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  1. IgE is the antibody that is related to anaphalactic, wheezing, excema and the like. Right now you are "tolerating" it, but you can bet there is a cut off point. And with this type of allergy antibody, there is no way of knowing what that cut off is (2 tlb, 3 tlb of PB?) OR if your body will decide one day "enough is enough"!! And one peanut sends you to the ER.

    Rotating might be a horrible idea in that when you remove an allergen (even for 4 days) the subsequent reaction can be EXTREME compared to when you were eating it regularly.

    I wouldnt play with this one. PLEASE talk to your doctor as soon as you can. You may need to keep an Epi pen on you at all times.

  2. Low thyroid and low iron both can cause neurological symptoms. You need to find a doctor who understands how to treat low thyroid and isnt afraid to try different meds until you find the right one(s) for you. A Osteopath or MD that leans toward holistic is best. And you will need to get that iron up for the thyroid meds to work effectively.

    You are on the right track, you just have to work on a few other things.

  3. I always liked being short. Basketball didnt interest me. But I learned pretty early on that the tall guys liked us short/petite girls just fine. ;) I'm attracted to tall men because I like feeling smaller than my guy. It feels more secure/safe/natural to me. I tried dating guys close to my height and I always felt "bigger" than them (even though I wasnt). It might be because I am an Alpha Female and need a bigger male to balance me. :P The tallest guy I dated was 6'8.

    Off topic.......sorry....... :o

  4. It wont "throw off" the results, it will tell them how well she is sticking to the diet. You want that number to come WAY DOWN.

    I am afraid you will likely have to "brown bag" it everyday.

    There are many threads in here with parents "trying" to let their children eat at school. It just never works. The risk for CC is too great in that hectic environment.

    I understand that teenagers dont want to appear "different" than their peers. But the reality is that she is different. She has 2 diseases that have to be controlled with diet. It is nothing to be ashamed of and she will need to learn to just tell others about it and get on with her life.

    Bob's Red Mill makes certified gluten-free oats.

    Both Diabetes and Celiac can be controlled well with a natural whole foods diet (meats, veggies, fruits, nuts & seeds and dairy if she tolerates it (yogurt is best)). ALL of the processed foods make control all the harder unfortunately.

    She has such an opportunity to learn to eat a very healthy diet and live just as long as anyone without these diseases. But it does take effort and work and some time to get the hang of it.

  5. Agave raises my blood sugar just like anything else. If you have a glucometer, try it yourself. Make muffins with honey and test 1 hour after eating. Then on another day, make the same exact muffins with Agave and test after an hour of eating. I get the same results. So much for "slower release"......

    And I do believe it would lead to liver issues and insulin resistance much more readily than honey and even sugar because of the way the body processes it.

    Just my experience and 2 cents.

    Do I ever eat it? Yes....but only now and again. Maybe once a month.

  6. Rachel makes a very strong argument for individuality which I agree with. It often takes a lot of trial and error (whether you go it alone or with a doctor's care) to find out what the ROOT issue is. But it can be done and there is always hope.

    My biggest trigger to poor health is/has always been emotional. My worst health issues started with the birth of my daughter. I was a SAHM with a husband that worked 60+ hours a week. My closest relatives lived a good 10 hour drive from me. I had no support (emotionally) from my parents or siblings other than a phone call now and again. I had no friends (single friends dropped like flies when I got married and had a baby) and no religion (a long story). I was completely isolated and overwhelmed. One thing led to another...domino effect until I was so sick that I nearly decided to kill myself.

    Things slowly started to turn around when I finally found a good therapist who got me out of the house. I joined a "Mommy and Me" group and started to make friends and "get out" in the world again. It took a good 3 years for me to recover, but I did. And I was still eating sugar. I got well.

    Then about 3 years ago another MAJOR emotional hit came my way and I got sick again.

    I am now nearly healed from this.

    It takes my body time to recover, but I always believe it will. And it does.

    Belief is a strong medicine!!

    I am doing a few things to speed my recovery with regard to diet and supplements, but also working hard to learn techniques to cushion the emotional blows that are a natural part of life.


    With regard to children. I know it is SO VERY hard to watch your child suffering. BUT you can do your children a great service by not rushing them to the doctor with every little sniffle or sneeze. Include staying away from over the counter medications (unless absolutely necessary). Extra high fevers should be brought down (ask your pediatrician what is too high). Dont medicate unless it goes over that mark your doctor indicated.

    Let the mucus flow, let them cough, let the eyes run and let them feel some "soreness" and "pain". And let them get "hot" and "achy" All of these things are signs that the immune system is working and learning what to do when it happens again.

    When a child gets a cold or ear infection, their bodies are "learning" how to fight and the immune system is starting to develop and kick in. We should allow this natural process to run it's course without interference. When we give Motrin and Abx the immune system gets "taken over" and does not "learn how to work effectively". So each subsequent infection gets worse and worse and gets fed more and more medications until the poor little immune system doesnt work right at all. And it is just one ear infection after another or one strep throat after another until the tonsils have to come out.

    My daughter is 12. I let her suffer with a couple of colds a year (up till she was about 6) and 1 ear infection (no meds and no Abx). Everyone chided me....poor baby....Mommy makes you suffer so much. I heard it from everyone. But I didnt listen. I went with what felt natural to do and what was in line with my research.

    Now she is the picture of health. She RARELY gets sick with anything and when she does, it is FAST and FURIOUS. A cold will last only 48 hours with her. 48 hours of copious mucus and a fever. But then she is done and out playing again. Her immune system learned it's job well. And it works!!

    One ear infection = no Abx = no more. I asked the doctor if I should give the Abx and he said, "Honestly, it will likely clear on it's own within a week or 2". So I didnt give the Abx and that is exactly what happened. It "hurt" her and it was painful for me to watch. But I have so many friends whose children had one ear infection after another. It never stopped. Tubes in the ears. And on and on......


    Our bodies KNOW how to heal. Often it just requires listening to our intuition to figure out what it needs. Sometimes it requires some research and trial/error.

  7. I use it mostly in baking and sometimes I throw a dollop in a smoothie. I personally prefer olive oil or sesame for stir-frys. But that is just me. It works great for them, I just like the taste of the other oils over Coconut. Coconut isnt bad, just different. I use it in Thai dishes......yummy!

  8. Thank you for linking to that thread. That will help the original poster here as well.

    It seems you are the ONLY one who feels you are being helpful by saying "candida is for life" and that you can "never eat fruit".

    I am so glad Rachel had something to say there as she is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever seen on a forum like this. And another poster has contacted an expert on Candida who concur with what I have said.

    Like everyone else is telling you. HEALING IS POSSIBLE!! Your little girl CAN heal and have a healthy life. :)

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