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  1. You need calories, but not that much more right now. In a couple months, you will need A LOT more. Do you like acorn squash? It is delicious with a sprinkle of cinnamon and your favorite sweetner....baked in the oven. Yum!!

    Nuts pack nutrition and calories.

    Beef, Turkey, Eggs

    Pancakes made with grains you tolerate plus eggs.

  2. Ive noticed I am soooo much less gassy on gluten-free and when I do it isnt so stinky like before.

    Anytime you take a pro-biotic it changes your intestinal flora. It could be that randomly taking them is disrupting things a bit and causing the gas.

  3. I am gluten-free now 5 weeks and eating about 60% - 75% raw. I am in the healing phases, but the raw feels good to me. I make walnut pate's and eat with celery and carrots. I make fresh almond milk or hazelnut milk which I eat with "raw granola" by Lydia's. Lots of salads with homemade "raw dressings" and fruit smoothies. It is all very delicious and I feel great after eating raw. I am also making 2 green drinks a day (not wheatgrass). I do still eat meat as I feel best doing so. I also enjoy eggs now and again. No dairy though.

    I think it is a healthy diet to eat up to 75% raw. Not many actually feel great forever on 100% raw and the ones that do will supplemnt B12 and a few other nutrients that meat provides.

    The fact that so many vegans/raw foodists get ill and realize they NEED B12 is MORE than enough evidence for me that I need meat in my diet. Granted our ancestors might have botten B12 from grubs and bugs, but I am not going to eat those. So I will stick with fish and chicken. :) And I tried 100% RAW VEGAN for 6 months and just got sicker. When I added meat back, I felt better.

  4. I am using Chia seeds now. They dont have a strong taste like flax and they have HUGE amounts of Omega 3s (the good fats) 4 to 1 to Omega 6s. Superior to flax in this respect. And HIGH FIBER. They can be used whole or ground. And they dont give me gas. :)

  5. Tom you might be one of those that is very sensitive to even flour in the air. If they are making pizza and tossing flour around and the A/C picks it up and distributes into the air and you breath it in and get inside of you, you can react. Your food could be sitting there and the pizza prep person tosses some flour to shape some dough and some of the flour ends up on your plate. It is accidental. I am not certain I would pick Italian/Pizza places to eat or anywhere where loose four is about.

  6. This company does things right. Fresh....cold storage.

    Open Original Shared Link

    Rancidity has both a smell and a taste. I cannot explain the smell. But once you have smelled rancid oil, you will recognize it EVERYTIME. And the taste is both unpleasant and when you chew it and hold it on your tongue for a minute you get a kinda buzzy/burny feeling.....it is rancid. Spit it out!

    And this company sells very fresh climate controlled nuts/nut butters. I have spoken with them and here is no sharing of equipment with any glutinous grains. The only thing they sell with gluten is Kamut and it comes prepackaged from the processing plant. They dont even open them. So there are no cross contamination issues.

    Open Original Shared Link

    All nuts/seeds/oils/nut butters should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. 6 months in the fridge. A year in the freezer.

  7. If you are Dx celiac, then you must strive for 100% gluten free. It sounds hard at first, but it gets easier. I am on my 5th week and able to relax and enjoy my food and life.

    There are many mainstream products that are gluten free like Dove. So I have been buying Dove soaps and shampoos. Burts Bees has gluten free skincare, so I switched to those. Most toothpastes are gluten free.

    This forum has a section on "gluten-free" products. Once you know what they are, you can just do a quick skim of the ingredients list before you put it in your cart to make sure nothing new has been added. Burt's Bees updates their "gluten-free" list often and it is dated and posted on their website.

    You should try to be 100%. It is the only way you will know for sure that you can get better.

  8. I understand your rant. I sooooo wish I could be that 95 year old being interviewed and when asked what my secret is: big hunks of greasy fried meats and lots of desserts. But the fact is that junk makes me feel like crap. My blood sugar skyrockets and I cannot function. So I eat healthy. It isnt because I "want" to. I "have" to. And if I dont live as long as those Big Mac munching maniacs at least I will not feel like poop everyday of my life.:)

  9. Hi RiceGuy!

    Im juicing my own with a brand new juicer: watercress, celery, cucumbers, endive, etc. No wheatgrass, Barley Grass!! And I wouldnt buy the powdered stuff anyway. It is dead no matter what they say about "live enzymes".

    Thank you for checking!

    I have tried amaranth before and didnt care for it. Tastes like dirt to me.....

  10. I guess I have suffered that obsession for over 15 years....LOL

    Good news about the Amaranth for you. It has such an earthy flavor almost like dirt to me....but that is just me....So I dont really like it much. Any good recipes?

    I am working really hard right now to be eating about 60 - 75% RAW. So far so good. I am making green drinks twice a day too. Eating loads of veggies of all kinds except nighshades. Some fruits and nuts and seeds mostly. Chia seeds are my latest discovery and they are awesome. I add them to salad dressings and smoothies. So I dont have to eat flax all of the time (which I dont like too much either).

  11. Thank you so much everyone for responding!!

    I am doing better the last two days....not as hungry and sleeping through the night again. yippee!!

