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Yes you can. Comes in pills and powder. I used the Solary which is a combo of D-Mannose and Cranberry Extract. I keep a fresh bottle in the pantry so if I ever feel an inkling....I would be right on it.
Once a few years ago my DD came to me and said her pee pee burned a little bit. I gave her the D-Mannose for a few days and it cleared right up and never returned.
Her "Cooking Free" is my most favorite recipe book now.
If I didnt have all my restrictions, I would order one of these. I have it bookmarked for when I am healed. They ship it frozen and you cook it at home. This restaurant got great reviews all over online. And my god.....they have cannoli........gluten-free cannoli. A little pricey....but for a special occasion......
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But some are able to eat it again within 3 or 4 months. Depends on how quickly the tips of your villi heal.
The majority of people who get an MRI show nothing. And keep in mind that MS is really a syndrome and MANY people who are dx MS later show no signs of the disease once they go on a gluten free diet and/or clear up their candida. Some also go into complete remisssion on the Swank diet.
So try not to let it scare you.
The are almost always from e-coli that migrates from you know where. It could be that you have a higher level in your poopie right now, so more can migrate. It isnt hygiene as I used to get them too (randomly) and I am a super clean person. Wipe from front to back too.
What cured mine was D-Mannose. D-Mannose is a natural sugar that when ingested goes into your bladder and urinary tract. While there the little e-coli buggers cannot resist this yummy sugar, so they attach themselves to the D-Mannose and get peed out.
Works like a charm. And I do not get them anymore, since I took the D-Mannose for a few months. I stopped taking it 6 months or so ago. So far so good.
Here! Negative tests.....but positive response to the diet.
Without a gold standard dx, but with a positive response to the diet (coupled with your auto-immune diseases and vitamin deficiencies) you have to ask yourself it your health is worth it to keep eating gluten? Or to stop and start?
I think you are here because you know the answer but want some reassurance.
So here it is.
If I were you, I would take it a step further and stop ALL gluten. Who knows how healthy you can be? Maybe heal your adrenals. You wont know unless you try. Eliminate all Wheat, Rye, Barley and Oats that arent certified gluten-free. And see what happens to your gas......
You have all of the typical symptoms, diseases and deficiencies of a Celiac.
You have nothing to lose.
Also, make sure your Thyroid hormones are good as well. The Adrenals and Thyroid work in tandem.
Whey powder, hemp powder and chia powder come to mind. Blended in smoothies. Eggs. Aside from nuts, that pretty much covers it. Oh and dairy if you tolerate it. Whey is supposed to be ok for most lactose intolerant. But dont quote me.
Here is a yummy nut spread I make.
Grind 1 cup of fresh walnuts
1tsp cumin
1/4 tsp sea salt (or more to taste)
1 grated carrot
Mix all together. It is yummy wit celery sticks.
We arent all angels....but we have good hearts. I just went grocery shopping......and saw the Bobboli pizza crust. I didnt eat that. But I used to make the most amazing homemade pizza. And I had a memory......***sigh***......My sourdough crust was to die for........but no more.
I just dont understand some things, because I am not that way. On a similar note, my Sis was just dx with BC in Feb. and she quit smoking cold turkey because she doenst want the cancer to come back. I was so very proud of her because she has been smoking for 30 years. And she has been feeling incredible. Losing weight. Exercising. Eating right. Getting healthy. Then 3 days ago, she tells me she had 1 cigarette at a bar with a beer just to see what it would be like again......***sigh***
Dont forget.....just like cigarettes...gluten is a drug.
I say try the diet and see if the "proof is in the pudding".....gluten-free pudding of course.
The fact that you are reacting to gluten shows up. If you have symptoms, what do you have to lose?
Someone brought a cake made from one of their mixes to my Celiac support group last weekend. I didnt eat it. See siggy, but I brought 2 pieces home to my DH and DD and they raved about it.
It is just SO hard because the risk of CC is SO great. It sounds like your cafeteria manager (CM) means well and wants to help, but even the best of intentions can go awry. It has happened to me too often.
A friend made pot roast for me. Called and went over my checklist and everything. She even bought a new cutting board!! Then I get there and it smells heavenly. She says she uses a "secret" ingredient. So I tell her I MUST know what it is to make sure. A bottle of BEER. BEER=GLUTEN.
