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  1. My Vita-Mix has a dry container and special blades for grains. It works very well. I always sift the flour though to make sure there arent some larger bits I missed. I also enjoy that it is a multi-purpose machine.

    If I could only have one appliance, it would be my Vita-Mix. I love it!

    I just wish they werent so expensive. I bought a new one when I went gluten-free because my old containers and blades were contaminated. And the containers are so expensive, that it must made sense to me to buy a new machine which came with 2 new containers. I now have a back up engine if anything every goes wrong with the new one. However, the old one is over 12 years old and still works great!

  2. I sure hope you have not been gluten free since May 1st as your biopsy might come up negative as your villi might have healed to a point where the biopsy will not pick up damage.

    The villi begin healing as soon as you cut gluten out of your diet and some people heal VERY quickly (within weeks). So if you are gluten free and have been for more than a few weeks, dont be surprised if the biopsy comes back negative and you do not get a Dx of Celiac.

    But with your blood YOU ARE Celiac. So try not to be lulled into a sense of security based on the biopsy. If you continue to eat gluten you will be damaging yourself and setting yourself up for auto-immune, cancer, etc.

    ***Now to answer your question. I avoid both of these things because I am sensitive to MSG and both of these contain it. MSG comes from seaweed, so they can still call it "natural". I personally do not buy any product that does not list everything out individually.

    I WOULD NOT buy this product:

    Ingredients: Rice flour, tapioca flour, xanthum gum, modified palm oil, spices and natural flavoring.

    But I WOULD buy this one:

    Ingrediets: Rice flour, tapioca flour, xanthum gum, palm oil, thyme, parsley, rosemary and sea salt.

    ***Manufacturers now know that we look for "hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated" so they use "modified" to fool us and since the Govt allows some trans fats and they can still claim zero trans fats, this is how they get around it and trick us into buying their crap. If the oil has been modified in anyway they have to claim that. They just dont have to tell you "how" it was modified.

  3. I have low Vit D and iron as well. Taking extra vit C (like 2000 mg a day) and taking magnesium (at least 500 mg per day) can help with the C. You should take calcium and magnesium when you take Vit D or it can actually deplete you of calcium.

    You could try 1000 calcium and 500 magnesium plus Vit D (my doctor has me on 5000 IU a day till I catch up). Should retest every 3-4 weeks to make sure you dont go over.

    It is safe to take 2000 mg Vit C a day and it also helps you absorb the iron.

  4. I have mostly neuro symptoms and not GI. But years ago I had horrible stomach/GI issues. Meat killed me. And I was soooo limited.

    But I started taking digestive enzymes and HCL and I was able to eat normally again. This is something for you to consider. Over time I weaned off of the HCL and I can eat meat now with no problems. I still take digestive enzymes.

  5. All of these tests are expensive and I must confess I have felt duped sometimes.

    For instance I had no reaction to raspberries this past A.L.C.A.T. but get a reaction when I eat them. And some of the things I reacted to, I can eat just fine.

    About 2 years ago I did Enterolab and everything came back negative (wheat, dairy, egg, soy). At about that time I also did a home test blood spot for gluten and wheat which came back negative as well. A.L.C.A.T. was negative for wheat and gluten too. Regular Allergist did skin prick and I was negative for wheat. Now that was A LOT of money to spend!!!

    Fast forward to 4 months ago. Negative for celiac (both blood and genetic). Positive genetic DQ1 and DQ3 with Enterolab. I didnt do the stool this time and I didnt do the genetic last time. A.L.C.A.T. this time showed SEVERE reaction to gliadin and MODERATE to wheat.

    This is my 3rd A.L.C.A.T. and I never responded to wheat or gluten before.

    The funny thing is that you are MORE likely to show a response to a food on A.L.C.A.T. if you are currently ingesting it on a regular basis. I had been gluten-free for a month when I had this A.L.C.A.T. done this time, so the fact that it showed up was enough for me to feel secure in my decision to go gluten-free. That and my genes.

    Now I am migraine free for almost 3 months. That is like getting 12 days of my life back so far!!

    So they may be helpful or they may not. You still have to do A LOT of sleuthing yourself.

  6. I tried the Instead years ago. Within 15 minutes I thought I was gonna pass out. I was driving and had to pull over and take it out barehanded. A flood of relief came over me. I mentioned this to my Gyno on my next visit and he said that some women have a nerve on their cervix that when stimulated makes them feel lightheaded. And all those years I wondered why I felt as if I would pass out after a gyno exam. I never said anything because I thought it was psychological. Anyway, they dont work for me.

  7. The body has an innate ability to know when a pregnancy is not viable. It could be for a number of reasons. Including deficiencies, overwhelming stress, immune dysfunction, etc.

    You are doing the best you can. Eating healthy. You are going to find out if you have deficiencies and correct them.

    Now....please find a way to calm and relax yourself. Yoga would be an excellent choice. Find a group for pregnant women that deals with exercise. You need positive energy in your life right now.

  8. Most doctors dont like me and the feeling is mutual.

    I would have said, "Well doc. if I have gallstones, I am sure you know that is a common symptom of celiac??" I have a family history of celiac. And my daughter is thriving on a gluten free diet. I am sure you will consider that I might have celiac?? I am certain that you can see the obvious and will order the appropriate celiac tests. I have faith in you.

    You have to make them think that it is their idea. You gotta learn how to talk to them.

  9. When I had post pardum thyroiditis my eyes did seem larger and they hurt. I went to the eye doctor and everything checked out o.k. Once my thyroid went from hyper to hypo the eye symptoms went away.

    Try not to worry about what "might" happen and focus on what is happening "right now". Believe you will be well and believe in your body's ability to heal. Please do not listen to anyone who says thyroid disease is incurable (doctors and people in here).

    I was told I had something that could be cured by only surgery 7 years ago. It healed on it's own (I did some natural therapy) and I get a clean scan every year for 7 years.

    I believe my thyroid can heal. But I have deliberately chosen to suppress my thyroid right now (with medication) because it gets rid of symptoms and I have too much on my plate to deal with healing it right now. And the symptoms were so bad that it would have interfered with the other healing I going through. It is a conscious choice. But I believe my thyroid can heal itself.

  10. Whenever you are on T3 (Cytomel or Armour) your TSH will be suppressed. Mine has been fully suppressed for over a year. I feel horrible otherwise. My doctor ignores the TSH and looks at the FREE T3 and Free T4. And for me, my FREE T3 has to be slightly over normal for me to feel well.

    Your doctor should be assessing your symptoms and not just your labs. It is easy to know when you go "hyper" from a "hypo" state. It happened to me when I had my daughter. I got post pardum thyroiditis and was hyper for awhile.


    Heart Beating Fast

    Sweating when you shouldnt be




    Weight Loss

    Loose Stools

    Feel Hot

    Do you have these types of symptoms?




    Sleep a lot or wish you could

    Constipated (if you have celiac also you can have D and be hypo)

    Dry Skin

    Water retention/weight gain (although some hypos can be thin like me)

    No motivation

    Hair Loss

    No Libido

    And the list goes on.........

    Feel Cold

  11. I cannot say if I have Hashi's because my tests were neg for antibodies. However, my Mom tested neg for antibodies for years and when they removed her thyroid, they found out why. There wasnt much left of the organ to attack. Not everyone shows antibodies unfortunately.

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