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  1. Welcome!

    Removing gluten for 3 weeks can sometimes be enough for regular Celiac bloodwork to be negative. And even your villi could have healed enough to give a negative biopsy.

    If you want testing, your best bet now is Enterolab. It doesnt matter if you have been gluten free (I think up to a year). If you can afford it, get the genetic test too. This will let you know if you have Celiac genes.

    If you dont want testing, stay the course, but ELIMINATE ALL GLUTEN: Wheat, Barley and Rye and all of their derivatives.

    For many this means natural foods like: meats, eggs, nuts, veggies, fruits, squashes, potatoes, rice, corn, etc. Simple spices (McCormicks will list wheat and most of theirs is gluten-free).

    After you have healed sufficiently, you can add in some gluten-free convenience foods.

    Remember the only 100% accurate way to test is POSITIVE RESPONSE TO THE DIET. But if you are like me, you want tests to tell you something.

  2. Great thread! Like I said...use sparingly. For special treats now and again.

    Even breathing damages the body. But we cannot do that sparingly. ;)

    We have a choice with what we put into our bodies. Just use common sense. Is it natural? Could I find it in this form in nature? If not, dont eat too much of it (or not at all).

  3. And there isnt really anything you cannot have. A gluten free alternative. Generally the ones you make at home will taste better, but there are some wonderful cookie and brownies pre-made or mixes where you just add liquid.

    I am grain free. And I still get to eat cookies and muffins. :) I made blueberry muffins today. They are delicious and taste like little mini cobblers to me. I put in more blueberries than the recipe calls for. :D

  4. If lymph nodes stay swollen for more than a week, you should go to see a doctor. It could just be an infection. They can test for that. And if not an infection, they can do a needle biopsy to find out. Please do not let fear keep you from acting. You always want to catch things as early as possible. Likely it is nothing, but you need to find out.

    A friend of mine just took her daughter to the doctor a few weeks ago because she had 3 swollen lymph nodes on her neck. They ran tons of blood work and everything came back fine. They scheduled a biopsy, but before that date came, two had gone away and the other was shrinking. Turns out to have been nothing. But they were going to do the right thing.

    You need to talk to a doctor.

  5. Shan,

    I just found a clue in your last post. Children are extremely perceptive. Perhaps she has heard or seen your subtle clues that you think gluten-free is yucky. Or maybe they werent subtle at all. What little one doesnt want to be just like Mommy? If it were me, I would eat that Challah with gusto!! Even if you dont care for it as much as gluteny, act like it is delicious. I am hoping that it just is so you dont have to act.

    In my house (I am the only gluten-free person) everyone loves my gluten-free baked yummies. My daughter who is very picky gobbles up everything I make. It might be time for you to experiment with some baking....things like chocolate chip cookies and brownies. And enjoy them so she can say to herself...."Mommy likes gluten free chocolate chip cookies. So do I."

    Most gluten-free pre-made breads taste disgusting. But homemade is heavenly.

    Thee are some processed gluten-free foods that taste good, like Pamela's cookies and other. But the breads are the pits. I can understand why that would be hard for her to eat that bread and not real challah.

    Wishing you success on your baking endeavor. Let us know!

  6. Keep in mind that Agave is a very concentrated source of "fructose". So much more in a tsp of that than an apple. We arent designed to eat that much fructose in one sitting. The body always rebels against what is not natural. Always. The body is smart that way.

    So like I said, eat sparingly. I eat it now and again in my Coconut Ice Cream from Turtle Mountain. But only like once a month.

  7. Welcome!

    "Looking o.k." might not be enough. Sometimes you have to call the company to make sure. Were they "Processed in a facility that processes wheat?"

    Nuts can be "dusted" with wheat (or wheat derivatives) so check that trail mix. Call if you have to.

    Kettle Corn is gluten-free. I checked.

    How bout that Garlic Salt? Who makes it? Check ingredients. You may have to call.

    Sherbet.....did it have any kind of "malt" flavoring or "barley"??

