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  1. I have a problem with the "fungus" idea as well. My Grandmother had breast cancer when she was in her early 40's. Back then they just....lopped the whole breast off. She lived with only 1 breast the rest of her life....till almost 90. Never had ANY other cancers again. Knowing how prolific fungi are....there is no way that she only had one spot of fungus in one breast and no where else in her body. And it isnt like she went on an anti-candida diet after the cancer (unless fried chicken, sweet potato pie, collard greens and teeth chattering sweet tea kills Candida). She didnt start exercising either unless watching 3 hours of soap operas a day counts. No meds for cancer. No chemo. No radiation. The only medication she was on at 89 was Armour Thyroid. That's it!

    Can we conclude that Armour Thyroid kills fungus since she never got cancer again????

    If you rounded up enough people who got cancer, but never had it come back and started taking Armour Thyroid AFTER the cancer, you could form a very strong hypothesis, write a book, do videos and make it seem PRETTY DARN convincing that Armour cures Cancer.

    My brother got melanoma 15 years ago. They removed the spot. Clear margins. No recurrence in 15 years. No chemo. No radiation. He eats sugary cereals for breakfast, typical southern food and dips snuff. He lives in Florida and spends plenty of time outside. He "forgets" to put his sunscreen on all the time.......Where did ALL that fungus go that caused his skin cancer? Did it disappear??? Wait. He is on Armour Thyroid......


  2. A lot of Celiacs react to Soy and Dairy just as they do to Gluten. I would try removing these for a few months and see how it goes. If all goes well, you can try to reintroduce them at some point. Some are able to eat dairy just fine after their intestines heal entirely. Soy is a bothersome food for MANY.

    And welcome!

  3. And it just makes sense that if something is depleting the body (Candida or something else) if you eliminate that issue, the body is then clear to heal itself. NO IT DOES NOT PROVE THAT CANDIDA CAUSES ALL CANCERS. It may very well be the other way around. It could mean that Cancers deplete the body and allow Candida to thrive. Could be a vicious cycle. Anything you can do to detoxify and clear the path for healing is good and cancer could be healed.

    This includes emotional toxins as well. There are quite a few documented cases of cancer cures by emotional healing (even laughter). Doctors call it "spontaneous healing". But in these cases the irritant was not Candida...it was emotional baggage.

    No one theory is correct.

  4. The diet will be KEY! And the BEER has to go. Sorry. The money you save on beer could go toward some probiotics in pill form. And even some anti-candida supplements too. :)

    I would only use coconut oil and olive oil for your oil needs. Except fish oil...that is o.k. You can buy oil of oregano pretty inexpensively. And enjoy garlic in all of your savory dishes and salads.

  5. Any difference after 2 days gluten-free?

    Are you 100% gluten-free? i.e. changed out your scratched pans, new cutting boards, cleaned your kitchen thoroughly. Made sure your haircare/cosmetics/creams/toothpaste/floss, etc. are gluten-free??

    Not eating out? Not eating anything without checking for gluten-free status? Unless simple foods like meat, veggies, fruits.

    Yes, you sound like you could be either Celiac or Gluten Intolerant. Same cure for both which is the gluten-free diet.

    If you want an official Dx, then you must keep eating gluten until you have a biopsy. Otherwise the tests can be false negative. 2 days shouldnt matter. But start eating again if you want tests.

    Otherwise, stick with what you are doing and see the results.

  6. I watched/read that this morning. It is interesting. But think of this, the body has many amazing ways of dealing with "invaders" whether they be bacteria/virus/fungi/toxins. One way the body reacts is to completely surround the "invader" with tissue....i.e. forms a cyst or tumor.

    I think cancer can be caused by many triggers. Not just fungi.

    I did some research. All of his work is not "successful". He has success with those whose tumors are a result of "fungi". Others that did not fair well (some even died) may have had cancer from another cause...say a virus.

    It is certainly a good idea to get rid of Candida overgrowth and heal your intestines. :)

  7. We rescue Great Danes. Rescue work is very rewarding once you get past the anger and sadness. Great Danes are the worlds cutest puppies and people buy them because of this. Then that cute "little" puppy weighs 100 pounds in 6 months and has completely destroyed your hardwood floors, broken grandmas 100 year old vase and knocked the baby over too many times. Off to the pound/rescue they go. It is so sad. If you want a Great Dane, please consider rescue. You can get an older puppy that has been pre-screened.


    This is our Bacchus at 6 months:


  8. You do not need to worry about "vitamin intoxication" with most of the B vitamins including B12 and Thiamine. B6 can cause issues at very high doses over an extended period of time. The majority of B vitamins just get "peed" out if the body doesnt need them.

    She should be on a good balanced B (with all of the B vitamins) along with extra sublingual B12 and Benfotiamine.

    These will not be a problem with other Rx.

    But do check with her Doctor if you are concerned. We are not doctors here. We are all people with REAL LIFE experience who have used these protocols on ourselves. And have done countless hours of research that most doctors will not have done.

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