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  1. Vitiligo is common in Celiac along with other auto-immune diseases.

    Not everyone has digestive issues. And the blood tests are not very accurate.

    If I were you, I would ask for a genetic test to see if you even have the genes. It might make it easier for you to try the gluten free diet.

    If it were me, I would try it anyway. To see if it helps.

    If you can afford it, you can also use Enterolab to test for gluten sensitivity and genetic testing.

    Wishing you well.

  2. Does your doctor know you are a med student? If not, dont tell him. If he does, go to a different doctor and dont tell them.

    Or if you dont want any bother with doctors and can afford it....order a Celiac panel yourself. Many online labs will order them for you without a doctor. I like directlabs.com but also use Healthcheckusa sometimes.

    You always have options.

  3. So you feel better off gluten, felt worse loading up on it and according to your GI Doctor have a 20% chance of not having it with a POS blood test. That means you have an 80% chance of having it. Look at your results and the odds.....you gotta ask yourself......Do I feel lucky?

    Because if you choose to keep eating gluten and you are Celiac......you are asking for a lots of other health issues as you go.....thyroid, diabetes, cancers......

  4. Just some things to muddle over:

    Any new foods added to your diet?

    More soy to replace dairy?

    New toiletries?

    Are you married/dating someone who eats gluten and then you kiss them?

    Have you tried cutting out ALL dairy for at least a week to see?

    Are your salads prepared at home or at a restaurant? Salad bar? Dressing?

    Plain meat you season yourself at home with gluten-free spices?

    Butter on those veggies?

    Do you wash/sanitize your produce very well?

    New supplements or medications?

    gluten-free dog foods and treats?

    ***We tend to have more severe/new reactions AFTER we go gluten free and then get some. So finding sources of CC/hidden gluten is important.

  5. ANA is indicative of auto-immune disease, but it is not specific. Celiac is auto-immune (which you have). Auto-immune diseases often come in multiples. Hashimotos Thyroid and Diabetes are common in Celiacs. But your symptoms could be RA (rheumatoid arthritis) which is also auto-immune. You should see a specialist in RA.

    Make extra sure you are not getting any "hidden" gluten (scratched teflon, old cutting boards, old toaster, old wooden spoons or plates, old strainer, cosmetics, creams, shampoo, etc.)

    Also, many people have to cut out dairy for awhile until their intestines heal. You might try cutting out ALL dairy for 3 months to see if you improve. You can add it back in at some point and see if you tolerate it again.

    Soy also seems to be a big issue for many Celiacs.

    ALSO keep in mind that healing can take time. I am nearly 5 months in and I am not all better yet. It can take months to over a year to be free of all symptoms.

    Hang in there!

  6. Try using coconut oil for cooking and also for spreads. It revs up the metabolism and assists the thyroid.

    And.....have you had your thyroid tested? A low thyroid can keep you heavy no matter what you do.

    When I was heavy years ago....2 things kept me that way.....dairy and sugar. If I wanted to lose weight, I just cut those out and nothing else. Worked like a charm every time. You may have foods that are preventing you from losing weight.

  7. I bought a bottle of Cellfood and took it till it was gone. I didnt notice anything at all. Nothing. <_<

    I have tried many supplements in my day. Some have helped. Some have done nothing. And some made things worse.

    I rate this one a 0 on a scale of 1-10 because it did nothing.

  8. What 'triggers' any auto-immune disease?

    There are many theories about this. Some even believe it starts in the brain. The brain controls everything. We spend a good amount of our time beating ourselves up. We say things to ourselves like, "That was stupid.", "What's wrong with me.", "Im fat.", "Im ugly.", "Im getting old.", "I hate my body." and our cells "hear" this constant attack. So they respond by joining in. Our immune system attacks us, just like our brain is telling it to. It utilizes bacteria, gluten, etc. as a means to follow through with the brain's command which is to "attack self." Just following orders sir......

    Many people have healed their bodies from things as devastating as incurable cancer by changing their thoughts. By learning to love themselves. By changing the tapes. By changing the commands. By rewiring the brain and teaching the cells to "call off the dogs".

    Hey....think we dont understand bacteria, auto-immune disease, genetics......we haven't a clue really about the power of our brains.......

  9. Yes, you can ask your doctor for it. :)

    That is our Bacchus...a harlequin Great Dane. A mixed media painting I did of him. We rescue. We had 3 plus a standard poodle. But the 2 senior dogs 13 and 10 passed away within the last 9 months. So we have 2 dogs now, but are expecting our next adoption within the next 2 weeks. A black girl.

  10. Have you had a Total IgA test done to see if you are deficient or low? If you are then you will not be able to produce a lot of IgA antibodies and your tests will show negative when you could really be having a strong reaction.

    But ALWAYS the proof is in the diet. Remove dairy and see what happens. If you improve, you have your answer.

  11. That was a genetic test which does not diagnose Celiac. It is possible your Doctor would dx with symptoms and genetic testing, but that would be unusual. Most doctors will run antibody blood tests:

    tTG-IgA or tissue transglutaminase-IgA

    AGA-IgG or Antigliadin IgG

    AGA-IgA or Antigliadin IGA

    Total IGA

    And then depending on the results of these, a doctor usually orders an endoscopy.

    Did you have any of these tested?

    Did you have symptoms? Did you go gluten free? Did symptoms resolve?

  12. Im off the grains as well. I always had issues with oats. I would eat them and then go into a "coma". I used to eat them late at night when I couldnt sleep.....but would wake with a "hangover". I stopped the oats before gluten. Rice seems to be an issue for me as well......

    I only have a few tlb of amaranth flour a week for one recipe. I do fine with that. But not eating any grains.......

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