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I make yogurt with homemade almond milk. A cup of raw almond whirled in my Vita-Mix with water for 10 minutes which gets it the perfect temp to add the starter (GI Pro). I bought a yogurt maker wit 8 serving size cups. It works great!
Soups and salads are filling but offer little by way of calories and can actually fill you up so you eat less calorie dense foods....and you lose more weight.
Add some nuts and seeds in. Nuts dont raise the BS much at all and they give protein and good fats.
I mentioned there was a war raging in me for about a week. Then it calmed down and at about 2 weeks the bloat went away. Believe me, it is hard to "ride it out".
Make sure you are drinking tons of water so you dont get dehydrated. You can also cut back on the amount you are taking so die off isnt as severe.
Did you start with one cap? Or did you just "go for it"?
Nothing I have said goes against your model. I was recommending things that could help including low sugar fruits.
I dont think that ALL Celiac is triggered by candida. I find no support for it, nor was it my experience.
I also dont personally believe that if I have a bacteria, virus, fungus or whatever that I will have it for life. I believe in my ability to heal more than that. I do not limit myself and I do not limit others with regards to those things.
For instance Celiac is for life. There is proof. It has been heavily researched and studies. Papers have been published.
If you can show me proof that once you have a fungal infection that you will have it for life, I will stand corrected. Please make them be published in respected and well known journals.
Once again, it is what works for you as an individual organism that is key. I just dont see how telling people that they will "never heal" is helpful. I found that hurtful. So I responded with my beliefs.
DH eats gluten away from home.....and he's pretty good.
But I cannot compare as I have never been with a gluten free guy.
If you read a lot of threads you will hear countless testimonials of Moms who put their children on a gluten free diet with amazing results when the tests said negative. My understanding is that in young children their immune system isnt fully developed yet, so they do not produce enough antibodies to give a positive on a test. But they are still reacting.
The longer you wait to go gluten free, if they are in fact celiac/gluten intolerant, the more damage that can be done including auto-immune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, thyroid, skin, etc.....
I dont say this to scare you. I say this because Mom's have instincts and they are usually right. You feel that gluten might be a problem. I recommend trying the diet for a few months and see if there are improvements. If there are, you have your answer and you dont need a test to tell you.
And BTW....kids dont "grow out of" celiac.
The good news is you have the opportunity to help your child grow normally and avoid awful diseases. The bad news is by being/staying gluten free she will never get an official diagnosis.
At some point as a teenager or adult she might decide to eat gluten on her own. You cannot stop that and then if she developed health issues, you could have her tested or instruct her to get tested.
All you can do is give her the best start you can.
Interesting theory. There are many. I read a paper the other day that says you MUST eat fruit to kill candida because the fruit actually feed the good bacteria. And if you "starve" the candida......you "starve" the good guys too. There are always opposing views on either side of any problem. Published papers for both sides on many issues as well. The bottom line is what works for you as an individual organism.
And people do recover from fungal infections. It isnt a life sentence (unless you believe it to be). Our minds control a lot of what heals and what doesnt.
I personally cannot support the theories you hve presented here because it doesnt match the research that I have read. Nor does it instinctively make sense to me.
I see this topic has taken a sweet detour. It is more dense. But I like it.
Neem is an herb. Google it.
I don't recall anyone on this thread implying that Walt was glutened by simply touching flour. I asked him if he washed his hands after handling the bag--and he said he didn't. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that he touched his face or fixed himsef something to eat with contaminated fingers.
I dont recall that either. Everyone was simply giving him information as to how you can get glutened after you touch gluten. Not that simply touching it causes glutening.
They are safe if you cooked them yourself and confirmed that all ingredients were gluten free.
If the fries were dropped into a fryer, it is likely a "shared" fryer with other gluten coated foods. The eggs could have been scrambled in a pan or on a hot surface that was also used to make pancakes or such. Some places actually add pancake batter to the eggs to make them "fluffy". The bacon could have malt as an ingredient or even some type of gluten that they add. You have to read the ingredients on bacon t make sure and sometimes you even have to call the manufacturer just to be certain. Applegate farms makes some that are marked gluten free.
When you eat out, you have to ASK A TON OF QUESTIONS to protect yourself. Calling ahead is a good idea. Or if they have a website. Best to stick to restaurants that actually have a gluten free menu.
If you are invited to someone's home, bring a dish that is SAFE for you to make sure you can eat.
Congratulations on your recovery!! 25 years. Awesome.
Many get angry. But what I have learned is that I am not "different". My husband cant eat fish. My best friend cant eat chocolate without getting D. One friend has RA and cannot eat any nightshades or grains. Another friend cannot eat any starches. My husband's best friend is allergic to chicken and shellfish. One of my daughter's friends has a peanut allergy. My Mom cannot eat pineapples or mangos. My sister cannot eat lettuce or spinach. Almost everyone I know has some sort of allergy or sensitivity. Im just like everyone else.........
Yes call them!
Ask if the shrimp/corn on cob/clams use fresh water and not "pasta water". It has happened to me.
I have seen ranges from 3-4 up to 10 for the different tests. It really depends on the lab. If you know what lab you used, you can call them and ask for the range. Some have ranges posted online.