So please be careful. It is your daughter's health (and future health) at stake.
Unless your cafeteria manager is EXTREMELY well versed on Celiac and has prepared food for one before, I personally would not risk it. I would just pack her lunch everyday. A pain? Yes. But well worth it.
Oh and not all ice creams are gluten free. Since you are allowing her to buy ice cream at school, you need to have the cafeteria manager CONFIRM with the manufacturer that their ice cream is TRULY gluten-free. And you will need to check periodically because they could switch manufacturers or the manufacturer could change ingredients. Happens ALL of the time.
Drinks must not contain BARLEY malt. CM should confirm this before your daughter is allowed to buy drinks from the cafeteria.
List any dietary restrictions or special diet - Celiac gluten free diet.
List any allergies or food intolerances to avoid ABSOLUTELY NO: Wheat, Oats, Rye or Barley or ANY derivatives.
List foods to be substituted - Gluten Free grains only. Most oats are contaminated.
List any special equipment or utensils that are needed - ALL equipment used must be clean and not have any scratches that could house hidden gluten from a previous usage. This includes counter tops, cutting boards, utensils, pot and pans, etc. There should not be ANY flour products used in or around her food at ANY time. Flour particles get everywhere!!
Indicate any other comments about the childs eating or feeding patterns- You could ask CM if your daughter could bring gluten-free meals that are frozen and have the cafeteria heat them up for her.
In my house, the saying goes....."If Mom makes something super yummy, you had better savor every bite because she will never be able to make it the same again."
Great write. I am like you. Just mix it all together and see what happens.
My first period gluten-free was 4 days late and it has stayed that way....dunno why.
And yes new symptoms spring up now and again, but overall improvement.
Hang in there!
Have you checked ALL possible sources of CC???
Her creams, hair care, meds, etc....are they confirmed gluten-free???
Is she possibly getting gluten at school from friends/teachers???
Do you have a gluten-free kitchen at home? Could she be getting some there???
Pets?? Does she handle gluteny dog/cat food/treats???
I am similar to you Jenny. Losing weight before gluten-free. And still lost 5 lbs in the first 6 weeks gluten-free. But I have now gained that 5 back!! Yeah!! I am just past the 4 month mark.
Hang in there.
I ate a lot of nut butters, avacado and used the olive oil freely.
Nut butter cookies are good. Bob's Red Mill has a peanut butter teff cookie that really saved me.
Google Bob's as they have tons of FREE gluten-free recipies.
And you have to ask yourself: Should your beloved pet be eating "wheat"????
I only use rice based gluten-free dog treats and dogfood. I believe they can make you react.
Let us know when they come in. Remember positive = positive, but there are many false negatives. So you may need to push for the biopsy if your blood is neg.
Hi Marissa and welcome!
Did they test you with a full Celiac blood panel? Regular blood tests will not show this.
Do not be afraid to demand a Celiac test. Remember the doctor is employed by you. And a bad doctor can be fired.
I am not certain that it is Celiac, but you might do well to try the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) as it will rid you of yeast and rebalance your system. It excludes gluten.
You might also consider a product called Betamannon.
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I do not sell it and am not affiliated with it in any way, but it really helped me and my immune system years ago with female issues such as yours. You take it internally and intravaginally.
Wishing you well!
William...if you feel better gluten-free, why not just stay gluten-free??
You could be Celiac based on your symptoms and the trial you did was not long enough for your body to completely heal and get balanced. Who knows how good you can feel?
You can opt to keep eating gluteny foods for another 3 months and get labs and biopsy to see for sure.
With your family history....and gluten-free diet results.....you already have your answer.
Sorry you are having such a hard time with Doctors.
You ALWAYS have options nowadays.
I use either diectlabs.com or healthcheckusa for my labs.
You can also get genetic tests through Enterolab or Kimball.
Or you can just stay gluten-free and live your life. BUT if you want answers, you can get tests on your own so you dont waste anymore of your money.
What Are Some Of Your Favorite Snacks?
in Coping with Celiac Disease
I have so many limitations.....but I look forward to my 1 fruit smoothie a day. Homemade almond milk, a frozen banana and a handful of frozen blueberries or peaches.