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  1. Hi Shay,

    I also have low ferritin and D. My PCP basically told me to take a multi vitamin, but when I went to the Naturopath she said I need much more than that. She put me on 5,000 units of D. and 750mg (120 elemental iron). I was just retested Thursday and am waiting for the results. She said when the levels are really low, it takes large doses to get the ranges back up in the normal range. My ferriton was 7 and D was 16.

    Please share your results with us Joni. I want to know!!

    I was taking Solgar's Gentle Iron, but I stopped because I got too worried. That is probably why it dropped from 22 to 19. I have read that Florivital is gluten free and good iron supplement.

    I was only taking 2500 IU of Vit D. I have now doubled it and hope in a few months to be in the "normal" range or better still "optimal".

  2. My husband and I have "date" days. We shoot for 2 times a week. We generally eat out (pack a pic-nic) and do an activity. Well, I can eat at whole foods easy enough. And he as been VERY good about gluten. But he had a brownie after his meal. And later forgot and we kissed. It immediately hit me and I ran to the bathroom and rinsed without swallowing. So he now knows and has promised "no gluten" on date days. He wants to kiss me. :)

  3. That vertigo crap is the pits!! I am soooo hoping mine goes away along with the neuropathy...back to the dark cave of hell where they came from. I also can have a "hung over" feeling in the morning. Certain foods do this to me and not just wheat. If I eat beef for dinner I get this. But not if I eat it for lunch. It is a heavy food. And my theory is that some foods that require a lot of energy to digest can leave you "hung over" in the a.m. because our energy naturally declines with nightfall. Should eat easy to digest foods at night.

  4. I just got labs back for Vit D and Ferritin (both tested low 4 months ago).

    Vit D was 14 and is now right at 28. So I have doubled it, but still below normal. I know what to do here. Higher dose of Vit. D and then retest later.

    My Ferritin was 11 a year ago and I got it to 22 and now it is down to 19.

    Here is my delima. Just taking more Iron scares me. Iron can be low because you have cancer or a bacterial infection. The body "hides" iron from cancer and bacteria to try to keep them in check. My Mom had thyroid cancer 2 years ago and my sister just had breast cancer 6 months ago. My fear is that if I just start mega dosing on the Iron, I could be feeding a problem (that I do not know I have).

    And to get a bizillion tests to try to find a cancer or bacteria seems absurd. Talking about chasing geese.

    Anyway, should my ferritin just come up naturally now that I am gluten-free? It has only been 7 weeks for me.

    I am trying to eat more iron rich foods: liver, raisins, etc.

    Any help at all here......

  5. Armour website says it is gluten-free. It is what I use. Some react to meds because their adrenal glands cannot handle the thyroid. Those have to be addressed first. Get those checked.

    Also, I take my armour sublingualy which means most of it gets directly into my blood stream via my mucus membranes. I put it under my tongue and let it dissolve.

    Hope this helps!

  6. "But from reading this, I guess feeling hungover would be from following a gluten free diet, not from eating gluten?"

    No you have read it wrong. You have to be 100% gluten free to get rid of the hangover feeling. Removing most of the gluten, but still getting CC will make you feel worse. You become "more" sensitive to exposure to small amounts of gluten.

  7. I can understand how you feel.

    If you rely on pre-packaged foods, yes your food bill can go up.

    Stock up on par-boiled brown rice (rice cakes), beans (cans or dry and dont forget refried), potatoes (baked and fries), sweet potatoes, corn (cob, grits, tortillas, corn bread) for your carbs. All of these are super cheap.

    Add leans meats, fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds.

    Healthy and need not bee expensive.

  8. It is the "unknown" damage that is scary. Just think you are eating all that gluten and could be feeding lymphoma or colon cancer. That freaks me out!~

    Both my grammy's had diabetes. You bet I watch my diet. I have been exercising since I was in my early 20's and started watching my diet about mid 20's. I dont want diabetes.

    So in the absence of symptoms, you have to focus on your future. You can choose how it will look, more than you realize.

  9. Just found this:

    Open Original Shared Link

    Looks like I am "fertile" again. I knew I was anovulatory for years. gluten-free seems to have kicked in my fertility. What a boon for women who are having trouble conceiving. A gluten-free diet may be all they need. :) And certainly worth a try.

  10. You could get your daughter tested too. Bloodwork, perhaps Enterolab if you dont want her biopsied. But you are lucky in that she is only 2 and you still CONTROL what she eats. So you can start her on a gluten-free diet early and prevent things like autoimmune diseases in your daughter. You could possibly save her from getting Type 1 Diabetes and Cancers which are connected to Celiac. Think of that!!! Hopefully that will get you out of denial and into a pro-active mode. If not for yourself, then for your daughter and unborn child.