A warm bath in Epsom Salts will get magnesium in as well. You really have to be careful about adding supplements because Magnesium has to balance with calcium. If you just add magnesium supplement, you could throw something else off. Best to get a balanced multiple if you want to supplement or feed foods higher in magnesium and try the baths.
Magnesium Rich Foods
Magnesium is an essential mineral for human nutrition. Magnesium in the body serves several important metabolic functions. It plays a role in the production and transport of energy. It is also important for the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it assists in the functioning of certain enzymes in the body. Learn more about the many health benefits of magnesium.
According to recent USDA surveys, the average intake of magnesium by women 19 to 50 years of age was about 74 percent of the RDA. Men of the same age got about 94 percent of the recommended amount. About 50 percent of women had intakes below 70 percent of their RDA.
These are the recommended daily requirements of magnesium:
* Children
o 1-3 years old: 80 milligrams
o 4-8 years old: 130 milligrams
o 9-13 years old: 240 milligrams
o 14-18 years old (boys): 410 milligrams
o 14-18 years old (girls): 360 milligrams
* Adult females: 310 milligrams
* Pregnancy: 360-400 milligrams
* Breastfeeding women: 320-360 milligrams
* Adult males: 400 milligram
What Foods are High in Magnesium?
Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.
You should note that refined grains are generally low in magnesium. When white flour is processed, the magnesium rich germ and bran are removed. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as "hard". "Hard" water usually contains more magnesium than "soft" water.
List of Magnesium Rich Foods
Foods High in Magnesium Serving Size Magnesium (mg)
Beans, black 1 cup 120
Broccoli, raw 1 cup 22
Halibut 1/2 fillet 170
Nuts, peanuts 1 oz 64
Okra, frozen 1 cup 94
Oysters 3 oz 49
Plantain, raw 1 medium 66
Rockfish 1 fillet 51
Scallop 6 large 55
Seeds, pumpkin and squash 1 oz (142 seeds) 151
Soy milk 1 cup 47
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 157
Tofu 1/4 block 37
I also think it is important to challenge with a pure source like "cream of wheat" and nothing else added.
I always share, but point out that this is my experience only. You may in fact have a very different one. And if you try what I did, it is because you did your own research and are being responsible with your own health. I make you no promises that it will work for you. Goodness knows that over the years I have tried things that worked for others, but not me. But I am pulling for you.
I dont know the ranges, but I have never seen a range that would put you into the Celiac range according to the tests. But it sounds like you already have your answer.
This is an SCD recipe I modified to suit me.
Spice Cake With Creamy Vanilla Frosting
4 T. butter (I used coconut oil), melted
1/3 c. honey (I dont really measure precisely and probably used closer to 1/2 cup)
1/4 tsp. Stevia
Ill PM you Liz. You might not shoot, but a firing squad might develop quickly.
First it is VERY IMPORTANT that he get adequate liquid when receiving extra fiber or that very flax in the bread could be contributing to the problem. Fiber alone is never the answer unfortunately. If he doesnt like to drink, you can sneak liquid in by making yummy frozen pops, smoothies and such. You can add to them Benefiber which has no smell, taste or detectable texture. You can buy powdered probiotics and sprinkle them into the smoothie and mix by hand. Add extra to yogurt. If there is any way you can get him to drink 4 oz of water first thing in the morning, it could go a long way to getting rid of the C.
I am like Deb. Life goes on. I make the best of it. I came in here when I was "searching". But once I "found", I stayed to help others. You wont hear me whining too much. But it is nice to know that if I need to, I have a safe place to do it.
Many of us seek out support when we are hurting and this helps in our healing. To some people it might seem like whining, but to others it says.......I AM NOT ALONE.
Research has shown that in women with breast cancer, that the patients who are involved in support groups do much better and live much longer than those that dont. I feel it is VITALLY important not to isolate yourself and to find support when you have a disease. Women especially NEED to talk to others in a welcoming and giving environment.
We all outgrow things in our lives. If you come in here and all you see are a bunch of whiners, then you have outgrown this forum. Wonderful!! Move on with your life and enjoy it!! Thank the Universe that you are well. Bless this forum and give thanks that it was here for you when you needed it. Leave it in a positive light for others to use as well.
If you read through enough threads here, you will find that Hashi's and Celiac/Gluten Intolerance are married to each other.
Get strict with the diet. And it wouldnt hurt to get a complete Thyroid panel (TSH, Free T4, Free T3 and both antibodies). Make sure they test FREEs.
Getting an official dx is your decision. Some believe it is better NOT to get the dx so there re never any insurance issues later on in life. Yet, in Europe getting that dx is very important because their government pays for your gluten-free food. Wish we had that here......
Anyway. If you are the type who will "cheat" often because you always have that nagging doubt about whether or not you really have a problem with gluten, it might be beneficial to you.
If you KNOW your body treats gluten like poison and you DO NOT want more pain so you want always be "tempted", then you can choose not to have further testing.
The most IMPORTANT THING is for you to get better and stop damaging your body. You already figured that part out.
Weird Test Results
in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease
Jenny your T3 is in the dump. Do you have symptoms of hypothyroid?