    I have upped my fat intake and I think that is helping. I am down another pound. :( But hoping it will level off soon. Im definately NOT counting fat grams.....LOL

    It's funny....I dont crave carbs anymore. I did years ago. But when I cut out refined foods and sugar, those carb cravings went away. And I am lucky that I DO NOT have candida. I have an EXCELLENT Doctor here in Florida and she has tested me every which way and I have come up NEG for candida with stool/blood and saliva.

    Here is what I have noticed too that is POSITIVE with a gluten-free diet:

    My period is due today/tomorrow. And normally the few days before....I am exhausted. But not this time. I actually have some energy! Im cleaning my house and doing the laundry. Wouldnt have managed that last cycle.

    And so far no migraine....fingers crossed.....triple crossed. :)

    My skin also looks better to me. More pink and alive. And I noticed yesterday at the grocery store more men checking me out. I have not noticed that in at least 2 years.....LOL It is either that I look better or that I feel better and am noticing this. Or maybe I am smiling more and people are responding. Ill take it!!

    Im only on week 5, but VERY hopeful!

  12. Im with Mom23 now. I eat simply and after you get used to it, you actually hate the processed stuff. Your tastes change to eat more natural foods. They really taste good if you give them a chance. Once your brain detoxes from all of the artificial taste stimulants like MSG, Natural Flavor, Artificial Flavor, etc. you will find you enjoy whole simple foods.

    I went through extreme anger many times. I have studied food for over 12 years trying to find answers to my neurological disease. I earned a PHd in Nutrition from Clayton College in the process, but still at times have sobbed openly and screamed to the heavens and unfortunately my poor DH "What can I eat?". I mean crying and screaming at the top of my lungs in the kitchen pounding the pantry. It aint pretty. But after cutting various things out over the last 12 years, I am an old pro.

    So cutting gluten out a little over a month ago wasnt that big of a deal. A few days of tantrums and now I am on a new and improved eating routine. I know my body is healing because I have seen some improvements. With neuro symptoms it can take time. In some cases over a year. So it would do me absolutely no good to stay angry. I need to stay positive so my body can heal completely. And I know it can!

    I am Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Corn Free, Night Shade Free. I challenge any of you to find "man-made" products without at least one of those. I just dont eat processed foods anymore. Even if I could find them, they would likely a. be expensive b. taste nasty.

    So what do I eat?

    Lots of Veggies (cooked and raw). I make delicious homemade dressings, pesto, sauces. I invested in a Vita-Mix blender 12 years ago. WELL WORTH IT! I eat yummy fruits. Sometimes make a baked dessert with them using gluten-free flours and or nuts. Nuts!! I love em. And you can find delicious granola's that dont have any of those I omit in them by Lydia's (google them). They are ubber yummy. I eat any meats I want (grilled, sauted, baked seasoned however I like within my allowed foods). Eggs are good with me. Rice, Quinoa, Buchwheat. You can make some delicous pilafs with them. I enjoy cooking so much now. Ive bought books and find free recipes online and am constantly experimenting.

    It really is ALL about ATTITUDE. If you can find a way to be positive, the lights will come on and you will not only heal your body and feel better physically, but you will also feel awesome mentally!


  13. Could be plain ol sugar addiction too. Sugar is EXTREMELY addictive for me. I have cut it out off and on throughout my 39 years. The longest stretch was 5 years with no sugar of any kind except what is found in fruit. And then just a little bite of hot fudge sundae....and then a few more bites next time. Then my own sundae. Then I am buying ice cream and fudge sauce for home. Then cookies. Then cake. Then scones. Then...then...then...and I wake up feeling like total crap and I crave it and get all nervous/anxiety all day. Then I realize that I "fell off the wagon". So I cut them again and it is 4 days of withdrawal hell.

    Yup....could be dairy....or the most destructive drug known to man.....sugar.

  14. That is great that corn is not your problem as it is in EVERYTHING!

    Nightshades bother me. Potatoes will give me seizure like symptoms at night. :( So I dot eat them.

    It is very difficult to find/discover the foods that we are intolerant to. But I just keep at it. I visualize myself well and in fact have healed so many things. :)


  15. I hope you have found a corn-free thyroid solution. That was my reason for commenting here. Westhroid is a good choice if you want natural and not synthetic.

    I guess in my case when the symptoms are vertigo, migraines and neuropathy which have totally altered my life as you might imagine, I wont want to risk eating gluten again. That is if I get better. When I do, I cannot see myself saying, gee this weekend would be a good one to be in bed vomiting and spinning non-stop or perhaps a crippling migraine, so I am going to "challenge" gluten. This is just me. Only 4 weeks gluten-free so far and I understand the nerves/nervous system takes time to heal.

  16. Hi Rachel,

    Westhroid by RLC labs is EXACTLY like Armour without the corn starch. It is hypoallergenic. But it cannot be taken sublingually. It doesnt dissolve and it tastes nasty.

    I avoid corn too. I am not sure it is a problem for me because my symptoms didnt improve after avoiding it for a year.

    I am 1 month in Dx Gluten Sensitive, so I am hopeful.

    With your genes, I wouldnt eat gluten no matter how I felt. That is just me.


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