get the dx and know what you need to do to keep yourself healthy for the rest of your life (and avoid auto-immune diseases and cancers associated with Celiac).

    BUT and this is a big BUT, if the biopsy comes back NEG, you may wish to try a gluten-free diet to see what happens. Many find that things they didnt not realize (symptoms) disappear gluten-free. And after 3 months of healing you may just find you can digest LACTOSE again. It is the tiny tips of the villi in your intestines that produce lactase that breaks down lactose. If you have Celiac, then those little tips are likely damaged and that is why you cannot do dairy. (Note not every Celiac can have dairy once healed, but MANY can).

    Ask your doctor for a copy of the Celiac bloodwork you had done and post it here (it is your legal right to get copies). Unfortunately, not all doctors are real good at interpreting them. We see it time and time again in here. An obvious POS, but the doctor said all is fine.

  2. I have heard that some people respond violently when glutened. You may be one of them.

    The best you can do is cut out the dairy for a month or so. Eat simple foods cooked at home: meats, eggs, veggies, fruits, safe nuts & seeds and go easy on the grains (even gluten-free ones) and processed foods. Stick to whole foods.

    Drink lots of water.

    Get plenty of rest so your body can repair itself.

    Get some sunshine.

    Consider "Intestive" or "Sea Cure" to speed healing.

  3. I posted a bulletin on My Space to all of my friends and already I am getting responses:

    Sharon thank you so much!! I have one of these beds and have to get up in the middle of the night and sleep on the couch..suffering horrible asthma attacks and my hubby doesn't believe it. I opened it up and there it was to my horror.......mold!!! This is wonderful, maybe I'll be able to sleep well again! :)

    You did help at least one of us lol :)

  4. Gluten free wasnt enough to rid me of my neuro symptoms, although the migraines went away pronto. The others (vertigo/balance and neuropathy) werent budging. I finally cut out ALL grains and the lights came on.....I started healing. My vertigo is MUCH improved now and the tingling is better. Some days I barely notice it now. :)

    It was the "starches" I believe holding me up. Beans are a problem too. So yes, SCD diet is great for healing.

    I know it is difficult to give up foods you are accustomed to eating. No one wants to. Especially if you are vegetarian or vegan because this will leave you with little to eat by way of protein (without meats, dairy and eggs). But now is a good time to learn to "listen" to your body, so you can feed it what it needs not only on a moral level, but a biological one as well.

    I cannot do soy, beans, grains or dairy. Although I was a vegetarian for about 7 years with a few of those vegan, I am thankful I added animal protein back in before I discovered what was really causing my ill health.

    If your diet allows eggs and yogurt, then SCD would be good because it also allows nut butters and flours, so you should be able to get adequate protein along with all of the veggies and fruits allowed.

  5. I agree to make sure the formula is gluten-free. No Malt or Barley derivatives. Call the manufacturer to MAKE SURE.

    And ignoring a "NEWBORN" for 10 hours is neglect. It just is. This happened after birth not at 2 months. Though at 2 months it would be bad as well. Newborns do not necessarily need a lot of calories but they do need to nurse (cholostrum) and the bonding that is so vital.

    Many Celiac children vomit in the night, so your daughter could have Celiac. Get yourself tested. Ask for Genetic tests too. Then your DD and GS should be tested.

  6. Before taking calcium supplements, read these:

    Open Original Shared Link

    You take calcium supplements to protect your bones and prevent fractures, but a recent study suggests they might be damaging to your heart.

    The study, published online Jan. 15 2008 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), found that healthy postmenopausal women (average age 74) who took elemental calcium citrate supplements daily were significantly more likely to have a heart attack than women who didn't take calcium. The authors say the supplements raise blood calcium levels, potentially leading to calcium deposits in the arteries that can block blood flow.

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    MAGNESIUM A magnesium deficiency is due to a nitrogen toxicity because magnesium is a scavenger of excess nitrogens (nitrates). Nitrogen toxicity may occur when the soil is deficient in calcium because the nitrogens are then released very rapidly from the food. And the treatment is magnesium. So magnesium is deficient if you are overloaded with nitrogen. A heart attack is a sign that you have a magnesium deficiency. As the nitrogen levels go up in your blood, the viscosity goes up. The blood gets thicker. When your heart can't beat the thick blood through the vessels, what is going to happen? You don't get oxygen and nutrients, and the heart then suffers as a muscle.

  7. Did your doctor just do a "visual"??? Did she take samples to be sent to the lab for analysis? Samples from multiple spots? If she didnt, then she didnt do her job right.

    Have you had a complete Celiac panel?

    Genetic testing?

    You can accept your doctor saying that she doesnt think it is Celiac. Or you can do what you have done. The gluten-free diet.

    POS. response to a gluten-free diet is the only accurate way to diagnose.

    The scary thing is the people who have "believed" their doctors and went on eating gluten only to develop horrible auto-immune diseases before they FINALLY have enough damage in their intestines to get the "gold standard" diagnosis. Some get dx Celiac when they are being treated for lymphoma (related to untreated Celiac).

    You have your answer. If you ever decide you want to eat gluten again, you should at the very least have Genetic testing to see if you have Celiac genes.

  8. Did your doctor test you for thyroid antibodies??? If no, then you need to get that done. BECAUSE there are different reasons the thyroid hypofunctions and depending on the reason, treatment can be very different.

