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I tested negative with Kimball, but postitive with Enterolab DQ1 and DQ3 (Subtype 6 and 7 respectively). I wonder if Kimball messed up mine too. Or if Enterolab would have found DQ2 or DQ8 if they existed......
Im sorry. But why on earth would you want to "mask this pain" so you can go on that walk? You will just further injure your body. Pain is your body's way of telling you to "slow down", "rest", "take it easy". Pushing yourself physically beyond what your body allows might give you a mental high, but it is destroying the vessel that carries your brain around......
Go to the bookstore and look at "Cooking Free". I have to avoid most of those things too. This cookbook is excellent for us.
I crash on too many carbs too. Go into a coma. So I disagree with adding a bunch of carbs.
I do best with meats, veggies, fats (nuts and oils) and small amounts of carbs (whole grains and fruit).
Grapeseed extract and Quercitin keep mine away. Both are natural anti-histimines. Our allergy season starts around February. I used to start taking them then. I now just take them year around and dont get the allergies anymore and I used to live off "Allerest".
Jessica what a relief for you!! I wish you healing and light.
It's tricky because even if he is gorging on gluten for months before the test, it can still be neg. The tests just arent always accurate. Blood tests are notoriously inaccurate. And biopsy is hard because often the damage is "patchy" and they could miss it.
With this said, I would think to go ahead with he blood work. AND get genetic tests to see if he has the Celiac Genes.
You an also opt for Enterolab (which uses stool to test and saliva to do the genetic testing).
This is me. Only my hair is even shorter now.
I did send an email to Janet to make sure I would be welcomed. Someone said that some Celiac groups are very particular about who they allow. Some require "gold standard" diagnosis. Which isnt me. So Ive asked. On the off chance she says that I am not welcomed, then I would not be there. It is hard for me to imagine any group excluding others that have the same issue (but dx differently), but that is just me.....
Hopefully, she says "welcome" and I will see you there!!
You can get chia for 8.95 a lb here:
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Keep in mind that you dont use A LOT of them for baking. I have a pound I bought 4 months ago and I was eating a 1/2 scoop every few days in my smoothies (and now with baking) and I still have not finished it. Chia do not go rancid quickly like most nuts and seeds. Can be stored in the fridge for a long time.
Everyone has their own idea of economical. But to me, these are not expensive. Something that costs under 20 bucks and can last me for 4 -6 months. I wish I could say this about the gluten free grains. Now they are expensive compared to wheat!!
Hi Leslie!!
I live in Temple Terrace. I will be going to the meeting tomorrow at 1 pm at Jimmie Keel library. It is only about 10 minutes from me. Is that the one you are going to???
It will be my first time too.
You could get genetic tests through Enterolab. You might feel even more confident if you have the celiac genes that you are making the right decision.
For eating out. You can always take a veggie burger (gluten-free). I like Sunshine Burgers. Order a salad and a baked potato and be safe. This allows you to be social with your restrictions. I have found that Thai is really good for vegan/gluten-free eating. Tell them "no soy sauce".
I always tell them that I am allergic to wheat and gluten. That they need to use a fresh clean pan for me. And just veggies (chicken cuz I do eat meat. You could ask for tofu if soy doesnt bother you) and sesame oil. Plain salt. And nothing else. I get steamed rice. Yummy!! and very doable.
PF Changs has gluten-free menu. You cold do veggie there too.
I will add what I know. I have a Phd in Holistic Nutrition, but I do not claim to be an expert. I studied to find a solution to my own health problems. I am also an ACE certified personal trainer (not practicing right now).
Since Vitamin A and Iron are both "stored" in the body and can easily become "toxic" supplementing with higher than the RDA might be unwise without getting some blood work done first.
That is an interesting article. Great find!
Also, keep in mind that puberty relates to body fat and muscle mass. In girls, they need to reach a certain % of body fat before they start puberty unless exogenous estrogen is high. In boys, they do need to get to a certain weight, but they need enough muscle mass to encourage testosterone production. Sex hormones come from our sex organs and also from fat and muscle. Fat produces estrogen and muscle produces testosterone (in both men and women).
Exercising helps the body produce more testosterone. Anything that builds the muscles up will work. It does not have to be crazy bodybuilding or anything like that. Some light weighs a few times a week and competitive sports too. Competition increases testosterone levels. Even video games.
Another avenue you might not have considered is "exogenous estrogen". It is all over our "modern" world. We feed hormones to our animals that we eat. Certain chemicals and plastics mimic estrogen in the body. There is mounting evidence and research that all of this environmental estrogen is what is leading to infertility, more genetic variations, etc. Men are becoming femanized. And many girls are entering puberty way too soon. Google this. You will learn a lot.
