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Ms. Skinny Chic

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  • GlutenGuy36

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  1. I had a similar dream once before 2. Wheat and Gluten are really bad for you...
  2. I think that I have Henoch Schonlein purpura or ITP. I have this awful looking purple bruise like patch or splotches on my face. I have had this problem, since I was a kid. Doctors don't really know how to treat this thing??? I notice the patch gets darker sometimes and other times it fades away slightly. Until, I can get some sound medical advice. I am...
  3. I think that I have Henoch Schonlein purpura too. I have this awful looking purple bruise like patch or splotches on my face. I have had it since, I was a kid. Doctors don't really know how to treat this thing??? I notice the patch gets darker sometimes and other times it fades away slightly. Until, I can get some sound medical advice. I am depending on...
  4. Millet makes me sick. I purchased this loaf of millet bread for $ 5.00 and the stuff made my stomach cramp. That bread was a wasted investment. I think my gluten free millet bread was produced in a factory with wheat breads. It could have been cross contaminated by other breads. It is depressing... Going gluten free is almost like walking through landmines...
  5. Don't eat it.. Millet Allergies are more severe than wheat allergies. I am afraid to try buckwheat now too.. My mind tells me to avoid experimenting with any new grains. Rice Flour and Chestnut flour are my friends...lol
  6. Millet makes me physically ill. I have tried the millet bread and cereal --each product made me physically ill. I experienced abdominal cramping and other unpleasantness..lol If, it makes you sick.. I recommend you avoid it like the plague. I do. Recently, I read somewhere else on the net of other people with celiac disease having issues with the...
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