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  1. Is she getting enough fiber? Drinking enough water?

    For fiber: Chia seeds, flax seeds, Hemp

    8 - 10 glasses of water a day

    Magnesium does work, but you cannot randomly throw in a single supplement. The body needs balance. If you add magnesium, you will need to balance with calcium. If you add calcium, you will need trace minerals to balance it.

    You can use magnesium gluconate from Solgar now and again, but a long term solution is best. More fiber, adequate water and balanced multi-vit-mineral.

  2. Gerri,

    I would just stick with whole foods for now. Fruits, veggies, meats, nuts and seeds (maybe some alternative grains like quinoa and buckwheat). And then later experiment with gluten-free products.

    My blood sugar was higher than normal for about the first month gluten-free. Then it calmed down. I dont eat ANY of the processed gluten-free products because of my blood sugar. I bought some good cookbooks and I bake at home. That way I can have FIBER in my baked goods which helps with my blood sugar A LOT.

    When my sugar tested high during the day, I would jump on my exercise bike for 10-15 minutes which brought it down nicely.

    I also made sure to have something acidic with my meals with carbs. Lemon juice, vinegar based dressing on salad.

    I hope you get it under control soon.

  3. What caused severe acid reflux in such a little girl to begin with? My guess is gluten.

    I just attended a Celiac Support group here locally over the weekend. One woman there is now in her mid 40's. She was dx Celiac when she was a young child. Then she started eating some wheat in her teens and so her doctor said that she had "grown out of it". So her Mom fed her wheat again. She said all seemed fine until about 3 years ago when she started developing neuro symptoms. It took them a year to figure it out. How? She finally remembered that she had been dx as a child, so they ran the tests and biopsy and both were positive. She also discovered she had cancer. And she has permanent peripheral neuropathy. She cut the tip of her finger off recently and didnt even feel it. She just noticed the blood all over the veggies she was slicing.

    It's your child. But if it were mine and she had a biopsy positive dx and 2 CELIAC GENES. I would keep her gluten free. What she does as an adult will be up to her. But I would emphasize the importance of the diet.

  4. I have neuro symptoms. I do not have MS, but am following the MS recovery diet. I figure anything that heals nerves is what I want. Basically it is: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Legume Free, Yeast Free and Egg Free

    I have plenty to eat and am very hopeful.

    Def. look into other intolerances.

  5. It sounds multi-faceted to me. Have you been tested for Celiac? Thyroid? Parasites? Iron/Ferritin lately? Vitamin D? B vitamins? Calcium and Magnesium?

    I understand not wanting to go to a Dr. all too well. But if you have insurance, you really should take the time to try to find a good one that will help you. Osteopathic MDs are often good, Naturopaths if you have them.

    You can get all of these blood tests on your own through places like directlabs and healthusa. But be warned, they are expensive and add up quickly. If you have the money, you can do this to find out about your nutritional status. But why not let insurance pay for it?

  6. Hi Caz,

    I have those type symptoms. Everyone says it takes time for the neuro symptoms to heal. Up to a year or 2. So we have to be patient. Believe me, patience is NOT my forte. But I am tired of it as well. I have suffered for 12 years. I can wait to be well. :)

    Hang in there.


  7. I checked the humaworm. Of course EVERY parasite cleanse manufacturer says theirs is the best. That humaworm just has way to many things in it that I am sensitive to (legumes and nightshades). Not to mention senna nearly kills me. Explosive D for days and severe abdominal cramping. Worse than labor. Way worse. I will never ingest that stuff again.

    Everyone that uses humaworm claims to see the same exact critters. I wonder if they dont "plant" freezdried critters into those pills so people find them in their poop. Then they become believers and then preach to others and then they sell more product.

    I am 1/2 tempted to buy it and pour all of the caps into a bowl of water and let it sit for 24 hours and see what "comes up".......

  8. Welcome.

    Stick to your normal diet until you see the GI doctor. A biopsy can give you more proof of celiac. But with 2 positive blood tests, you are celiac. There are no false positives.

    After your biopsy. I mean right after, you will need to stop eating gluten.

    There are some great books that will explain it all. "Dangerous Grains", "Going Against The Grain" and some books by Dr. Peter Green.

    It is far too complex to explain it all here. But, yes, certain cancers including lymphoma, stomach and intestinal cancers are more common in celiacs as is type 1 diabetes (which can come at any age).

    The good news is that after 5 years on a Gluten Free diet, your risk for these cancers will be the same as the general population. Do not worry about them. Just go gluten free. But not until after your biopsy.

  9. Another weird thing is, that I used to get sebaceous cysts (lumps on my head that would grow), that had to be surgically removed (I had that done several times, and my dad used to get huge ones, and two of my daughters get them, too).

    Two of them had been growing again. But I just checked (don't know why) and they are gone! I read once that they could be like 'breeding chambers' for a type of parasite. Yuck.

    I have these. I have been getting them since highschool. I have had 4 removed. And right now, I have 5 of them on my head. 2 are big and time to remove. I have done parasite cleanses a few times. I never saw anything in the toilet. No die-off. And didnt change my symptoms at all. And I still have the cysts.

    Wonder if something else you are doing got rid of them.........

  10. It sounds exactly like conversations I have had with myself. Questioning is natural. We all do it.

    For instance, I have cut out gluten, but I have also cut out dairy, yeast, eggs, legumes, nightshades and now citrus. Maybe one of them is the problem. Or none of them. If I get completely better then I can challenge each one to try to determine which one(s) it is. OR if I never get better, then what?? Do I just start eating them all again??

    For me, here is the deal. I have decided that I will NEVER eat gluten again. I have two genes DQ1 and DQ3 which are both implicated in neuro symptoms which is what I have!! This is enough for me not to eat it. Regardless of the outcome of all of my dietary exclusions. I dont need gluten. It is not essential. Im not gonna eat it again.

    The rest I might challenge at some point. But right now I am making a commitment to all of these for at least 1 year. Nerves take time to heal. So far, I have improved. No more migraines. PN is better and I am no longer pooping all day.

    I eat well. I dont feel deprived. I will just keep at it.....

  11. The grapeseed and quercitin are not a "quick fix". It takes a few weeks to a month to build up enough in your system. Front load and then get down to a "maintenance" dose. Double what every the bottle recommends for a week or two and then go down to the recommendation. Both are non-toxic.

  12. A perfect example is Osteoprosis. The bones are brittle and weak. But the worst thing you could do is "rest" them. What you have to do is put some "stress" on the bones and then it will set of a cascade of bio-chemical process (enzymes and hormones) that tell the body to "build bone"!! You will actually absorb more calcium and Vitamin D when you put stress on the bones than you would if you just laid around in bed. Inactivity makes osteoprosis worse!! And the same is true for testosterone. You need to build the muscles on an ongoing basis for them to tell your body to create more testosterone for the types of activity you are doing.

    Now overdoing it and getting completely exhausted is another thing. That is counterproductive. Moderate exercise is key.

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