Products with Lavender and Tea Tree oil specifically have been linked to too much estrogen and not enough testosterone in boys. All of the "parabens" they use to preserve creams and such have high levels of estrogenic activity. I no longer use ANY products with methylparaben, propylparaben, etc. Excess estrogen leads to breast cancer, so I avoid as many environmental estrogens as I can.
If you can, I would only buy organic milks and meats that have not had an hormonal treatments. Never microwave anything with plastic even if it says it is safe. This increases the chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body by leaps and bounds. Get natural toiletries that do not contain parabens for your son. Some competitive activity. Some weight lifting (not heavy). Specifically the quad muscles increase testosterone. That is why bodybuilders love squats.
This article discusses all the places that estrogen can be hidden.
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I hope I have offered some helpful advice. And I hope your son keeps building his body up and "catches" up soon.
You do need to be evaluated for diabetes. There is a connection between celiac and diabetes. And a lot of people are dx after going gluten-free. Dont let this scare you, just get checked out.
If all o.k. with your blood sugar, then it is possible you are "detoxing" from gluten and one way the body "flushes" that crap out is to drink a lot and urinate. A lot of us had extreme hunger for the first few weeks or so. I had it for a whole month. I was starving. But it settled down and I eat normally now.
I did get a complete diabetes panel (blood/urine) and also antibodies. I DO NOT WANT DIABETES. And I do not want it to sneak up on me. It gives peace of mind to know all is o.k. So please do get checked.
It seems there are a fair number of us who tried vegan and did not do well. And are back on meat gain. It is not a moral "failing" to go back to meat. You eat what works for your body. Meatless did not work for MY body, so I eat meat now and feel better. I have no trouble digesting it. No pains after I eat it. No D. Do cramps. No gas. I cannot say that about a lot of grains, fruits and veggies.
I guess the sad thing is that this topic turned into a debate and the original poster has not returned. I am certain all of this has scared them off from the group. And that is truly sad.
My husband and daughter have been very supportive. I could not ask for more.
Had a dinner party and explained gluten-free, but someone still brought a baked good. It had "semilina" which they thought was gluten-free. I dont fault them for their ignorance, but we said if you must bring something, wine or flowers would be lovely.
Anyway, when they arrived and I saw it, I told them it had to go out on the porch as no gluten is allowed to even sit on my counters. It made them feel uncomfy, but I simply do not care. The chips will fall where they may. Real friends will still be by my side and the rest can do eat gluten without me.....LOL
Same for family, if they cannot support me, then I dont eat their food and if they visit me, they can either eat mine or eat gluten elsewhere. I guess I am over "pleasantries" just to make everyone else comfortable. I need to be comfortable and I am important to me.
You should see a doctor. Have them run some standard bloodwork to include fasting glucose. I wouldnt ignore these symptoms.
Very well said Bully.
I wouldnt worry about your daughter "in the future" either. It is natural for children to go through a rebellious stage in their teens and she may eat gluten to spite you or just to "fit in" with her friends. There is really nothing you will be able to do to stop that. A time comes when we are all responsible for our own choices in life and puberty is when we learn this. Focus on what you CAN do now. You can control what your daughter eats now. And hopefully she will decide for her own that it is the right thing to stay gluten-free later.
That stuff would kill me. The first ingredient is "corn" and there is A LOT of it in there. Just look at all of the carbs that corn sugar puts in that "amino acid" drink. WoW!! To get my normal calorie load would put me at over 400 carbs a day (all corn sugar). My blood sugar would would.....gosh that drink alone my put me over into diabetes.
I would stick to whole foods.
I recommend you focus on "wellness".....you get more of what you put your attention on.
With your genes, symptoms and positive response to the diet, if it were me, I would dx myself Celiac.
Do you have frequent urination too? Do you seem a bit hungrier than usual? Are you more tired than normal? Irritable at all? Blurry Vision? Are you losing weight too?
You know, we really cant convince you. You are an adult. You have access to the Internet. You can learn about all of the horrible things that will happen to you if you keep eating gluten. But like a smoker who knows about lung cancer, you just dont seem to care. The first step you need to take is to learn how to love and care about yourself. Some counseling could help you here. Your disease isnt "all in your head", but your opinion of yourself is. This can be corrected. We are all worthy. I hope you find some help......
Yes, but how likely is it that "gliadin" is the only protein that can do this. My guess is there are thousands of them. As you are talking of "auto-immune" disease in general.
Vitamin Deficiencies And Growth
in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease
We are all preaching moderation with the workouts. But moving the muscles and working them sets off a chain reaction that tells the body to absorb nutrients better. So if you dont work out, you are telling your body the opposite. It might sound logical to not work out if you are deficient, but it works the other way really. Our whole bodies are a looped feedback system. Stimulus and response.
So yes, keep him active.