    ***With all of this in mind, many of us found changes in our menstrual cycles as our bodies healed. I now have light cramping and spotting mid cycle as well which I learned means I am ovulating. That only happened now and again in the years before, now it is everytime. I am fertile again.

    Check out the foods and above all be PATIENT with yourself. ***Hug***

  8. Your husband should get tested as soon as he can. Full celiac panel and genetic testing. This can give you some clues, but not a definitive dx for your little guy (poor thing).

    His tests could come up NEG for a long time as in children under 6 their immune systems are not fully developed and they might not show enough antibodies for a POS result.

    You should get tested too.

    Personally, I would look at it this way. My baby is sick. I am going to try the gluten free diet. It is a VERY HEALTHY diet and we just might get some answers.

    Understand that it can take time for healing. Be patient. And you and your husband get tested. If either (or both) of you have Celiac genes, this can help reinforce your decision. And if either of you are celiac, you should also be on the gluten-free diet.

    And it is much easier to have a gluten-free household than a "mixed" anyway.

    Striving to be 100% gluten-free is hard, I am not going to lie. But once you get used to it, it gets easier. Now is a great time for you to go gluten-free with your son because you control what he eats. Celiac dx is much harder for a teenager.

    For now, try to keep the diet simple: pureed meats, pureed steamed veggies, apple sauce with pureed carrots, mashed sweet potatoes, fruits, eggs, squashes, pumpkin. You could try a little yogurt once he has healed. HUMANS do not NEED grains. So hold off on them as long as you can.

    Over time, once he heals, you can introduce a few processed gluten-free items (they have them similar to cheerios). They have a replacement for EVERYTHING gluten-free. But all of that processed stuff is not good for him right now. Well it isnt good for any of us really. But it is especially hard to digest during the healing process.

    If you have ANY questions, just ask us. We are happy to help.

    You may want to check out The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) as well. This sounds like it might be perfect for him.

  9. Is it better to make the whole family eat gluten free ?

    Yes it is. It is a healthy diet for everyone Celiac or Not and if your daughters are both POS. they got it from either you or your husband (or both). Try not to look at it as a negative. Look at the positives. Being dxd early means both of your girls can avoid, type 1 diabetes, auto-immune diseases, lymphoma, infertility (and miscarrages) and all of the other things associated with undiagnosed Celiac. This is the BIGGEST BLESSING your family could have ever gotten.

    Some docs and laymen will say POS blood is enough. If the biopsy comes back negative, you have 2 choices: let her keep eating gluten (and if the blood tests are right and she actually has Celiac) then she risks all of those nasty things listed. OR try the diet anyway. In her case, you will likely see things like her filling out and other things you didnt think were a symptom also go away.

    You can also go gluten-free and then challenge after a few months. Most will have a dramatic reaction after re-introduction. So be prepared if you opt to do this.

  10. I have basically been following an SCD diet for over 15 years except GRAINS. It was the GRAINS that were keeping me from healing. I am utterly convinced of this now. I spent many years of my life studying food and nutrition. I decided to get a degree at some point since all I did anyway was study and read. A Phd in Holistic Nutrition. But it didnt do me any good because in none of my studies did I learn hardly anything about Celiac (other than a rare genetic disease). And even though I read "Dangerous Grains" in my course studies. I was not convinced because EVERY other book and course promoted "whole grains". It was one lone book. So I dismissed it.

    Fast forward. I started surfing the net and punching in my symptoms, etc. and Celiac kept popping up. And the more I researched, the more I decided that I had nothing to lose. But gluten-free was not enough. So I did more research and I am now convinced that HUMANS HAVE NO BUSINESS EATING GRAINS.

    Sure certain things aggravated my situation like nightshades, soy and corn, but now on SCD for 2 months I am FINALLY making some real progress. I can even eat a sweet potato now and again and a sprinkle of red pepper (curry) once a week without ANY issues. I know my intestines are healing.

    My blood sugar stays great even when I eat the SCD cookies made with honey. I doesnt spike like it used to. My BM's are "normal". No more D. I am feeling more energetic and a lot more even in mood.

    I dont plan to ever eat grains again. I dont miss them. I dont crave them. And I think it would be a HUGE step backward to do so.

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