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Some use Slippery Elm, Glutenese, Marshmallow, pro-biotics and such.
My daughter is 12 and will make her own breakfasts and lunches often. She loves Amy's gluten-free mac and cheese with little sliced pieces of hot dog. She also loves making her own sushi with the little kits. She opens a can of salmon or tiny shrimp and put them in the nori roll with rice and avacado, carrot........It can be fun for kids too to learn how to make things for themselves. And it takes some pressure off of you too.
I dont know if cancer scares you, or lymphoma, or auto-immune diseases like diabetes type 1, graves disease, hashimotos, MS. Those could be in your future if you continue to poison yourself with gluten.
It is like the smoker who "feels fine" and then one day gets dx with terminal lung cancer.
It is like the woman who works at the fertilizer plant and then has 6 stillborn babies.
Damage does not have to be "felt".
You have your dx.
You know what to do.
It is up to you to decide.
Is it worth the risk?
Wrap your head around this. People like helping others. It makes them feel good (not put out). When you are thoughtful and generous to another human being, how do you feel? It should make you feel very good. So let your parents and in-laws feel GOOD!! Let them get that spiritual gratification. And allow yourself to accept their support. It is a win/win.
Some digestive enzymes arent a bad idea. Make sure they have lipase in them to help her digest fat. She doesnt need go take them with a light meal of say fruit and yogurt. But a larger meal, especially if fatty.
Also, she is likely deficient in fatty acids since she isnt absorbing fat real well. Some fish oil caps would help. Or flax oil if you are vegan.
I have found that most grains raise my BS too much. Especially the flours....way too much.
So I am sticking with all meats, eggs, nuts & seeds, fruits, veggies and for carbs I am eating squashes/sweet potatoes (but not too much on the carbs). This keeps me stable. I eat 5 meals a day spaced out.
Most importantly I EXERCISE everyday. I find that walking keeps my BS more stable than any other exercise.
Also VERY IMPORTANT to stay hydrated. If you become dehydrated it concentrates the sugar in your blood.
You need fiber. Consider adding chia seeds and flax seeds to your diet. Ground up and added to things works well. Or you can be a weirdo like me and just mix em with water, let sit for 5 minutes and chug em down.
Eating vinegar with meals also helps. A nice tossed salad with vinegarette. Just avoid balsalmic (too sweet).
And if you eat potatoes...eat them cold like potato salad as this moderates their BS response.
Beans!!!! Chana Dal is excellent and delicious!!
They have now discovered that artificial sweetners make diabetes worse. Avoid them at all costs. Instead use Stevia.
I dont eat gluten or corn. And I have plenty to eat. I make one dinner. Everyone eats it or they can "fend for themselves".
You dont have to make it complicated. Try Tinkyada pasta. gluten-free and CF.
You could add a digestive enzyme high in protease to help you get more bang from the protein you do eat.
Search the forum Ray and you will find a lot of info about Glutenese.
Basically it could help to take when eating out and you worry about cross contamination. But you CANNOT take them and then eat gluten. It does not work this way. And if you are Celiac for sure, please do not think this will help you eat gluten foods.
The people in here that use it, use it only if they accidentally get glutened or as a precaution when eating out.
Here is the one I use. I use the unflavored one. But they have flavors:
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I use one heaping Tlb per smoothie. You will have to play with it to see what you like.
Hi Marty,
The very first thing that comes to mind is that during the warmer months people eat A LOT more fruit. Many people have trouble digesting too many fruits (me included). So this is where I would look.
Also the warmer more humid months make produce "ripe" for fungus and bacteria to thrive and grow. You will want to wash all of your fruits and veggies VERY WELL. I use two spray bottles (1 with vinegar and 1 with peroxide). This combo has been studied at major universities and has been proven to kill nearly all harmful pathogens on produce. Then you rinse it off with water. And there is no worries if you dont get it all off as small amount of peroxide will not hurt.
I too have thyroid. I am currently on Armour and doing pretty well on it.
I was a vegetarian for about 7 years and Vegan for a few of them. But I must tell you that my health improved by leaps and bounds when I added just a little meat back in. My digestion improved, my hair got thicker and I had more energy. I believed that not eating meat was healthier. For me, this was not the case. If the reason you do not eat meat is for "health" reasons, this is just something to consider.
If you have ethical reasons for being a vegetarian. I totally understand and support you.
I personally was able to get over the moral/ethical issue when I learned that tons of animals are killed to plow/till/cultivate/harvest a field of produce. That heavy equipment kills so many small animals (field mice, moles, etc.) and destroys habitats for nesting birds, foxes, etc......all in order for me to live. But this is my own personal understanding of life and I support whatever you believe is best for you.
Feel I should be thorough in my responses......
Hope this helps!