    For instance if you have Hashimotos (antibodies) then your thyroid is low because it has been attacked (auto-immune) and if you do not have enough thyroid tissue left to produce adequate hormone, then you can take all the supplements in the world and it will not work. You will need thyroid replacement (I use and recommend Armour and likely your Holistic Doc will too), but there are many options. Thyroid is not a cookie cutter disease. Each person is different and it takes a REALLY good doctor to work with you to find out what will work best for you. Also, if you have Hashimoto's taking all of that iodine in that supplement will make your situation WORSE.

    You can Google everything I am telling you and I encourage you to do that. Research the thyroid. Learn about your body and this will help you make good decisions about your health.

    Did he test your ADRENALS? Ferritin? Parathyroid hormones? B12? These are a MUST when considering treatment for the thyroid.

    Thyroid isnt something to mess around with. It controls everything in your body and it is CRUCIAL that you find a good doctor for this. Yours might be great, but make sure he tests properly and recommends accordingly (based on your own research).

    www.stopthethyroidmadess.com is a great place to start. Keep in mind that the ranges for TSH changed a long time ago, but most labs still use old ranges.

  9. Yes, we all have VERY DIFFERENT experiences. I will not even go into the 2 endocrinologists that I have seen. I got into trouble in these boards once by explaining my experience with them. I would rather have a veterinarian treat me than either one of those experts in Tampa. :angry:

    I do take calcium. I also know that calcium has to be carefully balanced with not only Vitamin D, but Magnesium, phosphorus and boron.

    If your doctor just told you to take Calcium + D without balancing with magnesium, he has done you a health disservice. Calcium must be balanced with magnesium, and many people take too much calcium, when they are really deficient in magnesium. Americans eat plenty of calcium, but the reason so many end up deficient or with osteoperosis is because they do not take magnesium with it via supplement or in foods (tons of green leafy veggies).

    Endocrinologists know a lot about a little. You may wish to consider consulting with a nutritionist or nutritional consultant. Taking all of that calcium without balance can lead to further trouble down the road (even if you feel fine now).

    I earned a Phd in Holistic Nutrition to find solutions to my own health problems. Then I practiced for about 3 years consulting others. I now follow my dream.....I am a full-time artist. But I have not forgotten the basics of my studies and I continue to research as new things are introduced.

  10. I did enough research and read enough compelling books to lead me to the conclusion that HUMANS are not designed to eat GRAINS. They are naturally foods for birds and rodents.

    I was very interested in the SCD diet and that is what I follow 85-90%. The improvement has been striking.

    This morning I had grain free blueberry muffins that are amazing. I am not doing without.

    Last night I had Indian pumpkin/chicken curry. Delicious!

    It helps to have a positive attitude.

    It's only food.

  11. A blood test is really the only way to know what you need to take.

    This just isnt true. My doctor doses by "how the patient feels" the way it was done for years before "sophisticated" lab work was discovered. That fact is that people who can find a traditional thyroid doctor feel better and their hypothyroid symptoms go away. My Mom had her thyroid removed and was dosed by "labs for 2 years and she felt TERRIBLE. Now she is with a doctor who Rx Armour and goes by "symptoms". Her symptoms are now gone working with a doctor who actually understands thryoid.

    Same for my sister, Rx by "labs" only for 7 years. She stayed fat, depressed, half-bald, unable to walk around the block and consitpated......all the while her doctor said...."There is nothing wrong with you. Your labs are perfect. You should feel great." Now she is on Synthroid and some additional Armour. A LOT MORE than she was taking before with those "perfect labs" and she feels great. She has lost 22 pounds, no more depression, her hair is growing back and she jogs 2 miles a day or more. This is only 3 months after adding the Armour. She says she is a "new person".

    The labs are bunk!!

    My doctor gave me an Rx that was high to allow me to dose myself as needed. She gave me a year's prescription. Not even testing labs after 6 weeks before an increase. She said there is no need for that. Just wastes the patients time and pads the doctor's wallets. She wants to see me in a year after my last visit. To call if ANY issues come up and she will talk with me on the phone or I can come in. You SHOULD work with a doctor and make the increases small. I am funny about hormones, so I only increase by an 1/8 grain at a time. This way I never "go overboard". She and I talked for a good hour and she is confident that I understand what too much thyroid feels like. And I do as I was hyper with PP Thyroiditis after my daughter was born. My thyroid dumped it's stored hormones over a 2 week period. You NEVER forget what that feels like.

    No one should just get thyroid and take it at will, increasing indescriminantly, without knowledge of how the thyroid works and what is required. You should also have your parathyroid, adrenals, ferritin and B12 checked before starting thyroid. (I did all of those first.)

    The twitching can also lead to a hart attack.

    The body can twitch for MANY reasons and MOST are benign. A simple Google will tell you this. Please, if anyone out there has twitching muscles, to not panic and think you are going to have a heart attack. I have an uncle who has twitched his whole life since he was a kid. He is now 65. The best that the doctors have come up for him is Benign fasciculation syndrome. His heart is just fine.

    For me, calcium and magnesium are not the answer. Generally magnesium will calm the nerves more so than calcium. For me it is a DIRECT indication that I need MORE thyroid hormone.

  12. Everyone in this forum that I have seen, who tested POS with bloodwork responded POS to the gluten-free diet. Some doctors would dx Celiac with those two (POS blood and POS response to the diet). It maybe that the damage is not significant yet. Thank goodness!!! She has a chance to save herself a world of misery and auto-immune diseases, infertility and lymphoma.

    It it were me, based on what I know, I would say yes.....Celiac.

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