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  1. I dont know if peeps are shilling or not. But what should be VERY CLEAR to anyone visiting these forums who is curious about Glutenease is that it is not intended for Celiac's to use so they can "eat whatever they want".

    Enough members have come into this thread and others like it to make sure that no one thinks this is a "cure" or "free pass". You would have to have nothing inside your head to read all these posts and think otherwise.

    That is what a group is about. Checks and balances. It is not one sided with posters saying this product is great. Others have come in and made clarification.

    I do not think anyone will come in here, find a discussion on Glutenease and think they can give it to their child and let them eat gluten. I really dont because they will have to have enough intelligence to use a computer. And they can read. So they should be able to read all of the posts and figure it all out.

    My 2 cents.

  2. It does make you a better cook. My Hubby keeps saying how much better I am now. I was good before....but even better!! And I am not afraid to experiment.

    Today I made a delicious chicken curry for lunch. It was yummy and my daughter liked it too!!

    She likes the Amy's frozen. I have not tried to make it myself because it is not something I personally like or will eat. If I can buy it frozen and she can just nuke it, that takes the pressure off me.

    I am going to make korean marinated steak tomorrow. You wrap them in butter lettuce leaves.

    I would have not been cooking like this before gluten-free!!! So we are enjoying BETTER food and I believe MORE NUTRITIOUS food. :)

    It does get easier. And your daughter will find new favorites in no time.

  3. And you find things....as it goes along. I just found this:

    Open Original Shared Link

    It is about an hour from where I live in Tampa, but we like going down south. So we are going tomorrow. Will try a variety of things. I called. They have samples. And whatever we like, we can order and it will be delivered to our door the next day. Im off the grains for a trial, but DH and DD can have these yummies. And I reckon I will be sampling too. ;)

  4. I will help....others will chime in too:

    Yes....new toothbrushes!! (This is one of the cheap things to do)

    Your dishwasher should be fine. Check for any food/gunk in the strainers/filters. If there is any, don gloves and clean it out. Then run it again empty to get rid of any bits.

    Dishwasher can get gluten off of glass/ceramic....but not cutting boards or Teflon

    You will need a new Bread Maker. :(

    Yes..new sponges and mitts is a good idea.

    New cutting boards.

    New Teflon pans....if you want non-stick. Other metal pans are fine. Stainless steel, etc.

    Yes...new wooden utensils.

    Most will say YES to gluten-free personal care products. It is ESPECIALLY important for things like lip gloss, chap stick and lipstick. Anything that could get into the mouth. I use Dove products as they will say on the label if it has wheat/gluten. And A LOT of Burt's Bees is gluten-free. I like their tinted chap stick.

    Ceramic is fine.

    Dog food - if your dog eats, licks his fur and you pet the dog and then dont wash your hands and then eat....yes CC can happen. Or the dog licks your face. Or you feed the dog and forget. We are on Lamb/Rice dog food. Our dog's health improved when we got her off of wheat. Skin got better and she stopped having seizures. Dogs SHOULD NOT be eating wheat/gluten anyway. Not saying rice is a natural canine diet either....but it is much much less allergenic.

    Microwave is fine with a good scrub.

    New containers (check the dollar store)

  5. My household is 100% gluten free. My daughter eat's Mac and Cheese all of the time....just gluten-free variety. There are many to choose from....dry boxes to frozen. Tons of gluten-free cereals.

    If those two items are your biggest concern, you can relax......you can order online, at local stores in your area, etc.

    And after she has been 100% gluten-free for awhile, a lot of people who were asymptomtic before, become highly sensitive to gluten. So she might get really sick if she eats gluten after she has healed. Just know this can happen.

  6. My family is going nuts over these. They are not low fat. Just to let you know. But...oh....so....yummy and super easy to make.

    Blueberry Muffins (Grain Free)

    4 Tlb melted butter (or coconut oil or margarine) This morning I made them with only 1 Tlb. They turned out fine but with a bumpier texture. Same taste.

    1/3 cup of yogurt (or almond milk or rice milk)

    1/3 cup honey (or to taste)

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    2 eggs

    2 1/2 cups almond meal/flour

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1/4 tsp. salt

    1/4 tsp. nutmeg

    1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (I use frozen and do not thaw them)


    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

    2. Mix wet ingredients together.

    3. Mix dry ingredients together.

    4. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Fold in blueberries.

    5. Pour batter into lined muffin pan (I get 12 muffins out of this recipe).

    6. Bake for about 20-25 minutes give or take (watch them), or until tops are light brown.

    ****If you Google SCD + Recipes, you can find all sorts of FREE grain free recipes for baked goods. :)

  7. Im only about 3.5 months in. But not a single migraine since I stopped the gluten. Not one. And I used to get at least 2 a month. So it is like I have gained 14 days of my life that I would have lost to misery. And BM's are down from 5/6 a day to 2/3 and I am still improving. I find that my neuropathy waxes and wanes and does some strange things which I believe are signs of healing. My vertigo is slightly improved. But with neuro, I have to be very patient.

  8. Tests help....but there are some general guidelines you can follow. Depending on your age.....It is safe to be taking 1000-1200 mg calcium and you can take magnesium in a ratio of either 2:1 or 1:1 calcium. So you could take 500 - 600 mg magesium. Vitamin D is safe up to 2000 IU daily and some say more. If you live in the tropics and get A LOT of sun everyday, you might not need this much. But if you are up north and dont go out much and wear sunscreen when you do....at least the 2000 IU. Boron is only needed in a tiny amount.

    Some fish oils can give you this Vitamin D. And supply Omega 3's for you as well. But be careful not to overdose on vitmamin A in the fish oil. Get some D from the oil and some from a multi. You want D3 NOT D2.

    Silica is also very good for rebuilding. You might be able to find a combination supplement at the health food store. You will want a good balanced multi-vit-min as well. I take vitamins made by Dr. Marina Johnson, but there are many fine Gluten Free supplements.

    Hopefully others will chime in too.

    And resistance exercises is good for your bones. This is a must!!

  9. Yes you can become sensitive to other grains. Especially while your gut is healing. Armour contains corn starch. So it is more likely the lactose in your new pills that is a problem.

    It could also be that your body utilized the natural hormones better than the synthetic. This is very common. I cannot take synthetic. And my Sister didnt do well on synthetic either until she added a small amount of Armour to her regular dose. Now my Mom is trying to get some Armour to add to hers after hearing how well we are doing with the natural.

    From what I am seeing, a lot of vegetarian Celiacs are finding it hard to eat the alternative grains too. This sucks big time for you. I wish I knew what to tell you other than get to know squashes and potatoes more intimately.

  10. You arent alone Marty.:)

    I never registered abnormal antibodies.....but neither did my Mom...who got dx Hashi's when they were removing her thyroid for cancer. She had little thyroid left for the body to attack!!! So her antibody tests came up negative.

    I should test again soon.

  11. And you arent really lying because your family may just not have been diagnosed yet. ;)

    I think it is important for you to get an official dx if you can because you have a daughter and it sounds that will help you with your family/husband.

    Keep eating the gluten.....only a week wait.

    You can go gluten-free as soon as you leave the GI's office AFTER an endoscopy. Try to get it scheduled ASAP!

  12. Ask GI for a complete Celiac blood panel. They can do that too. Then you might need an endoscopy. There are ways to get what you want from doctors. Given your family history. I see no reason you cannot say. My family has it and I need to be tested now because I have symptoms. He isnt going to interview your family. They screw with us non-stop. Get what you want out of him (or her).

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