There are so many good protein powders out there now depending on what you tolerate. I personally did not do well with rice protein. But do great with HEMP. A lot of them sell individual packets so you can try them without a huge investment.
Im rooting for you!!
See I think it needs less cooking than they say and that for a lot of people it doesnt hold up to "over cooking".
I dont eat a lot of pasta and right now I am on a grain free trial for a few weeks. But my next venture will be to try what I just heard. 2 minute boil and then sit for 13-14 minutes....checking OFTEN.
Awesome Jill that the blood type diet worked for you!! We are all so very unique.
I tried the blood type diet with limited success. It did cut the bloating and gas down. I am A+ and learned that I clearly do better with a lot more meat in my diet than D'Adamo suggests. But you are not the only one that I have heard of it really helping A LOT.
This is an example of something inexpensive that might be worth trying and that can give some people HOPE. It works for some.....so why not?
I have gotten this problem from time to time. But I am a female and it comes from bacteria getting pushed up into the urethra. D-Mannose for a few days works like a charm everytime for me.
But I dont know about guys anatomy.
Just keepin it real for those that might feel deflated thinking......if I only had the "right" doctors....and got the "right" tests....from the "right" labs....I could get well.
You do not need all of the "right" things that are "right" for someone else to heal. Everyone should be encouraged to HOPE that what they are trying could work for them.
There are threads where people just want to know if something worked for others or not. That is a great place to say. No that didnt help me. Or yes that helped.
Saying.....you can do ALL this, but NONE of it will work until you get the "right""right""right" whatever......Doesnt help everyone. And in fact, depresses some people.
Humans are impatient by nature. We want to get well yesterday. But for a lot of people going gluten-free might be the answer, but it can take time to recover. Hunting down the "right" doctors....spending crap loads of money on the "right" tests....with the "right" labs....could be an exercise in futility (not to mention expense).
So if someone wants to try making their own yogurt, taking probiotics, colonics, etc. (things that are not exhaustive and expensive). Why shouldnt they?
I have neuro symptoms and gluten sensitivity genes that have been related to neuro symptoms. I have been told by numerous people, books, etc. that it can take me up to a year or 2 to heal. There is no need for me to continue to punish myself.......
I am gluten-free for 3 months and going to do supportive things for my body and give it time to heal. And that will include making my own yogurt (which I miss because I am not eating dairy). Already seeing improvements.....
Offering another point of view. It is my nature.
You could not worry about it and use what you want...and hope for the best....or be certain and use things like Dove products. Burts Bees has A LOT of gluten-free products that I like.
I find the enzymes do help me a lot. I have used the Digest Gold and there are cheaper brands that are gluten-free as well.
You need to be 100% Gluten Free. No tasting. Hopefully if you can do this and get the biopsy to show no damage. That should be your goal.
I had a long conversation with someone at the Gluten Free Mall and she said that all of the labels will be changing soon. I believe she said September. Anyway, TJ is just getting ready for it.
It is true that unless a product is tested, they will not be able to call it "Gluten Free" (exceptions as noted). And they will all say processed on equipment that also processes (the common allergens such as peanuts, nuts, wheat, dairy, etc.)
She said to not be surprised that products I have been using that said "gluten free" no longer do.
It is so great that you have found really good doctors to work with. You are EXTREMELY blessed my dear.
Not everyone here has that luxury. Some of us are on HMO's. Some are on disability. Some just do not have access to good doctors in their area. Some are so absolutely disgusted with doctors that they cannot physically/emotionally go see yet another one.
Seek and ye shall find. It is normal, natural and healthy to look. You can find answers on your own. Having doctors who know how to treat these sorts of problems is not the only way to find help. And if you cannot find a good doctor, you do not have to give up and not try new things just because someone on this board says it didnt work for them.
I have healed my body from quite a few things without the aid of a doctor. In fact, healing myself naturally when the doctor wanted to mutilate me with surgery. I didnt give up and I certainly am forging my own path in life.
I observe, listen and interact with others here. Their experiences are valuable, but and this is a big BUT, just because others have "tried everything under the sun" without any relief, does not mean that a person should not try things for themselves if it feels right to do so.
And for those who can afford it, you can get the Organic Acid test and CDSA through Direct Labs and other Labs online. If you cannot find a good doctor, there are always options.....
You might want to try a balanced amino acid supplement too to help rebuild that leg.
What an awful thing! I had a roommate from hell once too....decided I would rather live in a rat hole (if it was all I could afford) than risk another roomie.
Hope you are in a safe place now.
Ezekiel Bread
in Meet Up Room
Ummm....Gluten sensitivity is hereditary. There are other genes different from Celiac. But our parents most certainly pass them on to us.
We all respond to gluten differently. Some Celiacs have NO SYMPTOMS at all, but are damaging their bodies nonetheless.