  11. I agree with the last post. And adding some yummy gluten-free baked goods has saved me. I feel so much better. Not starving all of the time. No cravings. And for me weight loss was an issue. I am back up to my normal weight (after losing 4 pounds) and I am feeling better.

    I love (and my family loves) Bob's Red Mill Teff peanut butter cookies (only I use almond butter). I am careful not to make them all of the time, but when I crave something indulgent.....these do the trick! Just a few ingredients, 5 minutes to whip up and 12 minutes to bake.

    You do have to find things that give you pleasure. Gluten isnt the only thing that does.

    Hope all of our suggestions help.


  12. My periods were always regular. In the past I had some heavy ones, clotting and cramping, but that has been better this past year.

    Now since going gluten-free, I have this weird cramping and lower backache "mid" cylce with ovulation. This is totally new. Two cycles now gluten free and this both times. And last ovulation a bit of spotting. Wondering what this is.....hopefully is some sort of rebalancing act. :)

  13. "please make sure if you are drinking alcohol that it is for sure and for certain gluten free by ingredients not by processing."

    Good advice if you are not drinking in excess. And it sounds like you might be. You do need help for this. Alcoholism will do you no good. The more you drink the less likely you will stick to the diet (poor judgment) and you will just find yourself in a world of trouble.

    You have to be 100% gluten free. And I agree with the others. Give that a few months before you start taking other things out of your diet.

  14. I had the same problem for about the first 5 weeks. Starving!!! And losing weight too. Nuts/seeds helped and I had to start baking. Bob's Red Mill has some great and easy recipes. Look for the Teff/peanut butter cookies. My family gobbles em up!! I use almond butter instead cuz I dont do peanuts. But they give a little extra to keep you full till the next meal. I think it is like 4 or 5 ingredients and only takes 5 minutes to whip up and 12 miinutes to bake. They last for 3 or 4 days before they get stale. But we usually eat them all well before then. Did wonders for me. Im not hungry anymore and the weight has stabilized.

  15. The pictures/descriptions on the site look good. Report back to us and let us know if they are tasty.

    I tried some rice tortillas....yuck!!! I have thrown out so much gluten-free food that I am sticking to my own food. I bake better than those companies anyway. I am going to try some teff tortillas and maybe some amaranth soon. So far I have been backing yummies (gluten-free banana bread, pumpkin muffins, teff cookies) cuz I feel too deprived otherwise.

    We are eating a lot more vegetables which is good. We at a lot before, but now even better. My daughter said to me last night, "Mom, I know why most kids dont like vegetables. They just have never had vegetables cooked by you." ***grin***

    And today I made a tweeked recipe for banana muffins and my daughter tried one and exclaimed that she wanted me to stay "gluten free" forever! So I would keep baking.....

    I am enjoying it. Making the best of it. I work a full-time job (from home), have 3 rescued dogs (great danes), husband and daughter and I manage.

    But if I could have a freezer stocked with easy tasty gluten-free entrees like those sites offer, I would be darn tempted.

    Let us know!!!

  16. They say a good man is hard to find. I say a good Doctor is EVEN harder. ;)

    For those still searching. Good Docs are out there. Dont give up!!

    The doctor I am with now is actually the same doctor I consulted when I first started having these problems 12 years ago. Back then she didnt know enough to help me. A conventional M.D. who was about 2 years into Holistic medicine. But after 12 years and thousands of patients, she now knows her stuff!! It took courage for me to go back to her after she had "failed" me those years ago. But my intuition told me to go back to her.

    She has a unique way about her and she dresses in a very quirky way. But she has a sense of humor, she listens, she takes notes if I bring up something she doesnt know about. She talks turkey with me. As equals. Partners in getting me well. This is what I love most about her.

    If anyone is near Tampa FL, PM me and I am happy to share her name with you.

  17. Stopthethyroidmadness has some great information (and some not so great). But one thing you need to check is that your doctor is using the latest lab values for TSH. It used to be up to 5 was normal and now the cut off is 3. Some experts think it should be 2. My TSH was 2.8 and I was very hypo. Im on Armour. It helped a lot. My doctor treats by symptoms and not just labs anyway. The Armour has supressed my TSH. It did with the first small dose, but I needed to keep increasing my does to get rid of the hair loss (and I had a weird patch of severly kinky hair). Muscle twitches. Those went away once I got to the right dose for me. My doctor ignores the TSH now. And asks how I feel. It helps that I am well aware of the symptoms of excess (anxiety, insomnia, rapid pulse, sweating, etc.). And I am good.

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