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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by ohsotired

  1. I have (had?) problems with bananas too. Not crippling stomach pain, but a serious belly ache that makes me nauseous and thinking I'd feel better if I just threw up (TMI sorry). I can eat them baked in things or fried with no problems. I kind of wonder if this problem may have been fixed after almost 3 years of being gluten free. I haven't been brave...
  2. I have a Keurig, and I've not been glutened by any of the K-cups. But then, I rarely drink anything other than really dark roasts - no flavored coffees, no tea, no hot chocolate. If you also get the "My K-Cup" you can put your own coffee grounds in it and run it through the machine. Like cbear said, that way you know exactly what you're getting.
  3. Just wanted to share with you that I was dx'd late last August, and it's just been in the last month and a half have I seen any real weight gain. For YEARS, I could eat anything and everything and not go above 105lbs (5'1"). Mostly, I hovered right around 100lbs (may have gone lower, but dreaded getting on the scale as I was scared to...
  4. Hi Nicole, I'm 34, have been on the gluten-free diet since late August last year, and have recently begun my own trials & tribulations regarding my Auntie Flo. Started off on the gluten-free diet with periods being pretty normal except for the fact that I suddenly had no real PMS and none of the usual symptoms to let me know it was coming. This...
  5. Hi megg! I just wanted to say, I totally understand how you feel! I'm pretty new to all this, and just as I start thinking I've got a handle on the diet, I mess up somehow! I got tired of chicken and rice really quick, so I went looking for recipe books to help. I ended up purchasing "You Won't Believe It's Gluten Free...
  6. I can't say that I've ever had a localized reaction from any foods (knocking on wood) but rather an upset stomach. Ragweed does bother me, but not to the extent that it bothers some. I get dry, grainy, itchy eyes, and lots of sneezing and congestion. But like I said, I know others have it way worse than me. So yes, I will be talking to my doc about this...
  7. Interesting! This is likely why raw bananas (in any form - by themselves, in a smoothie) upset my stomach so badly, but if they've been baked into something they're fine. There are a few other foods that are like this with me, but I can't think of them ATM. Guess I should discuss this with my doctor, huh?
  8. I was just puzzled as to how he came to the conclusion with what appears to be negative blood work, that's all. I have recently acquired new info on family health history that erases all doubt, however! I learned just today that I have two family members that have been positively diagnosed with celiac disease, and a third that self diagnosed (all on my...
  9. FINALLY! A call from the GI doc's office (8/22) and the nurse tells me "it looks like you may have a mild case of Celiac Disease; try a gluten free diet for a few weeks to see how you feel." LOL I asked her to send me a copy of my results for my records, which arrived yesterday (8/25). I was thinking that since this office didn't seem to know much about...
  10. I really wish I understood this too, but I don't. I need to find a new GI doc; this one isn't real versed in anything Celiac. I just started working full time again - and it's been quite the adjustment period.
  11. You got it - I don't believe I've been tested on the T3 free and/or T4 free - just he TSH. I do believe the better flow thing from a different vein. Mine is in my right arm, and I always have to put up a fight to get them to go for the right arm when I have blood drawn. They always seem to want to go for the left, where the vein disappears as soon...
  12. That seems somewhat bittersweet, huh? You're not crazy (which is good) but your thyroid is overactive (not good)........ I did have my TSH tested, and the results were within the normal range. But to my knowlege the TSH was the only thyroid related test they did, and I know there are others that should be done as well (FREE something or other). I know...
  13. mirabella - of course you're not getting on my nerves! (I do have to apologize for taking so long to reply though! Been a rough few days!) I wish I could tell you how well the B Complex vitamins are working for me, but I have been VERY bad about remembering to take them. I think maybe I'll put them right next to my coffee maker, as...
  14. mirabella - I tend to walk away too. I just get so frustrated. Definitely try the probiotics - they do help me, when I remember to take them. I haven't tried enzymes, so perhaps I'll try those out as well.
  15. My daughter actually laughed out loud at me the other day because I couldn't remember the word for something.......and I snapped at her. I felt terrible about it, but it's so frustrating and it seems to be getting worse. Your damaged villi weren't enough for a dx? I've started taking a B-Complex vitamin, which supposedly will help with the brain fog...
  16. I had a follow up with my GI doc on Thursday, and he said that everything is 'normal' (colonscopy/biopsy, stool samples, blood work). We talked about the high values on some of my previous blood results and he said it was really nothing to worry about, but that we could do testing for B12/Folic acid levels. I pushed for the rest of the Celiac Panel blood...
  17. Got a phone call from the GI doc's office with test results from the stool samples and my colonoscopy biopsies. "Everything looks normal; no indication of parasites or colitis. Follow ups are usually scheduled for 4-6 weeks after the colonoscopy." HUH?? All we've done is rule out some pretty bad stuff (for which I am quite grateful, don't get me wrong...
  18. Mine is wearing thin. I still don't have test results from the stool samples, and don't expect biopsy results until early next week sometime. It's been really hard to sit around and NOT dwell on the possibilities. And if those come back negative, what next? I still need to address having the rest of the Celiac Panel done (they only tested for tTG IgA)...
  19. This is intended to show the lighter side of my experience with having a colonoscopy. Please bear in mind it was NOT funny as I was going through it, but in retrospect, it's hilarious to me. I hope you find amusement in it as well. First of all, let me say that I was terrified - TERRIFIED - of having this done. Other than a skull fracture when I was...
  20. Hi Caroline! Thanks for your comment! Wow, since you were two? How old are you now? That's crazy scary about the croutons sending you to the hospital - and that quickly too! I'll shoot you an email so we can chat a bit!
  21. Got a phone call from the GI office today. Blood test results.......(drum roll)...............normal. No further details on what normal means or what all they tested for. I'm going to swing by tomorrow and pick up printed copies for my records and see what exactly they tested for. Stool samples were dropped off on 7/21 so still waiting on those...
  22. ohsotired

    Gi Visit

    Today was my visit with the GI doctor. I think I like this guy. He asked a lot of questions, and took a lot of notes. I told him that there's a history of IBS in my family, as well as Diverticulitis and Ulcerative Colitis. I also told him that I'd been 'diagnosed' with IBS about 8 years ago. He asked me "How were you diagnosed?" I must have had a funny...
  23. Gerri, thanks for your comment. The items you added above - are those symptoms you have as well? I wish you luck with your biopsy - please post an update when you have results!
  24. (I'm a little behind in posting, so this has been backdated.) So I saw a doctor today. He seemed really receptive to the things that I was telling him, but he said to me "well if you think it's gluten related then stop eating it for a while and see what happens." I asked him about the possibility of that affecting test results and he says "Oh they can...
  25. Six days back into a glutenous diet, and last night I wanted to die. With a capital D. I ate a ceasar salad for dinner that had chicken, feta and parmesan cheese, portabella mushrooms and croutons. I also had a couple slices of foccacia bread with asiago cheese on it. Within 30 minutes of finishing dinner, I had a stomach ache. Within an hour, it felt like...
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